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[ui-best-practices-working-group] UI Best Practices Working Group

Board Members,


I would like to remind everyone that over a year ago we formed a UI Best Practices Working Group, and that each Strategic Developer was asked to make a good faith effort to find someone to participate. That said, all Eclipse working groups are open to all members.


The group got off to a bit of a slow start, but there is now some great momentum observable in the meeting minutes and in some of the documents being produced. Here is just a sampling of some recent documents contained on the group wiki that already look very helpful and useful:


·         Draft Eclipse 3.x UI Best Practices (the Top Ten section seems immediately useful, but the working page is better reading.)

·         UI Graphics Style Design (very cool)


Comments and calls to action:


1.       Thanks to everyone participating in the working group. Progress is clearly being made, and I hope that the goal of having a strong new version of the guidelines can be attained in time to impact the Ganymede release in a positive way.

2.       A reminder to all of the Board members to recognize the efforts of your organization’s representatives on the working group. They’re doing good and important work here.

3.       A further reminder to Board members (especially Strategic Developers) that if your organization is not involved that their participation would be welcomed. We have a chance to make concrete progress on a community topic that has been highlighted as an issue for quite some time now. (Namely, UI cohesion across multiple Eclipse projects.)




Mike Milinkovich

Executive Director

Eclipse Foundation, Inc.

Office: +1.613.224.9461 x228

Mobile: +1.613.220.3223




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