I have some code like
// include ... & using std
template<typename ... T>
enable_if_t<(is_same_v<T, int> && ...)> test(T ... ts) { /* ... */ }
vector v{1, 2, 3, 4};
// main ...
where the test function uses a fold expression and the vector uses template argument deduction. These compile under gcc 10.1.0 with -std=c++17.
However Eclipse (I just updated to 2020-06) shows the fold expression as syntax error and gives a "Type ... could not be resolved" error for the vector. Is this a missing implementation in Eclipse itself or is it something wrong with my settings?
* If it is a limitation of Eclipse, is there any way I can at least disable these errors without turning them off completely or polluting my code with // @suppress comments? E.g. some regex for which syntax should not be checked?
* Alternatively a pointer to where one might implement this in the CDT would also be nice .. though I imagine this would be some work.