Eclipse Modeling Tools
Package Description
This package contains framework and tools to leverage models : an Ecore graphical modeler (class-like diagram), Java code generation utility for RCP applications and the EMF Framework, model comparison support, support for XSD schemas, OCL and graphical modeler runtimes. It includes a complete SDK, developer tools and source code.
This package includes:
- Eclipse EGit
- Eclipse Java Development Tools
- Mylyn Task List
- Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment
- Eclipse Java Development Tools
Detailed features list
- org.eclipse.cvs
- org.eclipse.equinox.p2.user.ui
- org.eclipse.jdt
- org.eclipse.pde
- org.eclipse.sdk
- org.eclipse.rcp
- org.eclipse.mylyn.ide_feature
- org.eclipse.mylyn.java_feature
- org.eclipse.mylyn.pde_feature
- org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla_feature
- org.eclipse.mylyn.context_feature
- org.eclipse.mylyn_feature
- org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext_feature
- org.eclipse.emf.sdk
- org.eclipse.gef.sdk
- org.eclipse.uml2.sdk
- org.eclipse.ocl.all.sdk
- org.eclipse.emf.transaction.sdk
- org.eclipse.emf.ecoretools.sdk
- org.eclipse.emf.query.sdk
- org.eclipse.xsd.sdk
- org.eclipse.emf.validation.sdk
- org.eclipse.amalgam.discovery
- org.eclipse.emf.cdo.epp
- org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.sdk
- org.eclipse.egit
- org.eclipse.egit.import
- org.eclipse.emf.eef.codegen.ecore-feature
- org.eclipse.epp.package.common.feature
Maintained by: Modeling Amalgamation Project
Download Links
Downloaded 106,101 Times
Open Bugs: 13
Bug ID | Title | Status |
518086 | No launches | NEW |
526876 | Eclipse Modeling Package not launching in Mac Sierra | NEW |
534699 | Harmonize package name to Eclipse IDE for Modelling ... | NEW |
539880 | Error Running new configuration of Eclipse in macOS Mojave | NEW |
480143 | Modeling package should include the XML editor | NEW |
460229 | Look for missing help files | NEW |
383377 | duplicate p2 components found | NEW |
388694 | swt dll path not adjusted to changed workspace directory | NEW |
411330 | No Xtext! | NEW |
438513 | [Themes] Theme is unset in Preferences | NEW |
380978 | How we can get GMF Tooling back to Modeling package | NEW |
Resolved Bugs: 44
Bug ID | Title | Status |
346820 | An EPackage.Registry global test | RESOLVED |
428209 | Request to add EMFStore and ECP to modeling package | RESOLVED |
430256 | "About" action in the top-level menu | RESOLVED |
562981 | no longer part of simrel - means EPP does not buld | RESOLVED |
336321 | Add GMF Tooling to Indigo Modeling package | RESOLVED |
567817 | EMF Parsley's removal causes modelling EPP to be broken | RESOLVED |
565231 | EMF Parsley's removal causes modelling EPP to be broken | RESOLVED |
230016 | request to add org.eclipse.emf.ecore.sdo | RESOLVED |
436275 | RC2 has multiple Guava's | RESOLVED |
562124 | EMF Parsley's removal causes modelling EPP to be broken | RESOLVED |
491066 | Inclusion of EMF Parsley into Modeling package | RESOLVED |
527832 | Modeling updates link unaccessible: could not find | RESOLVED |
535002 | [Tips] [Photon] [modeling] Include tips in modeling package | RESOLVED |
490260 | [Welcome] Adopt Solstice theme for Modeling Package | RESOLVED |
464242 | Add e4 tools to the Modeling Package | RESOLVED |
445969 | The Modeling Package is useless | RESOLVED |
462140 | Eclipse Modeling 4.4.2 (Luna SR2) installs Papyrus SR1 | RESOLVED |
536248 | Modeling EPP Package's is not valid XML | RESOLVED |
301694 | Eclipse Modeling Project Mega Diet for Helios | RESOLVED |
233592 | request to add mylyn to modeling package | RESOLVED |
235409 | Unresolved GMF Plugins in Eclipse Modeling Tools Package | RESOLVED |
237058 | filename too long | RESOLVED |
233101 | windows xp m7 packages missing functionality | RESOLVED |
232101 | Eclipse only loads a basic workbench | RESOLVED |
230043 | Source should be included | RESOLVED |
231104 | Borland update sites in Modeling Package | RESOLVED |
237412 | [Website] Website should prominently feature the incubating egg | RESOLVED |
238193 | include Mylyn source in modeling package | RESOLVED |
276043 | Add missing features to Modeling EPP | RESOLVED |
276090 | Galileo M7 Modeling Package: Does not start in the Java perspective | RESOLVED |
576488 | EMF Compare Git feature removed - to be restored | RESOLVED |
280598 | CNE: | RESOLVED |
257684 | Mouse cursor does not change for horizontal (move:up/down) panel divider resize. | RESOLVED |
240141 | Create practitioners package for modeling | RESOLVED |
240632 | Gratuitously long file names | RESOLVED |
239171 | Missing AIX package | RESOLVED |
550277 | M2 Installation fails macOS Catalina Security Check | CLOSED |
308761 | No Ecore perspective on fresh installation (Helios M6) | CLOSED |
302070 | Wrong local repositories should be disabled or removed to install a feature with M5 | CLOSED |
280412 | The eclipse icon is missing if you do 'Alt + Tab' | CLOSED |
305508 | Update fails, concerning file org.eclipse.epp.package.modeling_1.2.2.20100122-1337.jar | CLOSED |
345102 | Eclipse Modeling Package Feature's update for Indigo | CLOSED |
444327 | Add Error Reporting to Modeling Package | CLOSED |
526875 | Eclipse Modeling Package not launching in Mac Sierra | CLOSED |
File a Bug on this Package
New and Noteworthy
Eclipse Modeling Framework
EMF Compare
Graphical Modeling Framework