Home » Archived » DSDP - Real-Time Software Components (RTSC) » Issue with building large libraries on Windows
Issue with building large libraries on Windows [message #492495] |
Tue, 20 October 2009 15:47 |
Laurent Gauthier Messages: 2 Registered: October 2009 |
Junior Member |
Hi there,
We are in the process of moving some of our software builds over to RTSC, and are running into an issue that we think is related to very long command lines on Windows.
We create a library with over 400 C source files in it. The target is a C64+ target.
Here is the relevant error message we get, slightly edited to protect the innocent:
... package/lib/./lib/OurLibrary_ReleaseTB/source/chm/src/zzzzzzzzzzzz.o64 package/lib/./lib/OurLibrary_ReleaseTB/source/chm/src/xxxxxx.o64 package/lib/./lib/OurLibrary_ReleaseTB/source/chm/src/yyyyyy.o64 into lib/OurLibrary_ReleaseTB.a64 ..., ...) failed.
make (e=87): The parameter is incorrect.
gmake.exe: *** [lib/OurLibrary_ReleaseTB.a64] Error 87
To work around this problem our previous build system has a work-around built-in that consist in passing to the archiver the list of object files for the libraryin a file rather than on the command line.
Another work-around I have seen implemented in another build system was a creation of the library archive in several pass (creation of the archive with a first set of object files, and addition of more object files in several increments) each of the passes having a limited command line length.
The questions we have are:
1) Is there already a mechanism built-in to avoid this command line limitation (appart from splitting our large library in several smaller libs)? If so a pointer to how to do it would be appreciated.
2) If there is no such mechanism, are there way to add such a mechanism to RTSC as is, or would a change to RTSC be required...
Based on my experience with building large code bases, this is a required feature to support large projects, as splitting in smaller libraries is not always easy/convenient.
Thanks in advance, Laurent.
Re: Issue with building large libraries on Windows [message #492604 is a reply to message #492495] |
Wed, 21 October 2009 00:04 |
Dave Russo Messages: 172 Registered: July 2009 |
Senior Member |
comments below
Laurent Gauthier wrote:
> Hi there,
> We are in the process of moving some of our software builds over to
> RTSC, and are running into an issue that we think is related to very
> long command lines on Windows.
> We create a library with over 400 C source files in it. The target is a
> C64+ target.
> To work around this problem our previous build system has a work-around
> built-in that consist in passing to the archiver the list of object
> files for the library in a file rather than on the command line.
> Another work-around I have seen implemented in another build system was
> a creation of the library archive in several pass (creation of the
> archive with a first set of object files, and addition of more object
> files in several increments) each of the passes having a limited command
> line length.
> The questions we have are:
> 1) Is there already a mechanism built-in to avoid this command line
> limitation (apart from splitting our large library in several smaller
> libs)? If so a pointer to how to do it would be appreciated.
> 2) If there is no such mechanism, are there way to add such a mechanism
> to RTSC as is, or would a change to RTSC be required...
Since every tool chain has unique options for getting around command
line length limitations, the RTSC build system has to rely on the target
to supply commands that can be executed. For example, the TI archiver
supports a command file approach but the GNU archiver (as far as I know)
does not - it requires the second workaround you describe above.
Since RTSC targets can supply one or more arbitrary commands to perform
the archiving, the problem you are experiencing can be solved in at
least two ways:
1. fix the TI targets to use command files, or
2. create a "target filter" that replaces long lines with command
The first option is to fix the ti.targets.ITarget code to always use
command files supported by the TI tool chain. Since ti.targets is
currently bundled with XDCtools, this requires a re-release of XDCtools
from TI and no doubt you don't want to wait for a new release. On the
other hand, this fix should be added to the list of "bugs" to be addressed.
The second option is something that is supported by the RTSC build
engine and allows you to "filter" each command used as part of a build.
In particular, you can write a small filter that changes each archive
command (that would normally be added to the generated makefile) into a
command that uses the -@ option.
Reference docs for target filters are here:
http://rtsc.eclipse.org/cdoc-tip/index.html#xdc/bld/ITargetF ilter.html.
I've created a small example that I believe works with the TI tool chain
and I'll put it in the RTSC SVN repository. The core of the filter is
the following XDCscript file which "implements" the
xdc.bld.ITargetFilter interface:
* ======== archive ========
function archive(container, lib, objList, archArgs, res)
/* replace ar command with one that uses the arguments in a file */
res.cmds = mkCommandFile(container, res.cmds);
* ======== mkCommandFile ========
function mkCommandFile(archiveName, command)
var tokens = command.split(/\s+/);
var cmd = tokens.shift() + " -@" + archiveName + ".cmd";
/* create a command file to hold ar's command line options */
var file = new java.io.BufferedWriter(
new java.io.FileWriter(archiveName + ".cmd"));
/* put archiver options in the file*/
file.write(tokens.shift() + '\n');
/* replace $@ token with actual archive name */
tokens.shift(); /* should be == $@ */
file.write(archiveName + '\n');
/* finally, put all objects to go into the archive */
for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
file.write(tokens[i] + '\n');
/* return new ar command to be placed in makefile */
return (cmd);
Re: Issue with building large libraries on Windows [message #525641 is a reply to message #492604] |
Wed, 07 April 2010 09:53 |
Patrick Geremia Messages: 79 Registered: July 2009 |
Member |
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Issue with building large libraries on Windows
From: dave russo <d-russo@ti.com>
Date: Wed Oct 21 2009 02:04:37 GMT+0200 (CEST)
> comments below
> Laurent Gauthier wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> We are in the process of moving some of our software builds over to
>> RTSC, and are running into an issue that we think is related to very
>> long command lines on Windows.
>> We create a library with over 400 C source files in it. The target is
>> a C64+ target.
> [snip]
>> To work around this problem our previous build system has a
>> work-around built-in that consist in passing to the archiver the
>> list of object files for the library in a file rather than on the
>> command line.
>> Another work-around I have seen implemented in another build system
>> was a creation of the library archive in several pass (creation of the
>> archive with a first set of object files, and addition of more object
>> files in several increments) each of the passes having a limited
>> command line length.
>> The questions we have are:
>> 1) Is there already a mechanism built-in to avoid this command line
>> limitation (apart from splitting our large library in several smaller
>> libs)? If so a pointer to how to do it would be appreciated.
>> 2) If there is no such mechanism, are there way to add such a
>> mechanism to RTSC as is, or would a change to RTSC be required...
> Since every tool chain has unique options for getting around command
> line length limitations, the RTSC build system has to rely on the target
> to supply commands that can be executed. For example, the TI archiver
> supports a command file approach but the GNU archiver (as far as I know)
> does not - it requires the second workaround you describe above.
> Since RTSC targets can supply one or more arbitrary commands to perform
> the archiving, the problem you are experiencing can be solved in at
> least two ways:
> 1. fix the TI targets to use command files, or
> 2. create a "target filter" that replaces long lines with command
> files
> The first option is to fix the ti.targets.ITarget code to always use
> command files supported by the TI tool chain. Since ti.targets is
> currently bundled with XDCtools, this requires a re-release of XDCtools
> from TI and no doubt you don't want to wait for a new release. On the
> other hand, this fix should be added to the list of "bugs" to be addressed.
> The second option is something that is supported by the RTSC build
> engine and allows you to "filter" each command used as part of a build.
> In particular, you can write a small filter that changes each archive
> command (that would normally be added to the generated makefile) into a
> command that uses the -@ option.
> Reference docs for target filters are here:
> http://rtsc.eclipse.org/cdoc-tip/index.html#xdc/bld/ITargetF ilter.html
> I've created a small example that I believe works with the TI tool chain
> and I'll put it in the RTSC SVN repository. The core of the filter is
> the following XDCscript file which "implements" the
> xdc.bld.ITargetFilter interface:
> /*
> * ======== archive ========
> */
> function archive(container, lib, objList, archArgs, res)
> {
> /* replace ar command with one that uses the arguments in a file */
> res.cmds = mkCommandFile(container, res.cmds);
> }
> /*
> * ======== mkCommandFile ========
> */
> function mkCommandFile(archiveName, command)
> {
> var tokens = command.split(/\s+/);
> var cmd = tokens.shift() + " -@" + archiveName + ".cmd";
> /* create a command file to hold ar's command line options */
> var file = new java.io.BufferedWriter(
> new java.io.FileWriter(archiveName + ".cmd"));
> /* put archiver options in the file*/
> file.write(tokens.shift() + '\n');
> /* replace $@ token with actual archive name */
> tokens.shift(); /* should be == $@ */
> file.write(archiveName + '\n');
> /* finally, put all objects to go into the archive */
> for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
> file.write(tokens[i] + '\n');
> }
> file.flush();
> /* return new ar command to be placed in makefile */
> return (cmd);
> }
could you be a little bit more specific on how to implement 2) in
practice? I have hard-time understanding how to fit archive function
above in my config.bld (see attachment).
Patrick Geremia
Texas Instruments (http://www.ti.com)
Phone: +33 4 93 22 26 33
Email: p-geremia@ti.com
Availability: http://meetwith.me/patrickgeremia
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Re: Issue with building large libraries on Windows [message #525732 is a reply to message #525641] |
Wed, 07 April 2010 15:32 |
Dave Russo Messages: 172 Registered: July 2009 |
Senior Member |
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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Target filters must be modules that implement the ITargetFilter
interface. The functions shown below (archive and mkCommandFile) must
be in the .xs file of the module that implements ITargetFilter.
See the attached example package basic.filter.
On 4/7/2010 2:53 AM, Patrick Geremia wrote:
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: Issue with building large libraries on Windows
> From: dave russo <d-russo@ti.com>
> To:
> Date: Wed Oct 21 2009 02:04:37 GMT+0200 (CEST)
>> comments below
>> Laurent Gauthier wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> We are in the process of moving some of our software builds over to
>>> RTSC, and are running into an issue that we think is related to very
>>> long command lines on Windows.
>>> We create a library with over 400 C source files in it. The target is
>>> a C64+ target.
>> [snip]
>>> To work around this problem our previous build system has a
>>> work-around built-in that consist in passing to the archiver the list
>>> of object files for the library in a file rather than on the command
>>> line.
>>> Another work-around I have seen implemented in another build system
>>> was a creation of the library archive in several pass (creation of
>>> the archive with a first set of object files, and addition of more
>>> object files in several increments) each of the passes having a
>>> limited command line length.
>>> The questions we have are:
>>> 1) Is there already a mechanism built-in to avoid this command line
>>> limitation (apart from splitting our large library in several smaller
>>> libs)? If so a pointer to how to do it would be appreciated.
>>> 2) If there is no such mechanism, are there way to add such a
>>> mechanism to RTSC as is, or would a change to RTSC be required...
>> Since every tool chain has unique options for getting around command
>> line length limitations, the RTSC build system has to rely on the
>> target to supply commands that can be executed. For example, the TI
>> archiver supports a command file approach but the GNU archiver (as far
>> as I know) does not - it requires the second workaround you describe
>> above.
>> Since RTSC targets can supply one or more arbitrary commands to
>> perform the archiving, the problem you are experiencing can be solved
>> in at least two ways:
>> 1. fix the TI targets to use command files, or
>> 2. create a "target filter" that replaces long lines with command
>> files
>> The first option is to fix the ti.targets.ITarget code to always use
>> command files supported by the TI tool chain. Since ti.targets is
>> currently bundled with XDCtools, this requires a re-release of
>> XDCtools from TI and no doubt you don't want to wait for a new
>> release. On the other hand, this fix should be added to the list of
>> "bugs" to be addressed.
>> The second option is something that is supported by the RTSC build
>> engine and allows you to "filter" each command used as part of a
>> build. In particular, you can write a small filter that changes each
>> archive command (that would normally be added to the generated
>> makefile) into a command that uses the -@ option.
>> Reference docs for target filters are here:
>> http://rtsc.eclipse.org/cdoc-tip/index.html#xdc/bld/ITargetF ilter.html
>> I've created a small example that I believe works with the TI tool
>> chain and I'll put it in the RTSC SVN repository. The core of the
>> filter is the following XDCscript file which "implements" the
>> xdc.bld.ITargetFilter interface:
>> /*
>> * ======== archive ========
>> */
>> function archive(container, lib, objList, archArgs, res)
>> {
>> /* replace ar command with one that uses the arguments in a file */
>> res.cmds = mkCommandFile(container, res.cmds);
>> }
>> /*
>> * ======== mkCommandFile ========
>> */
>> function mkCommandFile(archiveName, command)
>> {
>> var tokens = command.split(/\s+/);
>> var cmd = tokens.shift() + " -@" + archiveName + ".cmd";
>> /* create a command file to hold ar's command line options */
>> var file = new java.io.BufferedWriter(
>> new java.io.FileWriter(archiveName + ".cmd"));
>> /* put archiver options in the file*/
>> file.write(tokens.shift() + '\n');
>> /* replace $@ token with actual archive name */
>> tokens.shift(); /* should be == $@ */
>> file.write(archiveName + '\n');
>> /* finally, put all objects to go into the archive */
>> for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
>> file.write(tokens[i] + '\n');
>> }
>> file.flush();
>> /* return new ar command to be placed in makefile */
>> return (cmd);
>> }
> Dave,
> could you be a little bit more specific on how to implement 2) in
> practice? I have hard-time understanding how to fit archive function
> above in my config.bld (see attachment).
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Re: Issue with building large libraries on Windows [message #526005 is a reply to message #525732] |
Thu, 08 April 2010 14:10 |
Patrick Geremia Messages: 79 Registered: July 2009 |
Member |
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Issue with building large libraries on Windows
From: dave russo <d-russo@ti.com>
Date: Wed Apr 07 2010 17:32:28 GMT+0200 (CEST)
> Target filters must be modules that implement the ITargetFilter
> interface. The functions shown below (archive and mkCommandFile) must
> be in the .xs file of the module that implements ITargetFilter.
> See the attached example package basic.filter.
> On 4/7/2010 2:53 AM, Patrick Geremia wrote:
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: Re: Issue with building large libraries on Windows
>> From: dave russo <d-russo@ti.com>
>> To:
>> Date: Wed Oct 21 2009 02:04:37 GMT+0200 (CEST)
>>> comments below
>>> Laurent Gauthier wrote:
>>>> Hi there,
>>>> We are in the process of moving some of our software builds over to
>>>> RTSC, and are running into an issue that we think is related to very
>>>> long command lines on Windows.
>>>> We create a library with over 400 C source files in it. The target is
>>>> a C64+ target.
>>> [snip]
>>>> To work around this problem our previous build system has a
>>>> work-around built-in that consist in passing to the archiver the list
>>>> of object files for the library in a file rather than on the command
>>>> line.
>>>> Another work-around I have seen implemented in another build system
>>>> was a creation of the library archive in several pass (creation of
>>>> the archive with a first set of object files, and addition of more
>>>> object files in several increments) each of the passes having a
>>>> limited command line length.
>>>> The questions we have are:
>>>> 1) Is there already a mechanism built-in to avoid this command line
>>>> limitation (apart from splitting our large library in several smaller
>>>> libs)? If so a pointer to how to do it would be appreciated.
>>>> 2) If there is no such mechanism, are there way to add such a
>>>> mechanism to RTSC as is, or would a change to RTSC be required...
>>> Since every tool chain has unique options for getting around command
>>> line length limitations, the RTSC build system has to rely on the
>>> target to supply commands that can be executed. For example, the TI
>>> archiver supports a command file approach but the GNU archiver (as far
>>> as I know) does not - it requires the second workaround you describe
>>> above.
>>> Since RTSC targets can supply one or more arbitrary commands to
>>> perform the archiving, the problem you are experiencing can be solved
>>> in at least two ways:
>>> 1. fix the TI targets to use command files, or
>>> 2. create a "target filter" that replaces long lines with command
>>> files
>>> The first option is to fix the ti.targets.ITarget code to always use
>>> command files supported by the TI tool chain. Since ti.targets is
>>> currently bundled with XDCtools, this requires a re-release of
>>> XDCtools from TI and no doubt you don't want to wait for a new
>>> release. On the other hand, this fix should be added to the list of
>>> "bugs" to be addressed.
>>> The second option is something that is supported by the RTSC build
>>> engine and allows you to "filter" each command used as part of a
>>> build. In particular, you can write a small filter that changes each
>>> archive command (that would normally be added to the generated
>>> makefile) into a command that uses the -@ option.
>>> Reference docs for target filters are here:
>>> http://rtsc.eclipse.org/cdoc-tip/index.html#xdc/bld/ITargetF ilter.html
>>> I've created a small example that I believe works with the TI tool
>>> chain and I'll put it in the RTSC SVN repository. The core of the
>>> filter is the following XDCscript file which "implements" the
>>> xdc.bld.ITargetFilter interface:
>>> /*
>>> * ======== archive ========
>>> */
>>> function archive(container, lib, objList, archArgs, res)
>>> {
>>> /* replace ar command with one that uses the arguments in a file */
>>> res.cmds = mkCommandFile(container, res.cmds);
>>> }
>>> /*
>>> * ======== mkCommandFile ========
>>> */
>>> function mkCommandFile(archiveName, command)
>>> {
>>> var tokens = command.split(/\s+/);
>>> var cmd = tokens.shift() + " -@" + archiveName + ".cmd";
>>> /* create a command file to hold ar's command line options */
>>> var file = new java.io.BufferedWriter(
>>> new java.io.FileWriter(archiveName + ".cmd"));
>>> /* put archiver options in the file*/
>>> file.write(tokens.shift() + '\n');
>>> /* replace $@ token with actual archive name */
>>> tokens.shift(); /* should be == $@ */
>>> file.write(archiveName + '\n');
>>> /* finally, put all objects to go into the archive */
>>> for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
>>> file.write(tokens[i] + '\n');
>>> }
>>> file.flush();
>>> /* return new ar command to be placed in makefile */
>>> return (cmd);
>>> }
>> Dave,
>> could you be a little bit more specific on how to implement 2) in
>> practice? I have hard-time understanding how to fit archive function
>> above in my config.bld (see attachment).
it worked like a charm! Thanks.
Do you happen to have readily available the filter for gcc i.e. suppling
and MRI script to ar (ar -M <mri_script>)?
Patrick Geremia
Texas Instruments (http://www.ti.com)
Phone: +33 4 93 22 26 33
Email: p-geremia@ti.com
Availability: http://meetwith.me/patrickgeremia
| | | |
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