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Re: [uml2-dev] UML2 / Sequence diagram / MessageKind

Title: Re: [uml2-dev] UML2 / Sequence diagram / MessageKind


Please use the eclipse.modeling.mdt.uml2 newsgroup for questions about using UML2.

I suspect you are seeing this error because the property is read-only. The UML2 resource implementation doesn't expect to see values for the property in a serialization because its value is derived based on the presence/absence of send/receive events.


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-----Original Message-----
From: uml2-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <uml2-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: uml2-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <uml2-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sat Dec 01 18:18:38 2007
Subject: [uml2-dev] UML2 / Sequence diagram / MessageKind

Hello there,

I have discovered the following problem: While reading an xmi file which
contains a UML sequence diagram model (created and exported with Enteprise
Architect), the following exception is being thrown:

org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.IllegalValueException: Value 'complete' is not
legal. (...)

The xmi file defines the following:

<message xmi:type="uml:Message"
name="loginCustomer(char)" messageKind="complete" messageSort="synchCall"

According to the description of the exception, the "messageKind" cannot have
the value "complete", but according to the UML specification (from

14.3.22 MessageKind (from BasicInteractions) This is an enumerated type that
identifies the type of message.
MessageKind is an enumeration of the following values:
. complete = sendEvent and receiveEvent are present.
. lost = sendEvent present and receiveEvent absent.
. found = sendEvent absent and receiveEvent present.
. unknown = sendEvent and receiveEvent absent (should not appear).

Therefore the "complete" message kind is correct! I cannot find any error in
my code, while I'm simply reading the whole model from the xmi like this:

Model _model = (Model) EcoreUtil.getObjectByType(resource.getContents(),

Is it a possible bug in the underlying EMF Metamodel for UML? I have tried
it with simple messages and signals being sent between the lifelines. The
effect is the same. Has anybody have the same problems with sequence

I'm using:
        Eclipse 3.3.1
        EMF 2.3.1
        UML2 2.1.1

Thanks in advance for any suggestions,

Michael Mlynarski

uml2-dev mailing list

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