Check stereotype applications via static profile [message #1852920] |
Fri, 10 June 2022 15:24  |
Eclipse User |
In order to check stereotype applications in a UML context, I've successfully defined the following query that take the name of a stereotype as parameter
context Element
-- check, whether a stereotype is applied by providing its name
def: hasStereo(stName : String) : Boolean =
getAppliedStereotypes()->select(name = stName)->notEmpty()
As the name of a stereotype could be spelled wrongly, I'd rather like to use a static profile instead, i.e. import the generated ecore of that profile (the Papyrus SW Designer C/C++ profile). The following query works for a specific stereotype by using its qualified name.
-- check, if the <<Ptr>> stereotype from the C/C++ profile is applied
def: hasPtrStereo(): Boolean =
Now, I'd like to make the query more generic by adding the Stereotype to check as a parameter. However, I could not determine the type to use for the parameter (it's apparently not "Type") and/or a suitable condition in the select clause. Any hints on this?
def: hasStereo(stType : Type): Boolean =
Re: Check stereotype applications via static profile [message #1852928 is a reply to message #1852920] |
Fri, 10 June 2022 21:23   |
Eclipse User |
Hi Ansgar
My first reaction is that you shouldn't be using the non-OCL getAppliedStereotypes() which is part of the Eclipse UML2 Java API. The Pivot OCL provides consistent type-safe base_XXX/extension_XXX functionality. So:
def: hasPtrStereo(): Boolean = self.extension_Ptr->notEmpty()
or if you are confident that the multiplicity is [?]
def: hasPtrStereo(): Boolean = self.extension_Ptr- <> null
I thought I had introduced an extensions() to avoid the reflective getAppliedStereotypes(), but can't find it.
Using the console I see that getAppliedStereotypes() returns instances of Stereotype, but it appears that oclIsKindOf/selectByKind only works with a literal type argument.
See for progress on these issues.
Not even name selection seems to offer a workaround.
Re: Check stereotype applications via static profile [message #1852932 is a reply to message #1852930] |
Sat, 11 June 2022 10:49   |
Eclipse User |
def: hasStereo(stType : Type): Boolean =
This fails because you / the tooling has confused metalevels.
getStereotypeApplications() returns a Set of Stereotype instances with interesting user-defined names. They conform to Stereotype and its supertypes. To respect user-defined names you must do name not type comparison.
In contrast extension_XXX [and extensions() once impemented] return a [Set of] stereotype application reified in the Pivot by the StereotypeExtender class. StereotypeExtender instances are at the sensible metalevel and so can have user inheritance.
The lack of a class for stereotype application in the UML metamodel is a source of considerable difficulties that explain why few implementations work. Using the Eclipse UML2 API and the old Classic OCL, the absence is patched up unsatisfactorily by a DynamicEObjectImpl.
Ed Willink
Re: Check stereotype applications via static profile [message #1852956 is a reply to message #1852932] |
Mon, 13 June 2022 07:51   |
Eclipse User |
Hi Ed,
thanks for your responses. I get an error if I use the extension_Ptr (or extension_Create) when opening it with the OCL xtext editor in an Eclipse 2022-03. Maybe I'm missing some declaration in the header, therefore I list the whole beginning of my .ocl file. In the code below, I use the similar example of the <<Create>> stereotype, as it is part of the standard profile, i.e. does not need additional plugins:
import 'platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.uml2.uml/model/UML.ecore'
import 'platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.uml2.uml.profile.standard/model/Standard.ecore'
package UML
context Operation
def: hasCreateStereo(): Boolean = self.extension_Create->notEmpty()
Re: Check stereotype applications via static profile [message #1853109 is a reply to message #1852966] |
Sat, 18 June 2022 10:28  |
Eclipse User |
In my workspace I can now do:
def: hasStereo(stType : Stereotype): Boolean = oclExtensions(stType)->notEmpty()
but testing your earlier usage as:
def: hasStereo(): Boolean = oclExtensions(StandardProfile::Create)->notEmpty()
reveals whereby you need to accommodate an Eclipse UML2 typo and use "Standard" rather than "StandardProfile"
and that your original example was crazy.
Stereotypes are a UML facility for which OCL can provide some useful evaluation capabilities. When you import
import 'platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.uml2.uml/model/UML.ecore'
import 'platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.uml2.uml.profile.standard/model/Standard.ecore'
you use Ecore without any reference to UML, consequently you can only use what is present in the Ecore models. Your Ecore models have no extension_Create EReference so of course it is not found.
If you want to use OCL for UML you must import UML models.
import ''
import ''
This works. It should also be possible to do
import ''
import ''
but that doesn't work. I need to find out why.
I'm not well motivated to search Ecore models to reverse the base_XXX/extension_YYY idiom to discover which EClasses are Stereotypes. It wouldn't work well since unless extension_Create occurs somewhere it couldn't be exploited elsewhere.
More likely a warning if base_XXX/extension_YYY is discovered in a UML-detached Ecore model. See
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