Eclipse Modeling Tools (includes Incubating components)
Package Description
This modeling package contains a collection of Eclipse Modeling Project components, including EMF, GMF, MDT XSD/OCL/UML2, M2M, M2T, and EMFT elements. It includes a complete SDK, developer tools and source code. Note that the Modeling package includes some incubating components, as indicated by feature numbers less than 1.0.0 on the feature list.
This package includes:
Detailed features list
- org.eclipse.cvs
- org.eclipse.equinox.p2.user.ui
- org.eclipse.jdt
- org.eclipse.pde
- org.eclipse.sdk
- org.eclipse.rcp
- org.eclipse.mylyn.ide_feature
- org.eclipse.mylyn.java_feature
- org.eclipse.mylyn.pde_feature
- org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla_feature
- org.eclipse.mylyn.context_feature
- org.eclipse.mylyn_feature
- org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext_feature
- org.eclipse.emf.sdk
- org.eclipse.gef.sdk
- org.eclipse.uml2.sdk
- org.eclipse.ocl.all.sdk
- org.eclipse.emf.transaction.sdk
- org.eclipse.emf.ecoretools.sdk
- org.eclipse.emf.query.sdk
- org.eclipse.xsd.sdk
- org.eclipse.emf.validation.sdk
- org.eclipse.amalgam.discovery
- org.eclipse.emf.cdo.epp
- org.eclipse.epp.package.common.feature
Maintained by: Modeling Amalgamation Project
Download Links
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Open Bugs: 13
Bug ID | Title | Status |
518086 | No launches | NEW |
526876 | Eclipse Modeling Package not launching in Mac Sierra | NEW |
534699 | Harmonize package name to Eclipse IDE for Modelling ... | NEW |
539880 | Error Running new configuration of Eclipse in macOS Mojave | NEW |
480143 | Modeling package should include the XML editor | NEW |
460229 | Look for missing help files | NEW |
383377 | duplicate p2 components found | NEW |
388694 | swt dll path not adjusted to changed workspace directory | NEW |
411330 | No Xtext! | NEW |
438513 | [Themes] Theme is unset in Preferences | NEW |
380978 | How we can get GMF Tooling back to Modeling package | NEW |
Resolved Bugs: 44
Bug ID | Title | Status |
346820 | An EPackage.Registry global test | RESOLVED |
428209 | Request to add EMFStore and ECP to modeling package | RESOLVED |
430256 | "About" action in the top-level menu | RESOLVED |
562981 | no longer part of simrel - means EPP does not buld | RESOLVED |
336321 | Add GMF Tooling to Indigo Modeling package | RESOLVED |
567817 | EMF Parsley's removal causes modelling EPP to be broken | RESOLVED |
565231 | EMF Parsley's removal causes modelling EPP to be broken | RESOLVED |
230016 | request to add org.eclipse.emf.ecore.sdo | RESOLVED |
436275 | RC2 has multiple Guava's | RESOLVED |
562124 | EMF Parsley's removal causes modelling EPP to be broken | RESOLVED |
491066 | Inclusion of EMF Parsley into Modeling package | RESOLVED |
527832 | Modeling updates link unaccessible: could not find | RESOLVED |
535002 | [Tips] [Photon] [modeling] Include tips in modeling package | RESOLVED |
490260 | [Welcome] Adopt Solstice theme for Modeling Package | RESOLVED |
464242 | Add e4 tools to the Modeling Package | RESOLVED |
445969 | The Modeling Package is useless | RESOLVED |
462140 | Eclipse Modeling 4.4.2 (Luna SR2) installs Papyrus SR1 | RESOLVED |
536248 | Modeling EPP Package's is not valid XML | RESOLVED |
301694 | Eclipse Modeling Project Mega Diet for Helios | RESOLVED |
233592 | request to add mylyn to modeling package | RESOLVED |
235409 | Unresolved GMF Plugins in Eclipse Modeling Tools Package | RESOLVED |
237058 | filename too long | RESOLVED |
233101 | windows xp m7 packages missing functionality | RESOLVED |
232101 | Eclipse only loads a basic workbench | RESOLVED |
230043 | Source should be included | RESOLVED |
231104 | Borland update sites in Modeling Package | RESOLVED |
237412 | [Website] Website should prominently feature the incubating egg | RESOLVED |
238193 | include Mylyn source in modeling package | RESOLVED |
276043 | Add missing features to Modeling EPP | RESOLVED |
276090 | Galileo M7 Modeling Package: Does not start in the Java perspective | RESOLVED |
576488 | EMF Compare Git feature removed - to be restored | RESOLVED |
280598 | CNE: | RESOLVED |
257684 | Mouse cursor does not change for horizontal (move:up/down) panel divider resize. | RESOLVED |
240141 | Create practitioners package for modeling | RESOLVED |
240632 | Gratuitously long file names | RESOLVED |
239171 | Missing AIX package | RESOLVED |
550277 | M2 Installation fails macOS Catalina Security Check | CLOSED |
308761 | No Ecore perspective on fresh installation (Helios M6) | CLOSED |
302070 | Wrong local repositories should be disabled or removed to install a feature with M5 | CLOSED |
280412 | The eclipse icon is missing if you do 'Alt + Tab' | CLOSED |
305508 | Update fails, concerning file org.eclipse.epp.package.modeling_1.2.2.20100122-1337.jar | CLOSED |
345102 | Eclipse Modeling Package Feature's update for Indigo | CLOSED |
444327 | Add Error Reporting to Modeling Package | CLOSED |
526875 | Eclipse Modeling Package not launching in Mac Sierra | CLOSED |
File a Bug on this Package
New and Noteworthy
Eclipse Modeling Framework
Ecore Tools
EMF Mint
EMF Compare
Graphical Modeling Framework
M2M Xpand
Eclipse Platform
Eclipse Mylyn
Testing Details
Package Testers
Cédric BrunMarkus Knauer