I'm in the process of converting a Java EE 8 library to Jakarta EE 9.1, but I'm running into conflicts between eclipselink and jakarta.jakartaee-api.
Without any exclusions defined, here is my pom. Notice eclipselink version is 4.0.0-M3, which matches the version on Payara 6 alpha. Switching eclipselink to version 3.0.3 fixes these problems.
module com.mydomain.base {
requires com.google.common;
requires com.google.gson;
requires eclipselink;
requires jakarta.jakartaee.api;
requires java.logging;
requires java.sql;
requires jersey.client;
requires jersey.media.multipart;
requires org.apache.pdfbox;
requires org.apache.fontbox;
[ERROR] the unnamed module reads package jakarta.annotation from both jakarta.annotation and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] the unnamed module reads package jakarta.annotation.sql from both jakarta.annotation and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] the unnamed module reads package jakarta.annotation.security from both jakarta.annotation and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] the unnamed module reads package jakarta.activation from both jakarta.activation and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] the unnamed module reads package jakarta.ws.rs from both jakarta.ws.rs and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] the unnamed module reads package jakarta.ws.rs.client from both jakarta.ws.rs and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] the unnamed module reads package jakarta.ws.rs.sse from both jakarta.ws.rs and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] the unnamed module reads package jakarta.ws.rs.ext from both jakarta.ws.rs and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] the unnamed module reads package jakarta.ws.rs.core from both jakarta.ws.rs and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] the unnamed module reads package jakarta.ws.rs.container from both jakarta.ws.rs and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] the unnamed module reads package jakarta.persistence from both jakarta.persistence and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] the unnamed module reads package jakarta.persistence.spi from both jakarta.persistence and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] the unnamed module reads package jakarta.persistence.metamodel from both jakarta.persistence and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] the unnamed module reads package jakarta.persistence.criteria from both jakarta.persistence and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] the unnamed module reads package jakarta.inject from both jakarta.inject and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] the unnamed module reads package jakarta.xml.bind from both jakarta.xml.bind and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] the unnamed module reads package jakarta.xml.bind.attachment from both jakarta.xml.bind and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] the unnamed module reads package jakarta.xml.bind.annotation from both jakarta.xml.bind and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] the unnamed module reads package jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.adapters from both jakarta.xml.bind and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] the unnamed module reads package jakarta.xml.bind.util from both jakarta.xml.bind and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] the unnamed module reads package jakarta.xml.bind.helpers from both jakarta.xml.bind and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] module jakarta.jakartaee.api reads package jakarta.annotation from both jakarta.annotation and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] module jakarta.jakartaee.api reads package jakarta.annotation.sql from both jakarta.annotation and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] module jakarta.jakartaee.api reads package jakarta.annotation.security from both jakarta.annotation and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] module jakarta.jakartaee.api reads package jakarta.activation from both jakarta.activation and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] module jakarta.jakartaee.api reads package jakarta.ws.rs from both jakarta.ws.rs and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] module jakarta.jakartaee.api reads package jakarta.ws.rs.client from both jakarta.ws.rs and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] module jakarta.jakartaee.api reads package jakarta.ws.rs.sse from both jakarta.ws.rs and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] module jakarta.jakartaee.api reads package jakarta.ws.rs.ext from both jakarta.ws.rs and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] module jakarta.jakartaee.api reads package jakarta.ws.rs.core from both jakarta.ws.rs and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] module jakarta.jakartaee.api reads package jakarta.ws.rs.container from both jakarta.ws.rs and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] module jakarta.jakartaee.api reads package jakarta.persistence from both jakarta.persistence and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] module jakarta.jakartaee.api reads package jakarta.persistence.spi from both jakarta.persistence and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] module jakarta.jakartaee.api reads package jakarta.persistence.metamodel from both jakarta.persistence and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] module jakarta.jakartaee.api reads package jakarta.persistence.criteria from both jakarta.persistence and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] module jakarta.jakartaee.api reads package jakarta.inject from both jakarta.inject and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] module jakarta.jakartaee.api reads package jakarta.xml.bind from both jakarta.xml.bind and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] module jakarta.jakartaee.api reads package jakarta.xml.bind.attachment from both jakarta.xml.bind and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] module jakarta.jakartaee.api reads package jakarta.xml.bind.annotation from both jakarta.xml.bind and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] module jakarta.jakartaee.api reads package jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.adapters from both jakarta.xml.bind and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] module jakarta.jakartaee.api reads package jakarta.xml.bind.util from both jakarta.xml.bind and jakarta.jakartaee.api
[ERROR] module jakarta.jakartaee.api reads package jakarta.xml.bind.helpers from both jakarta.xml.bind and jakarta.jakartaee.api
If I add exclusions into the pom, like such:
[ERROR] module not found: jakarta.xml.bind
[ERROR] module not found: jakarta.persistence
Any recommendations to get past this?