Folder location in my computer
1. My workspace - E:\Php\Tst1
2. My Appache - D:\Apache24
3. My Php - D:\PhpCli7
4. My Eclipse (last version) - D:\Eclipse\eclipse
5. ZendDebugger Dll location -D:\ZendDebugger\php-7.0.x\ZendDebugger.dll
Inside PHP.INI on D:\PhpCli7 I have added recomended parameters
My Server definition inside folder E:\Php\Servers\PHP7 at localhost-config is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Port name="HTTP/1.1" protocol="HTTP">8189</Port>
<PathMapping local="/Tst1" module="Tst1" remote="E:\Php\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp1\htdocs\Tst1"/>
What next? I can not see any Zend Debugger section at all.
I see a lot of Eclipse Tabs with name DEBUGGER.
Where is correct place to add Zend Debugger?
And What value I need to define in order to stop page on break?