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Home » Proposals » Eclipse Sumo » Eclipse IDE - CMakeList(How to use CMake in Eclipse IDE for SUMO)
Eclipse IDE - CMakeList [message #1837993] Fri, 12 February 2021 10:45
Eclipse UserFriend
What is the intended procedure to make, build and run SUMO or TraCI Client using the make files in the Eclipse IDE?

Since SUMO is distributed via the Eclipse CDT is presumably the standard IDE to develop and run SUMO (or TraCI) from a C++ environment? The source code comes with CMakeList.txt files. Should that work straight away to build a Release or Debug version from e.g. guisim_main.cpp or tracitestclient_main.cpp. This part seems to be missing between the descriptions of installing and building the sources and the introduction to TraCI (C++).

There are many ways to use make. i tried a few that did not work. Can someone please share a description for Eclipse that does work with SUMO?

P.S. SUMO GUI, OSM WebWizard, etc are installed and running fine from the command line or as executable, both on W10 and Debian.
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