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Home » Eclipse Projects » Technology Project and PMC » complain about SWT on OSX
complain about SWT on OSX [message #592185] Thu, 27 March 2003 12:46
Eclipse UserFriend

after an eternal fire fight I hit the wall with the following situation.

Actually nobody behalf eclipse itself is able to run a java program
which makes use of SWT from the OSX command line neigther to start it
with an exec("java .....") from another class.

If you come from a w2k reality as I do and make use of SWT to be able to
run your programm on OSX you will not be easily able to do this.

I tried a hell of suggestions, different setups ecc. I tried to find out
the command line arguments eclipse uses itself to invoke the jvm through
the debug features. I searched through the system for strange jars
double jars version conflicts, ecc. I can tell you that the console is
afraid of me now.

I never digged very deep into the MAC OSX, but I learned quite a lot of
their jvm options. But it didn't helped. The basic problem for a
braindamaged windows fellowman as me is, that I realy didn't knew
anything about

MRJAppBuilder !!!!!!!!!!

If you throw all your pissing jars into it you get out a "tiny"
directory which is seen by the OSX finder as a single doubleclickable
entity you can put whereever you want, even on a network drive, and it
works perfectly on every flavour of mac running OSX.

I know that it's not the only way to get it up and running, but it was
the only way I found out, with the hint from Mike Mitterer on the german
java newsgroup.

He too had my problems, he too is convinced about SWT, but !!!!!!

I think that such an important thing about developing swt apps that
should run on OSX as well should be mentioned somewhere. And I hope that
if somebody else starts up asking about problems running fully tested
swt applications from other plattforms on OSX will remember this and
tell him.

Nevertheless SWT/JFace is a hit ! (copied as well from Mike)

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