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[mylar-dev] vote: new committer nomination

I would like to nominate Ian Bull, Chris Callendar, and Margaret-Anne
(Peggy) Storey as committers to the Mylar project.  They are the developers
of Zest, a visualization toolkit for Eclipse, and based at the University of
Victoria in Canada.

At this year's EclipseCon we noticed that there was a complementary overlap
between the missions of Mylar and Zest.  Both efforts are directed at
scaling the Eclipse user interface to gracefully handle very complex
systems.  Mylar's degree of interest model provides a focus+context model
that visualizations can exploit, and Zest provides visualization mechanisms
that can be used to graphically display Mylar's model.  While the Mylar
development tool and Zest should always remain independently usable and
extendable, we see a deep synergy between them.  Zest will make it possible
to effectively use the real-estate of increasingly larger displays to show
programmers rich task context in a graphical way.  In turn, Zest will
benefit from Mylar's degree of interest and degree of separation
abstractions for navigating and searching visualizations of large data sets.
We have already started down this road by working together to create a
Mylar/Zest prototype that uses a force-directed graph to visualize task

The plan is to have the UVic team commit their existing EPL-based
implementation to a new component of Mylar called org.eclipse.mylar.zest.
This component would have its own set of committers, and Ian Bull would act
as the component lead. 

I would like all of the current committers to vote either +1 or -1 for or
against making Ian, Chris, and Peggy committers on the Mylar project.



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