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Home » Archived » Buckminster » How to reuse already downloaded dependencies from a remote p2 repository
How to reuse already downloaded dependencies from a remote p2 repository [message #1746080] Fri, 21 October 2016 10:43
Eclipse UserFriend

In my buckminster.rmap, I use readerType=url.catalog to resolve all my projects from local disk and readerType=p2 to pull any unresolved dependencies from a remote p2 repository.
Naturally this will download the required dependencies from internet. I do not have a mspec file, so all the materialization will happen under my workspace.

Now what should I do not to download from internet everytime, if it is already downloaded once? I understand that using the same workspace will not download from internet, if it is already available in workspace/.buckminster. But what happens is, if my source changes, then the next build is not picking my new source but just using the one that has been already materialized in my workspace.

To put in other words, my requirement is, my projects should be imported/resolve, materialized and built everytime but all the other dependencies which are downloaded from internet should be reused if already downloaded once.

What should I do to achieve this.? Please help.
Please find my buckminster.rmap file below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rm:rmap xmlns:rm=""

  <rm:locator pattern="^com\.schrodinger\.knime\..+" searchPathRef="schrodinger"/>
  <rm:locator searchPathRef="default"/>

  <rm:searchPath name="schrodinger">
    <rm:provider componentTypes="eclipse.feature,osgi.bundle" readerType="url.catalog">
      <rm:uri format="${src.uri}/{0}">
        <bc:propertyRef key="buckminster.component"/>

  <rm:searchPath name="default">
    <rm:provider componentTypes="eclipse.feature,osgi.bundle,jar,buckminster,unknown" readerType="p2">
      <rm:uri format=""/>

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