Re: [Acceleo] Problem execution operation defined in meta model [message #559029 is a reply to message #559016] |
Wed, 15 September 2010 11:20   |
Eclipse User |
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Hi Simon,
Could you elaborate on what you'd like to do, and how? I can't really
understand what you're trying to achieve.
Laurent Goubet
Simon harrer wrote:
> I have a method defined in my meta model using OCL. This method is
> invoked in an MTL file and always produces an error evaluating to an
> dynamic object reference in the text output.
> How is the model to generate to enable the execution of operations
> defined in OCL in Acceleo?
> Best regards,
> Simon
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Re: [Acceleo] Problem execution operation defined in meta model [message #559038 is a reply to message #559034] |
Wed, 15 September 2010 11:56   |
Eclipse User |
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Acceleo Plugin applications mean "in Eclipse" while "Java Application"
mean "standalone". When running standalone applications, you have some
more things to setup (the things Eclipse does for you otherwise).
If I am not mistaken, you should have one (or more) report in your error
log (in Eclipse : Windows => show view => Error Log) saying that one (or
more) package(s) couldn't be found. You'll have to register those
packages as explained on
http://wiki.eclipse.org/MDT/UML2/FAQ#What.27s_required_to_lo ad_a_UML_.28.uml.29_resource_from_a_standalone_application.3 F
http://eclipsemde.blogspot.com/2010/06/package-with-uri-not- found.html
(these both use UML as an example).
There might also be some more things to setup from an OCL point of view,
but I don't think so.
Laurent Goubet
Simon harrer wrote:
> ok, I will explain in some detail now:
> my metamodel:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <ecore:EPackage xmi:version="2.0"
> xmlns:xmi="http://www.omg.org/XMI"
> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
> xmlns:ecore="http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore" name="my"
> nsURI="http://my" nsPrefix="my">
> <eAnnotations source="http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore">
> <details key="invocationDelegates"
> value="http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore/OCL"/>
> <details key="settingDelegates"
> value="http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore/OCL"/>
> <details key="validationDelegates"
> value="http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore/OCL"/>
> </eAnnotations>
> <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="MyTest">
> <eOperations name="testOperation" eType="ecore:EDataType
> http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString">
> <eAnnotations source="http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore/OCL">
> <details key="body" value="name.concat('asdf')"/>
> </eAnnotations>
> </eOperations>
> <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="name"
> eType="ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"/>
> </eClassifiers>
> </ecore:EPackage>
> I want to use the operation testOperation() inside my template which is
> shown here:
> [template public generate(m : MyTest)]
> [comment @main /]
> [file (m.name, false, 'UTF-8')]
> [m.testOperation()/]
> [/file]
> [/template]
> If I use this as an AcceleoPluginApplication, everything works. If I run
> this as a JavaApplication, the method could not be instantiated. The
> output then looks the following:
> org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.DynamicEObjectImpl@1fc8efd1 (eClass:
> org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EClassImpl@40f892a4 (name: OclInvalid_Class)
> (instanceClassName: null) (abstract: false, interface: false))
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