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Galileo SR2 Endgame Plan


February 17, 2010 - RC4 complete. No further 3.5.2 builds planned.

Detailed Timeline

January 2010 
13 Wed 08:00 EDT      Release Candidate 1 build   
18 Mon 08:00 EDT      Contribute RC1 build to Galileo SR2 train   
20 Wed 08:00 EDT      Release Candidate 2 build   
21 Thu 08:00 EDT      Start 1-day test pass against RC2   
25-29      Milestone week for Helios M5   
February 2010 
1 Mon 08:00 EDT      Contribute RC2 build to Galileo SR2 train   
3 Wed 08:00 EDT      Release Candidate 3 build   
4 Thu 08:00 EDT      Start 1-day test pass against RC3   
8 Mon 08:00 EDT      Contribute RC3 build to Galileo SR2 train   
10 Wed 08:00 EDT      Release Candidate 4 build [if required]   
15 Mon 08:00 EDT      Contribute RC4 build to Galileo SR2 train   

Note that February 15th is a holiday in Canada.

Useful Links

What is the game plan?

The Eclipse Galileo Service Release 2 ("Galileo SR2") endgame involves building a series of release candidates leading to the Eclipse project's contribution to the Galileo SR2 release. The Eclipse project version number for this release is 3.5.2. By its nature, this maintenance release contains fixes to a small number of serious problems found in the September 2009 Galileo SR1 release. We make and verify each fix carefully, so that we do not need to tie up the entire development team in time-consuming test passes. As always, we welcome help from the community with testing the release candidates. By default,  Galileo SR2 is supposed to work exactly like the initial Galileo release except for the problems we intended to fix. All problems fixed in Galileo SR2 are in the Eclipse bugzilla database and flagged with Target Milestone "3.5.2" (query bugzilla for the complete list of bugs fixed in Galileo SR2). We are most interested in identifying regressions where we have changed something that we did not intend to.

General announcements during the Galileo SR2 endgame are posted to the developer mailing list. Anyone participating in the endgame should be subscribed to this list, and should direct any general questions and comments about the process there as well.


Release candidate 1 is a warm-up build to ensure the release train build process is in place and all projects are making contributions. All fixes submitted to maintenance stream builds must have a component lead vote on the bug report.


Release candidate containing fixes for the majority of known outstanding defects that we intend to fix for Galileo SR2. At the end of RC2 build, there should not be any open defects tagged 3.5.2. All fixes submitted to maintenance stream builds must have a component lead vote on the bug report, and the fix must be reviewed by an additional committer (the reviewer can be the component lead if they didn't make the fix).

Test pass using RC2

Concerted 1-day testing effort using RC2 involving entire community including all component teams. The goal is to verify all the fixes and check for any regressions.


Release candidate containing fixes for all known outstanding defects that we intend to fix for Galileo SR2. All fixes submitted to RC3 must have a PMC vote on the bug report, and the fix must be reviewed by an additional committer (any committer other than the one who made the fix). Ensure that all feature/plugin versions have been consistently incremented when needed.

Test pass using RC3

Concerted 1-day testing effort using RC3 involving entire community including all component teams. The goal is to verify all the fixes, check for any regressions and sanity check our RC3 candidate.


Release candidate 4, if required, to fix problems detected during the test pass. We expect NO CHANGE at this point. If you find a show stopper, please notify ASAP the mailing list. All fixes submitted to RC4 must have a PMC vote on the bug report and be reviewed by an additional committer (any committer other than the one who made the fix).

No test pass is scheduled unless significant contributions occurred. If so, then Thursday would be elected for a one day test pass

API change approval

No API changes are expected during a maintenance release. Any exception must be approved by the PMC. No changes are to be released without prior approval and associated bug report. Send the request for approval to the eclipse-pmc mailing list. If a change is made to API to make it binary compatible with a previous release, technically this is still an API change, and thus it should be treated in the same way as any other API change requests.

Galileo SR2 Release

The Galileo SR2 release should be complete and available for download by the end of February 2010 as part of the Galileo coordinated service release . If product teams intending to ship on Galileo SR2 uncover further serious defects during the endgame, we may schedule additional release candidate builds to incorporate fixes.

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