Eclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers
Package Description
Package suited for development of Eclipse itself at; based on the Eclipse Platform adding PDE, Git, Marketplace Client, source code and developer documentation.
Click here to file a bug against Eclipse Platform.
Click here to file a bug against Eclipse Git team provider.
This package includes:
- Git integration for Eclipse
- Eclipse Java Development Tools
- Maven Integration for Eclipse
- Mylyn Task List
- Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment
- Code Recommenders Tools for Java Developers
- Eclipse XML Editors and Tools
- Eclipse Java Development Tools
Detailed features list
- org.eclipse.epp.package.committers.feature
- org.eclipse.epp.package.common.feature
- org.eclipse.platform
- org.eclipse.equinox.p2.user.ui
- org.eclipse.jdt
- org.eclipse.pde
- org.eclipse.platform.source
- org.eclipse.rcp.source
- org.eclipse.jdt.source
- org.eclipse.pde.source
- org.eclipse.buildship
- org.eclipse.eclemma.feature
- org.eclipse.m2e.feature
- org.eclipse.cvs
- org.eclipse.egit
- org.eclipse.egit.mylyn
- org.eclipse.egit.gitflow.feature
- org.eclipse.jgit.http.apache
- org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla_feature
- org.eclipse.mylyn.builds
- org.eclipse.mylyn.commons
- org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.identity
- org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.notifications
- org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.repositories
- org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.repositories.http
- org.eclipse.mylyn.discovery
- org.eclipse.mylyn_feature
- org.eclipse.mylyn.gerrit.dashboard.feature
- org.eclipse.mylyn.gerrit.feature
- org.eclipse.mylyn.git
- org.eclipse.mylyn.hudson
- org.eclipse.mylyn.monitor
- org.eclipse.mylyn.team_feature
- org.eclipse.mylyn.versions
- org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext_feature
- org.eclipse.recommenders.mylyn.rcp.feature
- org.eclipse.recommenders.rcp.feature
- org.eclipse.recommenders.snipmatch.rcp.feature
- org.eclipse.wst.xml_ui.feature
- org.eclipse.wst.json_ui.feature
Maintained by: Eclipse Packaging Project
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Resolved Bugs: 48
Bug ID | Title | Status |
404165 | Classic: The "Capabilities" Preference page and other branding items are missing in EPP Classic/SDK | VERIFIED |
445013 | [Mac] SWT blurred on Mac 64bit | VERIFIED |
446560 | Package for OS X is not signed by apple and can not be opened | RESOLVED |
446566 | Activate UI delay monitoring for EPP Committers | RESOLVED |
540196 | Internal error when polling news feed under Java 11 | RESOLVED |
375292 | Provide marketplace client for classic download | RESOLVED |
445318 | Is this package really only for Committers? | RESOLVED |
445015 | [Mac] Security warning when opening Luna SR1 32/64bit | RESOLVED |
441957 | Rename "Standard Package" to "Eclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers" | RESOLVED |
444322 | Add Error Reporting to EPP Committers | RESOLVED |
525315 | Broken localization for News feeds | RESOLVED |
514212 | Include EclEmma in Eclipse Committers Package | RESOLVED |
460559 | Add SWT Tools/Sleak to standard Eclipse Committers package | RESOLVED |
490045 | [Welcome] Adopt Solstice theme for Committers package | RESOLVED |
493509 | Disable MPC strategy for unassociated editors for Neon | RESOLVED |
494654 | Consider including m2e in Eclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers | RESOLVED |
514257 | Marketplace client is missing in commiters-oxygen-M6 package due to uses constraint violation | RESOLVED |
487835 | Add News feed plugin to committers package | RESOLVED |
521549 | Configure RSS feeds directly in org.eclipse.epp.package.committers | RESOLVED |
460560 | Add E4 tools to committers package | RESOLVED |
522677 | Eclipse fails to run on OSX with java 9 | RESOLVED |
474207 | Include Buildship as part of 'Eclipse Committers' package | RESOLVED |
441947 | Remove "Standard" package | RESOLVED |
542689 | Don't include Code Recommenders for 2018-12 | RESOLVED |
577234 | Review inclusion of Test Harness from the EPP Committers package | RESOLVED |
408950 | Standard: Cosmetic: 2 "Eclipse" icons in the about dialog (Regression in RC1) | RESOLVED |
408958 | Standard: Cosmetic: The progress bar in the splash is thicker in Standard/SDK than in a Runtime Eclipse | RESOLVED |
410722 | Changes to the Standard package description | RESOLVED |
408890 | Classic: Rename "Classic/SDK" to "Eclipse Standard" and make the description easier to understand | RESOLVED |
408866 | Classic: EPP Classic/SDK still uses the old "dark purple" window icons | RESOLVED |
397896 | Replace Platform Classic/SDK with EPP Classic/SDK including EGit | RESOLVED |
405520 | Provide a sample capability / activity definition to hide egit in a large Eclipse-based product | RESOLVED |
408859 | Classic: CSS Styling of help documentation is missing in EPP Classic/SDK | RESOLVED |
435861 | Future of the Standard package | RESOLVED |
421433 | MacOSX Mavericks cannot run unpacked Eclipse Standard download | RESOLVED |
433769 | Add Mylyn with Bugzilla connector and Gerrit+Hudson integration to committers package | RESOLVED |
434131 | Add M2E to Eclipse for Committers package | RESOLVED |
424639 | Prompting install of JavaSE 6 on startup | RESOLVED |
572303 | Add Test Harness to the EPP Committers package | RESOLVED |
422529 | Eclipse Marketplace, Check for Updates, and Install New Software are missing in the Standard package | RESOLVED |
434132 | Add Recommenders to Standard package | RESOLVED |
517319 | eclipse-committers logs "log4j:WARN No appenders ... gradleware ... PublishedGradleVersions" on startup | CLOSED |
577862 | In debug eclipse crash but eclipse application remains opened | CLOSED |
517265 | Description on the Committers Package Website is outdated | CLOSED |
517322 | "Available Software Sites" were all cleared when installing XText-2.10 into Oxygen | CLOSED |
534703 | [Photon] [committers] Include Tip of the Day feature | CLOSED |
553118 | java.lang.ClassCastException: class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.commands.impl.BindingTableImpl cannot be cast to class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.commands.MBindingContext | CLOSED |
548804 | Switch from Webtools to WildWebDeveloper | CLOSED |
532922 | Photon packages show old license EPL1 | CLOSED |
548570 | Remove CVS from "Eclipse for Committers" package | CLOSED |
459649 | JUnit Plugin-test session fails to shutdown | CLOSED |
432658 | Use --launcher.appendVmargs instead of vmArgs | CLOSED |
441955 | Add Maven to Eclipse Standard package | CLOSED |
446983 | Support updating Juno Committers Package to Mars Committers package | CLOSED |
432657 | Use --launcher.XXMaxPermSize instead of -XX:MaxPermSize | CLOSED |
428282 | error recieved everytime .exe file is accessed | CLOSED |
404266 | Fail to open eclipse 4.3M6 on mac osx 10.6 snow leopard with openJDK7 | CLOSED |
408949 | [releng] Classic: Rename to "Eclipse Standard" and files to "eclipse-standard-*" | CLOSED |
427793 | Add Equinox ConfigAdmin to standard packages/Java package | CLOSED |
453575 | Nightly Build of Eclipse for Committers EPP package | CLOSED |
460090 | Mars M5 packages have both jsch-0.1.50 and jsch-0.1.51 | CLOSED |
490341 | Consider adding -XX:+UseStringDeduplication to standard packages | CLOSED |
497034 | Add EGerrit to committer package | CLOSED |
509040 | Consider using "-protect base" on macOS | CLOSED |
480642 | Remove version from download title | CLOSED |
480142 | Committers package should include the XML editor | CLOSED |
460100 | Two copies of JSCH in Eclipse package for IDE Committers | CLOSED |
468870 | Transparency of the package icons looks incorrect for "committers", "dsl" and "rcp/rap" in the Oomph eclipse-installer | CLOSED |
509047 | [macOS] Use package id as CFBundleIdentifier | CLOSED |
File a Bug on this Package
Testing Details
Package Testers
Gunnar WagenknechtMarkus Knauer