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Editor's Note

It's the end of the year already. Can you believe it? We're sending the newsletter a bit early this month, to give you time to read it before you rush off on your wonderful holiday.

This month the newsletter is dedicated to Capella, an open source workbench based on Eclipse technology that allows engineers to design complex systems.

Included below are six articles that describe the industrial needs addressed by Capella, the methodology and the features of this tool, and its ecosystem (add-ons, related technologies, working group, etc.).

To learn even more about Capella, plan to attend the Capella Day on March 13, 2018 in Stuttgart, Germany. For details on this event and more, follow @Capella_Arcadia on Twitter.

Happy Holidays!

Roxanne Joncas


The Challenges of Complex Systems Engineering

Why should you use Capella to take on the Challenges of Complex Systems Engineering? Find out!

Coupling Methodology and Tooling for Systems Modeling

Learn about coupling methodology and tooling for systems modeling with Arcadia and Capella.

Extensibility of Capella with Capella Studio

Get to know Capella Studio, the IDE to develop viewpoints and add-ons for Capella.

Capella Add-ons: Collaborate better + Generate Docs

Discover two Capella add-ons: 1) Team for Capella, that helps you collaborate better and 2) M2Doc that allows you to generate files from your models.

Eclipse Sirius, the technology behind Capella

What is Eclipse Sirius? How does it work and why is it the technology behind Capella? Find out more.

Capella Industry Consortium

The Capella Industry Consortium was created to gather MBSE actors looking to collaborate in a vendor-neutral way and with open governance.

Do you know about Planet Eclipse? It is a window into the world, work, and lives of Eclipse hackers and contributors. You can follow @EclipsePlanet on Twitter to see the blogs in your feed.

Are you a contributor or hacker blogging about Eclipse technology? You can add your blog!

Eclipse Java IDE Tips & Tricks

Here is this month's tip in action ➡

Does your typing speed go down when typing a 'for' loop syntax? The Eclipse Java IDE can build it in milliseconds. Just type 'for' and Ctrl+Space. It even does nesting (i,j etc.)!

Click on the gif to view the original tweet and gif.

Want more tips? Follow @EclipseJavaIDE on Twitter.

The Virtual Eclipse Community MeetUp is back! One or two Meetups will be hosted every month. They always air on YouTube, where you can watch live, chat with other viewers, and ask questions to the speakers.

Up next:

Join the Meetups to receive updates about upcoming events. If you have topic suggestions for future events, comment on the Meetup or email us.

Eclipse Announcements

Have Eclipse project or member news to share with the community? Email us.

Eclipse Community News

New Project Proposals

  • Eclipse LSPHub: is a metadata registry of language support tooling. It consists of a REST API along with a reference implementation.
  • Eclipse Project for JMS: for JMS provides the API and TCK for Java™ Message Service (JMS) API, starting from the specification defined by JSR-343.
  • Eclipse Project for JAX-RS: for JAX-RS API provides the API and TCK for Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS), starting from the specification defined by JSR-370.
  • Eclipse Tyrus: is the open source JSR 356 - Java API for WebSocket reference implementation for easy development of WebSocket applications.

Interested in more project activity? Read on

New Project Releases

View all the project releases here.

Upcoming Eclipse Events

Eclipse events are being hosted all over the world! Get involved by attending or organizing an event. View all events.

Here is the list of upcoming Eclipse and Eclipse related events:

May 14-17, 2018 | St. Louis, MO, USA

IoT World 2018
May 14-17, 2018 | Santa Clara, CA, USA

EclipseCon France 2018
Jun 13-14, 2018 | Toulouse, France

Are you hosting an Eclipse event? Do you know about an Eclipse event happening in your community? Email us the details!

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