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Tigerstripe 0.4 "Alize" Release [message #563676] Tue, 23 September 2008 21:19
Eclipse UserFriend
Hi all,

I am pleased to announce the availability of Tigerstripe 0.4 ŒAlize¹. It has
been successfully uploaded to the Eclipse download servers, and should be
available within a couple of hours after all mirrors have had time to
refresh from:

Why should you update?
One of the key aspects of this release is the support for Ganymede.
Previously, Tigerstripe was only supporting Eclipse Europa. If nothing else,
this version will bring you up2date with Eclipse without impact on your
existing models.

What is in this release?
The highlights of this release can be summarized as follows:
* Ganymede Support: Tigerstripe now supports (and requires) Eclipse Ganymede
to run. We have migrated the code that wasn¹t compliant and taken advantage
of some of the newer features offered by Ganymede.
* Packages are part of the Meta-Model: we have introduced a new type of
model artifact in the Tigerstripe metamodel to represent Packages. In the
past, packages weren¹t truly part of the metamodel and were mere identifier
for the containers of other artifacts. With this version, IArtifactPackage
is now available from the API which allows to document, use stereotypes, and
annotate packages. A right-click on a package will bring up the
corresponding detailed Editor. Note that packages cannot be represented on
Class Diagrams yet. This will be available by our next release (0.5 ­ Bora)
* Custom Artifact Tools and Rendering: beginning with this version, we are
introducing a new concept in Tigerstripe that will allow to tailor
Tigerstripe for even more specific modeling domains. Without changing the
underlying metamodel, we allow to customize the way the modeling environment
looks by using custom icons, labels and decorations for all model elements
based on annotations. We will soon post a tutorial on how to use this
feature, so you can re-skin Tigerstripe modeling environment to your
specific needs/domain.
* Additional support for Model Componentization: Tigerstripe is clearly
aimed at supporting modeling on large, distributed models. With this release
we stress tested Tigerstripe with some larger models and fixed a number of
issues. We also integrated with Buckminster to allow to materialize a set of
model components from a model repository. Finally, Tigerstripe Modules
(read-only models) have now been fully integrated with Annotations, allowing
to distributed read-only model components, with their read-only annotations.
* Annotation rendering on GMF Diagrams: we worked on additional robustness
for the Tigerstripe Annotation Framework, but we also added the ability to
render annotations on Tigerstripe Class Diagrams selectively. This will
allow to further document models through annotations on the diagram content.

How you install/upgrade?
Because this release now requires Eclipse Ganymede, you will need to
download and install that version of Eclipse. We recommend using the Eclipse
Classic 3.4 version which is available from the main Eclipse download page
Once you have unzip this version of Eclipse, download the
³bundle-tigerstripe-workbench-0.4_incubation.zip² file from and simply unzip it on top of
your Eclipse install. You will need to accept a few ³file overwrites², and
you will basically get all the Tigerstripe plugins + all the required
plugins that Tigerstripe is built on, such as EMF, GMF, GEF, etc.

At that stage, you¹re ready to model off!

Known Issues
* Diagram auditing is currently disabled in this version. We will restore
this feature in an upcoming maintenance release of Tigerstripe 0.4
* Under certain conditions, we have noticed race conditions when using the
³delete from model² feature on Class Diagrams.
To report bugs or new feature request, please use bugzilla at ipe

Roadmap and Future releases
We are currently finalizing our roadmap and schedule of future releases.
This will be available on our wiki by the end of September at

Eric Dillon on behalf of the Tigerstripe Team.
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