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Editor's Note

The Jakarta community has already made great progress this year and work is underway to deliver the Jakarta EE 8 release. But before we dive deeper into this Jakarta newsletter issue, let's take a moment to look at the 2019 Jakarta EE developer survey results, which canvassed nearly 1,800 Java developers about their adoption of Jakarta EE and trends in Java programming. The findings indicate that cloud native is critically important with a third of developers currently building cloud native architectures and another 30 percent planning to within the next year.

Access the full findings of the 2019 Java Community Developer Survey here.

This issue puts a spotlight on the present and future of Jakarta EE, including thoughts on the agreement between the Eclipse Foundation and Oracle on Jakarta EE and the use of Java trademarks and the javax namespace, how the current challenges can be transformed into opportunities, as well as the next steps towards Jakarta EE 8 and beyond.

You'll also have the chance to read about Quarkus, a next-generation Kubernetes native Java framework, learn how to easily migrate from your favorite Java EE server to an Eclipse MicroProfile implementation and discover how MicroProfile Rest Client 1.2 improves integration with other MicroProfile technologies.

EE Security in Relation to JASPIC, JACC and LoginModules/Realms
Gradual Migration from Java EE to MicroProfile
Improved developer experience and MicroProfile integration for MicroProfile Rest Client 1.2
Going Native with Eclipse MicroProfile and Quarkus
Jakarta EE, what's in it for the Community?
Jakarta Going Forward
Thoughts about Jakarta EE Future without 'javax'
The Cloud Native Imperative - Results from the 2019 Jakarta EE Developer Survey
Jakarta EE and Specification Projects

To learn more about the ongoing collaborative efforts to build tomorrow's enterprise Java platform for the cloud, check out the Jakarta Blogs.

Have you attended a Jakarta Tech Talk yet? The Jakarta Tech Talks virtual meetup series is dedicated to the discovery and discussion of Jakarta EE and broader Cloud Native Java technologies. Become a member on the Meetup page to stay updated on talks to come.

PS: It's that time of the year again: the Call for Papers (CFP) is now open for EclipseCon Europe 2019! Please visit the CFP page here for information on how to submit your talks. This year, the early-bird submission deadline is July 1 and the final submission deadline is July 15. If you have an idea for a talk that will educate and inspire the Eclipse community, we would love to hear from you!

Happy reading!

Gabriela Motroc



EE Security in Relation to JASPIC, JACC and LoginModules/Realms

Gradual Migration from Java EE to MicroProfile

Improved developer experience and MicroProfile integration for MicroProfile Rest Client 1.2

Going Native with Eclipse MicroProfile and Quarkus

Jakarta EE, what's in it for the Community?

Jakarta Going Forward

Thoughts about Jakarta EE Future without 'javax'

The Cloud Native Imperative - Results from the 2019 Jakarta EE Developer Survey

Jakarta EE and Specification Projects

New Project Proposals

  • Eclipse ShellWax aims to provide a rich editor for shell script files using existing language server for the purpose. The goal of the project is to be thin wrapper around language server and shell interpreters as provided by the operating system.
  • Eclipse Codewind aims to provide tools to help build high-quality cloud-native applications for Kubernetes, regardless of which IDE or language you use.
  • Jakarta Batch was created as part of the process of transitioning Java EE 8 technologies to the Eclipse Foundation as described in The Eclipse Enterprise for Java Project Top Level Project Charter.

Interested in more project activity? Read on!

New Project Releases

View all the project releases here!.

Upcoming Eclipse Events

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Here is the list of upcoming Eclipse and Eclipse related events:

IoT Day Paris
June 4, 2019 | Paris, France

IoT World Europe Summit
June 12-13, 2019 | London, UK

June 11-14, 2019 | Berlin, Germany

IoT conference
June 17-19, 2019 | Munich, Germany

Comcast Labs Open Source Conference
June 20, 2019 | Denver, USA

Java Forum Stuttgart
July 4, 2019 | Stuttgart, Germany

July 15-18, 2019 | Portland Oregon, USA

EclipseCon Europe 2019
October 21-24, 2019 | Ludwigsburg, Germany

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