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adding operations to java objects via XSD model annotation [message #419293] Sat, 17 May 2008 00:20 Go to next message
Jason Henriksen is currently offline Jason HenriksenFriend
Messages: 231
Registered: July 2009
Senior Member
Hi Ed,

I think I've found a bug, but I wanted to ask before I logged it. I'm
using EMF 2.3.0 as of the 20070530 build. (I know it really old, but
without a visible problem I can't upgrade it. If this is fixed I'll
have an excuse to upgrade to the latest 2.3.x!)

The trouble is specifying an exception on an operation:

<xsd:complexType name="Soldier">

<xsd:appinfo ecore:key="operations"

<!-- add a complex action to use a helper object -->
<!-- Provides a starter rank and a new serial number -->
throw new Exception("This object is already initialized");
&lt;%com.vsp.example.SoldierHelper%&gt;.initialize(t his);


I would expect the generated java method to have a throws clause, but it
does not. When I look at the ecore that was generated from this XSD I
get this:

<eOperations name="enlistSoldier">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="body" value="...the code..."/>

However if I fix the code and generate a new EMF model from that fixed
code I get this:

<eOperations name="enlistSoldier" eExceptions="#//Exception">
<eAnnotations source="">
<details key="body" value="...the code..."/>

If I export this new ecore to XSD I get the same XSD that I started
with, hence my suspicion that this is a bug in the XSD -> Ecore
conversion. (BTW, I am specifying the simpleType for the Exception and
marking it with ecore:instanceType. I lifted that from the exported XSD
model too and that part seems to be working ok)

Is this bug fixed later in the 2.3 builds? If not, could it be?

Thanks much!

Jason Henriksen
Re: adding operations to java objects via XSD model annotation [message #419294 is a reply to message #419293] Sat, 17 May 2008 01:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Ed Merks is currently offline Ed MerksFriend
Messages: 33216
Registered: July 2009
Senior Member

Comments below.

jason henriksen wrote:
> Hi Ed,
> I think I've found a bug, but I wanted to ask before I logged it. I'm
> using EMF 2.3.0 as of the 20070530 build. (I know it really old, but
> without a visible problem I can't upgrade it. If this is fixed I'll
> have an excuse to upgrade to the latest 2.3.x!)
> The trouble is specifying an exception on an operation:
> <xsd:complexType name="Soldier">
> <xsd:annotation>
> <xsd:appinfo ecore:key="operations"
> source="">
> <!-- add a complex action to use a helper object -->
> <!-- Provides a starter rank and a new serial number -->
> <operation
> exceptions=""
Did you define a simple type that corresponds to Exception? The types
listed here must resolve properly just as when you use them in
<xsd:element name="xxx" type=""/>
> name="enlistSoldier">
> <body>
> if(this.getSerial()!=null){
> throw new Exception("This object is already initialized");
> }
> &lt;%com.vsp.example.SoldierHelper%&gt;.initialize(t his);
> </body>
> </operation>
> I would expect the generated java method to have a throws clause, but
> it does not. When I look at the ecore that was generated from this
> XSD I get this:
> <eOperations name="enlistSoldier">
> <eAnnotations source="">
> <details key="body" value="...the code..."/>
> </eAnnotations>
> </eOperations>
> However if I fix the code and generate a new EMF model from that fixed
> code I get this:
> <eOperations name="enlistSoldier" eExceptions="#//Exception">
> <eAnnotations source="">
> <details key="body" value="...the code..."/>
> </eAnnotations>
> </eOperations>
> If I export this new ecore to XSD I get the same XSD that I started
> with, hence my suspicion that this is a bug in the XSD -> Ecore
> conversion. (BTW, I am specifying the simpleType for the Exception
> and marking it with ecore:instanceType.
If you take the same type reference and use it in an element or
attribute declaration, does it resolve correctly?
> I lifted that from the exported XSD model too and that part seems to
> be working ok)
If you can send me a complete example, I'll have a look.
> Is this bug fixed later in the 2.3 builds? If not, could it be?
2.4 is nearly GA, so I can certainly fix it there if there's a
problem... I'll have a look as soon as I have your example...
> Thanks much!
> Jason Henriksen

Ed Merks
Professional Support:
Re: adding operations to java objects via XSD model annotation [message #419339 is a reply to message #419294] Mon, 19 May 2008 16:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Jason Henriksen is currently offline Jason HenriksenFriend
Messages: 231
Registered: July 2009
Senior Member
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Hi Ed,
I don't know why I didn't just attach the whole file to begin with.

I'm fairly sure all of the exception declaration is handled correctly
because I copied it out of the XSD exported from an ecore that I'd
generated from Java.

Unfortunately, there's no way my client would let me upgrade to the
latest GA release. If this is a bug and you decide not to fix it in 2.3
could you send me a patch to that I can fix the 2.3 code? We're running
2.3.0 and I'm trying to convince the team to upgrade to 2.3.2 but we're
getting close to a production release. 2.4 would be right out.

Anyway, thanks for taking a look at my XSD,


Ed Merks wrote:
> Jason,
> Comments below.
> jason henriksen wrote:
>> Hi Ed,
>> I think I've found a bug, but I wanted to ask before I logged it. I'm
>> using EMF 2.3.0 as of the 20070530 build. (I know it really old, but
>> without a visible problem I can't upgrade it. If this is fixed I'll
>> have an excuse to upgrade to the latest 2.3.x!)
>> The trouble is specifying an exception on an operation:
>> <xsd:complexType name="Soldier">
>> <xsd:annotation>
>> <xsd:appinfo ecore:key="operations"
>> source="">
>> <!-- add a complex action to use a helper object -->
>> <!-- Provides a starter rank and a new serial number -->
>> <operation
>> exceptions=""
> Did you define a simple type that corresponds to Exception? The types
> listed here must resolve properly just as when you use them in
> <xsd:element name="xxx" type=""/>
>> name="enlistSoldier">
>> <body>
>> if(this.getSerial()!=null){
>> throw new Exception("This object is already initialized");
>> }
>> &lt;%com.vsp.example.SoldierHelper%&gt;.initialize(t his);
>> </body>
>> </operation>
>> I would expect the generated java method to have a throws clause, but
>> it does not. When I look at the ecore that was generated from this
>> XSD I get this:
>> <eOperations name="enlistSoldier">
>> <eAnnotations source="">
>> <details key="body" value="...the code..."/>
>> </eAnnotations>
>> </eOperations>
>> However if I fix the code and generate a new EMF model from that fixed
>> code I get this:
>> <eOperations name="enlistSoldier" eExceptions="#//Exception">
>> <eAnnotations source="">
>> <details key="body" value="...the code..."/>
>> </eAnnotations>
>> </eOperations>
>> If I export this new ecore to XSD I get the same XSD that I started
>> with, hence my suspicion that this is a bug in the XSD -> Ecore
>> conversion. (BTW, I am specifying the simpleType for the Exception
>> and marking it with ecore:instanceType.
> If you take the same type reference and use it in an element or
> attribute declaration, does it resolve correctly?
>> I lifted that from the exported XSD model too and that part seems to
>> be working ok)
> If you can send me a complete example, I'll have a look.
>> Is this bug fixed later in the 2.3 builds? If not, could it be?
> 2.4 is nearly GA, so I can certainly fix it there if there's a
> problem... I'll have a look as soon as I have your example...
>> Thanks much!
>> Jason Henriksen

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Re: adding operations to java objects via XSD model annotation [message #419343 is a reply to message #419339] Mon, 19 May 2008 21:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Ed Merks is currently offline Ed MerksFriend
Messages: 33216
Registered: July 2009
Senior Member

Let's just assume it's a bug and open a bugzilla with the attached
file. I'll look at it first thing tomorrow. (Today's Victoria Day in

jason henriksen wrote:
> Hi Ed,
> I don't know why I didn't just attach the whole file to begin with.
> I'm fairly sure all of the exception declaration is handled correctly
> because I copied it out of the XSD exported from an ecore that I'd
> generated from Java.
> Unfortunately, there's no way my client would let me upgrade to the
> latest GA release. If this is a bug and you decide not to fix it in
> 2.3 could you send me a patch to that I can fix the 2.3 code? We're
> running 2.3.0 and I'm trying to convince the team to upgrade to 2.3.2
> but we're getting close to a production release. 2.4 would be right out.
> Anyway, thanks for taking a look at my XSD,
> Jason
> Ed Merks wrote:
>> Jason,
>> Comments below.
>> jason henriksen wrote:
>>> Hi Ed,
>>> I think I've found a bug, but I wanted to ask before I logged it.
>>> I'm using EMF 2.3.0 as of the 20070530 build. (I know it really
>>> old, but without a visible problem I can't upgrade it. If this is
>>> fixed I'll have an excuse to upgrade to the latest 2.3.x!)
>>> The trouble is specifying an exception on an operation:
>>> <xsd:complexType name="Soldier">
>>> <xsd:annotation>
>>> <xsd:appinfo ecore:key="operations"
>>> source="">
>>> <!-- add a complex action to use a helper object -->
>>> <!-- Provides a starter rank and a new serial number -->
>>> <operation
>>> exceptions=""
>> Did you define a simple type that corresponds to Exception? The
>> types listed here must resolve properly just as when you use them in
>> <xsd:element name="xxx" type=""/>
>>> name="enlistSoldier">
>>> <body>
>>> if(this.getSerial()!=null){
>>> throw new Exception("This object is already initialized");
>>> }
>>> &lt;%com.vsp.example.SoldierHelper%&gt;.initialize(t his);
>>> </body>
>>> </operation>
>>> I would expect the generated java method to have a throws clause,
>>> but it does not. When I look at the ecore that was generated from
>>> this XSD I get this:
>>> <eOperations name="enlistSoldier">
>>> <eAnnotations source="">
>>> <details key="body" value="...the code..."/>
>>> </eAnnotations>
>>> </eOperations>
>>> However if I fix the code and generate a new EMF model from that
>>> fixed code I get this:
>>> <eOperations name="enlistSoldier" eExceptions="#//Exception">
>>> <eAnnotations source="">
>>> <details key="body" value="...the code..."/>
>>> </eAnnotations>
>>> </eOperations>
>>> If I export this new ecore to XSD I get the same XSD that I started
>>> with, hence my suspicion that this is a bug in the XSD -> Ecore
>>> conversion. (BTW, I am specifying the simpleType for the Exception
>>> and marking it with ecore:instanceType.
>> If you take the same type reference and use it in an element or
>> attribute declaration, does it resolve correctly?
>>> I lifted that from the exported XSD model too and that part seems to
>>> be working ok)
>> If you can send me a complete example, I'll have a look.
>>> Is this bug fixed later in the 2.3 builds? If not, could it be?
>> 2.4 is nearly GA, so I can certainly fix it there if there's a
>> problem... I'll have a look as soon as I have your example...
>>> Thanks much!
>>> Jason Henriksen

Ed Merks
Professional Support:
Re: adding operations to java objects via XSD model annotation [message #419363 is a reply to message #419343] Tue, 20 May 2008 14:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Ed Merks is currently offline Ed MerksFriend
Messages: 33216
Registered: July 2009
Senior Member

The XSDEcoreBuilder is expecting "exception" instead of "exceptions".
I'll change that in 2.4 to accept either. Eventually only the latter
will be accepted since the former was a mistake. Note that you didn't
so you'll need to add that to make this work. So it looks like using
"exception" in 2.3 should do the trick. Please open a bugzilla.

Ed Merks wrote:
> Jason,
> Let's just assume it's a bug and open a bugzilla with the attached
> file. I'll look at it first thing tomorrow. (Today's Victoria Day in
> Canada.)
> jason henriksen wrote:
>> Hi Ed,
>> I don't know why I didn't just attach the whole file to begin with.
>> I'm fairly sure all of the exception declaration is handled correctly
>> because I copied it out of the XSD exported from an ecore that I'd
>> generated from Java.
>> Unfortunately, there's no way my client would let me upgrade to the
>> latest GA release. If this is a bug and you decide not to fix it in
>> 2.3 could you send me a patch to that I can fix the 2.3 code? We're
>> running 2.3.0 and I'm trying to convince the team to upgrade to 2.3.2
>> but we're getting close to a production release. 2.4 would be right
>> out.
>> Anyway, thanks for taking a look at my XSD,
>> Jason
>> Ed Merks wrote:
>>> Jason,
>>> Comments below.
>>> jason henriksen wrote:
>>>> Hi Ed,
>>>> I think I've found a bug, but I wanted to ask before I logged it.
>>>> I'm using EMF 2.3.0 as of the 20070530 build. (I know it really
>>>> old, but without a visible problem I can't upgrade it. If this is
>>>> fixed I'll have an excuse to upgrade to the latest 2.3.x!)
>>>> The trouble is specifying an exception on an operation:
>>>> <xsd:complexType name="Soldier">
>>>> <xsd:annotation>
>>>> <xsd:appinfo ecore:key="operations"
>>>> source="">
>>>> <!-- add a complex action to use a helper object -->
>>>> <!-- Provides a starter rank and a new serial number -->
>>>> <operation
>>>> exceptions=""
>>> Did you define a simple type that corresponds to Exception? The
>>> types listed here must resolve properly just as when you use them in
>>> <xsd:element name="xxx" type=""/>
>>>> name="enlistSoldier">
>>>> <body>
>>>> if(this.getSerial()!=null){
>>>> throw new Exception("This object is already initialized");
>>>> }
>>>> &lt;%com.vsp.example.SoldierHelper%&gt;.initialize(t his);
>>>> </body>
>>>> </operation>
>>>> I would expect the generated java method to have a throws clause,
>>>> but it does not. When I look at the ecore that was generated from
>>>> this XSD I get this:
>>>> <eOperations name="enlistSoldier">
>>>> <eAnnotations source="">
>>>> <details key="body" value="...the code..."/>
>>>> </eAnnotations>
>>>> </eOperations>
>>>> However if I fix the code and generate a new EMF model from that
>>>> fixed code I get this:
>>>> <eOperations name="enlistSoldier" eExceptions="#//Exception">
>>>> <eAnnotations source="">
>>>> <details key="body" value="...the code..."/>
>>>> </eAnnotations>
>>>> </eOperations>
>>>> If I export this new ecore to XSD I get the same XSD that I started
>>>> with, hence my suspicion that this is a bug in the XSD -> Ecore
>>>> conversion. (BTW, I am specifying the simpleType for the Exception
>>>> and marking it with ecore:instanceType.
>>> If you take the same type reference and use it in an element or
>>> attribute declaration, does it resolve correctly?
>>>> I lifted that from the exported XSD model too and that part seems
>>>> to be working ok)
>>> If you can send me a complete example, I'll have a look.
>>>> Is this bug fixed later in the 2.3 builds? If not, could it be?
>>> 2.4 is nearly GA, so I can certainly fix it there if there's a
>>> problem... I'll have a look as soon as I have your example...
>>>> Thanks much!
>>>> Jason Henriksen

Ed Merks
Professional Support:
Re: adding operations to java objects via XSD model annotation [message #419364 is a reply to message #419363] Tue, 20 May 2008 14:47 Go to previous message
Ed Merks is currently offline Ed MerksFriend
Messages: 33216
Registered: July 2009
Senior Member

I opened so that I
could commit the fix for today's RC1 build.

Ed Merks wrote:
> Jason,
> The XSDEcoreBuilder is expecting "exception" instead of "exceptions".
> I'll change that in 2.4 to accept either. Eventually only the latter
> will be accepted since the former was a mistake. Note that you didn't
> declare
> so you'll need to add that to make this work. So it looks like using
> "exception" in 2.3 should do the trick. Please open a bugzilla.
> Ed Merks wrote:
>> Jason,
>> Let's just assume it's a bug and open a bugzilla with the attached
>> file. I'll look at it first thing tomorrow. (Today's Victoria Day
>> in Canada.)
>> jason henriksen wrote:
>>> Hi Ed,
>>> I don't know why I didn't just attach the whole file to begin with.
>>> I'm fairly sure all of the exception declaration is handled
>>> correctly because I copied it out of the XSD exported from an ecore
>>> that I'd generated from Java.
>>> Unfortunately, there's no way my client would let me upgrade to the
>>> latest GA release. If this is a bug and you decide not to fix it in
>>> 2.3 could you send me a patch to that I can fix the 2.3 code? We're
>>> running 2.3.0 and I'm trying to convince the team to upgrade to
>>> 2.3.2 but we're getting close to a production release. 2.4 would be
>>> right out.
>>> Anyway, thanks for taking a look at my XSD,
>>> Jason
>>> Ed Merks wrote:
>>>> Jason,
>>>> Comments below.
>>>> jason henriksen wrote:
>>>>> Hi Ed,
>>>>> I think I've found a bug, but I wanted to ask before I logged it.
>>>>> I'm using EMF 2.3.0 as of the 20070530 build. (I know it really
>>>>> old, but without a visible problem I can't upgrade it. If this is
>>>>> fixed I'll have an excuse to upgrade to the latest 2.3.x!)
>>>>> The trouble is specifying an exception on an operation:
>>>>> <xsd:complexType name="Soldier">
>>>>> <xsd:annotation>
>>>>> <xsd:appinfo ecore:key="operations"
>>>>> source="">
>>>>> <!-- add a complex action to use a helper object -->
>>>>> <!-- Provides a starter rank and a new serial number -->
>>>>> <operation
>>>>> exceptions=""
>>>> Did you define a simple type that corresponds to Exception? The
>>>> types listed here must resolve properly just as when you use them
>>>> in <xsd:element name="xxx" type=""/>
>>>>> name="enlistSoldier">
>>>>> <body>
>>>>> if(this.getSerial()!=null){
>>>>> throw new Exception("This object is already initialized");
>>>>> }
>>>>> &lt;%com.vsp.example.SoldierHelper%&gt;.initialize(t his);
>>>>> </body>
>>>>> </operation>
>>>>> I would expect the generated java method to have a throws clause,
>>>>> but it does not. When I look at the ecore that was generated from
>>>>> this XSD I get this:
>>>>> <eOperations name="enlistSoldier">
>>>>> <eAnnotations
>>>>> source="">
>>>>> <details key="body" value="...the code..."/>
>>>>> </eAnnotations>
>>>>> </eOperations>
>>>>> However if I fix the code and generate a new EMF model from that
>>>>> fixed code I get this:
>>>>> <eOperations name="enlistSoldier" eExceptions="#//Exception">
>>>>> <eAnnotations
>>>>> source="">
>>>>> <details key="body" value="...the code..."/>
>>>>> </eAnnotations>
>>>>> </eOperations>
>>>>> If I export this new ecore to XSD I get the same XSD that I
>>>>> started with, hence my suspicion that this is a bug in the XSD ->
>>>>> Ecore conversion. (BTW, I am specifying the simpleType for the
>>>>> Exception and marking it with ecore:instanceType.
>>>> If you take the same type reference and use it in an element or
>>>> attribute declaration, does it resolve correctly?
>>>>> I lifted that from the exported XSD model too and that part seems
>>>>> to be working ok)
>>>> If you can send me a complete example, I'll have a look.
>>>>> Is this bug fixed later in the 2.3 builds? If not, could it be?
>>>> 2.4 is nearly GA, so I can certainly fix it there if there's a
>>>> problem... I'll have a look as soon as I have your example...
>>>>> Thanks much!
>>>>> Jason Henriksen

Ed Merks
Professional Support:
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