Newcomers on board: Bower, npm & JSON editor!

Bower and npm are considered to be the most popular JavaScript package managers. Bower focuses on pure front-end, whereas npm mainly deals with Node.js modules. The main advantages of using package managers are:

Bower logo   npm logo

  • Dependencies are defined in a single manifest file: bower.json / package.json
  • No need to commit dependencies to version control repository
  • Easy to distribute among team members
TIP: Even though npm is mainly used for managing Node.js modules, many developers prefer using it together tools such as Browserify for front-end development as a substitution of Bower. Also many use both: Bower for client-side packages / npm for server-side packages and JavaScript tools like Grunt / Gulp etc.


Eclipse Bower / npm tools use the system installation, hence the following software must be pre-installed:

TIP: Installation instructions for Node.js and npm can be found here. Bower is a command line utility which is installed via npm command npm install -g bower

Quick Start Guide

Getting started with JavaScript package manager is pretty straightforward. In order to start working with Bower one need to select File → New... → Other... and choose "Bower Init" wizard which helps to create bower.json file depending on a set of preferences:

Bower Init wizard

After pressing "Finish" button `bower.json` will be created under specified directory.

In order to add new dependencies user needs to specify them in bower.json via JSON editor.

JSON editor

JSON Editor provides the following functionality:

  • Syntax Coloring (customizable via preferences)
  • Content assist
  • Outline support
  • Text hovering on JSON Objects' / Array' keys and values
  • Text folding on JSON Objects and Arrays
  • Editor extensions for custom hyperlinks, json schema validation & hover help

For installing specified dependencies just right-click on the bower.jsonRun As...Bower Install

Bower Init launch

Bower Init execution

After the command execution specified packages will be available under bower_components folder:

Bower components

Basically, that is it - JavaScrtipt libraries / frameworks are ready for future front-end development.

TIP: npm support is implemented in a very similar way. There is a wizard for creating package.json (File → New... → Other...npm Init) and npm Install / npm Update launch shortcuts for commands execution


Here is a short demo[video] covering Bower, npm and JSON editor functionality:

TIP: The source code is available on GitHub

How to give it a go?

Bower, npm & JSON editor are available via Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers / Eclipse IDE for JavaScript and Web Developers developer builds before the official Eclipse Neon release.

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