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Eclipse Committers Alumni

When Committers who have contributed to Eclipse become inactive and thus no longer Committers1, we want to make sure that we acknowledge their contributions to our (collective) success. We choose to make that acknowledgement here on the list of our Committer Alumni.

Our thanks to each of these people and their contributions to the long term success of all of Eclipse.

*The list of former Committers who made especially significant contributors can be found at Committers Emeritus.

List is sorted by name. Click here to re-sort by project.

  • Jesper Aaen (dsdp.mtj)
  • Ramy Abdalla (ecd.che.che4z)
  • Islam Abed (automotive.openpass)
  • Faycal Abka (polarsys.kitalpha)
  • Erich Achilles* (technology.riena, rt.riena)
  • Timur Achmetow (technology.recommenders.incubator)
  • Mickael ADAM (polarsys.esf, modeling.mdt.papyrus)
  • Greg Adams (eclipse)
  • Per-Henrik Addicks (automotive.tractusx)
  • Steve Adolph (technology.epf)
  • Louis Adrien (, stp, stp.web)
  • Roshanak Afsarifard (technology.packaging, technology.birt)
  • Pavel Agapov (technology.rcptt)
  • Saurabh Agarwal (, stp.web, eclipse.platform, stp, stp.core, eclipse.platform.ui)
  • Ken Aguilar (technology.osee)
  • Rosario Aguilar (dsdp.blinki)
  • Andreas Ahlenstorf (adoptium, adoptium.incubator, adoptium.aqavit, adoptium.temurin)
  • Roshan Ail (technology.birt)
  • Francois Aissaoui (iot.om2m)
  • Ali AKAR (automotive.sphinx)
  • Elgin Akpinar (technology.actf)
  • Bora Akyol (iot.volttron)
  • Annas Al Maleh (technology.glimmer)
  • Saad Alam (eclipse.equinox, technology)
  • Timo Albers (automotive.tractusx)
  • Igor Alelekov (tptp.performance, tptp.platform)
  • Alexander Alexeev (tptp.performance, tptp.test, tptp.platform)
  • Pierre Allard (technology.apogy)
  • Freddy Allilaire (modeling.mmt.atl, modeling.emf.mwe, modeling.emft.mwe, modeling.mmt, modeling.emft, modeling.gmt)
  • Matitiahu Allouche (eclipse.equinox)
  • Aaron Allsbrook (tools.edt)
  • Assaf Almaz (tools.pdt)
  • Andres Almiray* (technology.mdmweb, automotive.mdmbl)
  • Alessandro Alpi (iot.duttile)
  • Scott Ambler (technology.epf)
  • John Ament (technology.microprofile, ee4j.messaging)
  • Hoda Amer (tools)
  • Greg Amerson (dsdp.blinki)
  • RADOUANI Anass (polarsys.reqcycle)
  • Carl Anderson (webtools, webtools.datatools, webtools.jst, webtools.wst, ecd.codewind, webtools.common, webtools.jeetools, webtools.releng)
  • Jed Anderson (eclipse)
  • Steven Anderson (asciidoc.asciidoc-lang)
  • Anthony Anjorin (modeling.capra)
  • Andrew Annex (locationtech.geomesa)
  • Fabio Antonelli (iot.agail)
  • Frank Appel (rt.rap.incubator, eclipse.incubator, rt.rap, technology.rap, eclipse.e4, eclipse.incubator.e4)
  • Vincent Aravantinos (technology.systemfocus)
  • Kat Arcad (technology.drops)
  • Adam Archer (eclipse,, eclipse.platform, tools.orbit)
  • Simon Archer (rt.equinox.incubator, technology.ohf, eclipse.incubator, technology.examples)
  • Aleksey Aristov (tools.orbit, technology.ofmp)
  • Thomas Arman (tools)
  • Daniel Armbrust (technology.ohf)
  • Giuliana Armellini (automotive.sumo)
  • Sergey Armensky (modeling.amalgam)
  • Simon Arsenault (eclipse)
  • John Arthorne* (eclipse.pde,, eclipse.e4, eclipse.platform, eclipse.platform.update, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.platform.doc,, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.platform.releng, ecd.flux, eclipse.incubator.platform, eclipse.platform.runtime, eclipse,, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.platform.core, rt.equinox.incubator, eclipse.equinox.p2, eclipse.platform.plat-rel-core, technology.flux, eclipse.incubator.equinox, eclipse.platform.resources, ecd.orion)
  • Peter Arthur (technology.jemo)
  • Chieko Asakawa (technology.actf)
  • Momchil Atanasov (ecd.dirigible)
  • Jeno Attila Balasko (tools.titan)
  • Marc Aubry (technology.koneki, tools.ldt)
  • David Audel (eclipse.jdt.apt, eclipse.jdt.doc, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.jdt.core, eclipse)
  • Samuel Audet (technology.deeplearning4j)
  • Wolfgang Auer (datatools.enablement)
  • Paula Austel (technology.higgins)
  • Chris Austin (eclipse.platform, eclipse.platform.ui,
  • Mathieu AUZENET (polarsys.cotsaq)
  • Phil Avery (webtools)
  • Angel Avila (technology.osee)
  • Sara Ayoubi (soa.bpel)
  • Asier Azaceta (technology.epf)
  • Deepak Azad (eclipse.jdt.doc, eclipse.platform.text, eclipse.jdt.ui)
  • Leila Azari (polarsys.arcon)
  • Yasser Aziza (technology.recommenders.incubator)
  • Niranjan Babu (tools.secoblocks)
  • Valentin Baciu (webtools.jst, webtools.webservices, webtools, webtools.sourceediting, webtools.wst)
  • Richard Backhouse (eclipse.e4)
  • James Badger (iot.whiskers)
  • Dirk Baeumer* (eclipse, eclipse.jdt.apt, eclipse.jdt.ui,, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.jdt.doc, eclipse.platform, eclipse.platform.ui)
  • Natacha Bagnard (, stp.web, stp, stp.eid)
  • Dmitry Bakuntsev (technology.higgins)
  • Guillaume Balan (iot.edje)
  • Priti Baldawa (technology.epf)
  • Ricardo Balduino (technology.epf)
  • Kristen Balhoff (technology.ohf)
  • Istvan Ballok (rt.rap, technology.rap, rt.rap.incubator)
  • Zoltan Balogh (modeling.incquery)
  • Satyam Bandarapu (rt.ercp)
  • Chandan Bandemutt (technology.osee)
  • Leonardo Banderali (technology.omr)
  • Shankha Banerjee (eclipse.jdt.core)
  • Balazs Banfai (technology.ohf)
  • Ahmad Banijamali (automotive.kuksa)
  • Andrew Banks (iot.paho, technology.paho)
  • Yassine Banouar (technology.om2m, iot.om2m)
  • Patrick Bänziger (technology.scout)
  • Bela Bara (technology.jubula)
  • Pavol Baran (ecd.che)
  • Kevin Barbe (technology.jubula)
  • Gabriel BARBIER (modeling.gmt.modisco, tools.orbit, modeling.emft.emf-facet, modeling.modisco)
  • Daniel Barboza Franco (dsdp.sequoyah, tools.sequoyah, dsdp.tml)
  • Rick Barkhouse (technology.eclipselink, ee4j.eclipselink)
  • Derek Barnes (technology.vtp)
  • Kevin Barnes (eclipse.platform, eclipse, eclipse.platform.swt, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.jdt.ui, eclipse.platform.ant, eclipse.e4, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.incubator.e4, eclipse.jdt.debug)
  • Elliott Baron (tools.linuxtools)
  • Luca Barozzi (soa.mangrove, soa.ebpm)
  • Eric Barroca (technology.apogee)
  • Brian Barry (technology)
  • Heiko Barth (technology.riena, rt.riena)
  • Laurent Barthelemy (technology.mihini, iot.mihini)
  • Natalia Bartol (tools.pdt)
  • Eduard Bartsch (eclipse.e4)
  • Wim Bast (modeling.m2t)
  • Wim Bast (modeling.acceleo)
  • Wim Bast (modeling.acceleo)
  • Wim Bast (modeling.mmt)
  • Sounak Basu (technology.ogee)
  • Brian Battersby (tools)
  • Tyler Battle (locationtech.geogig)
  • Scott Bauer (technology.ohf)
  • Brian Bauman (eclipse.pde.ui, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.pde, eclipse.pde.incubator, eclipse.platform, eclipse, eclipse.incubator.platform, eclipse.pde.doc)
  • Jens Baumgart (technology.egit)
  • Benno Baumgartner (eclipse.platform, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse, eclipse.jdt.apt, eclipse.jdt.ui, eclipse.platform.text, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.jdt.doc)
  • John Beatty (technology)
  • Serge Beauchamp (eclipse.platform, eclipse.platform.doc, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.e4, eclipse.platform.core, eclipse.platform.resources)
  • David Beaurpere (stp.policy, stp.web, stp, stp.creation, stp.system,
  • Phil Beauvoir (eclipse.platform, tools.gef)
  • Bradley Beck (technology.cosmos)
  • Craig Becker (webtools.atf)
  • Juergen Becker (eclipse.platform, rt.riena, eclipse.platform.swt)
  • Thomas Becker* (rt.jetty)
  • Michiel Beemster (iot.cyclonedds)
  • Stefan Beese (automotive.mdmbl)
  • Heiko Behrens* (modeling.m2t.xpand, modeling.tmf.xtext, modeling.m2t, modeling.tmf)
  • Kirk Beitz (dsdp.dd)
  • srdan bejakovic (technology.soc)
  • Mariano Belaunde (modeling.mddi)
  • Derek Belrose (technology.pass)
  • Alexander Belyaev (iot.tanglemktplaces)
  • Mahdi Ben Alaya (technology.om2m, iot.om2m)
  • Shachar Ben-Zeev (tools.pdt)
  • Alfredo Bencomo (technology.epf)
  • Maciej Bendkowski (ecd.orion)
  • Andrew Bennett (
  • Jerome BENOIS (modeling.mdt.papyrus, modeling.mdt)
  • Thomas Bentley (technology.ceylon)
  • Benjamin Bentmann* (technology.aether, technology.sisu, technology.m2e)
  • Sebastian Benz (modeling.tmf.xtext, automotive.sphinx)
  • Zsolt Beothy-Elo (rt.swordfish, soa.swordfish, soa)
  • Anthony Berent (dsdp.dd)
  • Naveena Bereny (technology.epf)
  • Daniel Berg (tools,, stp.web, stp, stp.core)
  • Olivier Berger (technology.lyo)
  • Helen Bergin (technology.aperi)
  • Alexander Bergmayr (modeling.upr)
  • Philip Berkland (webtools, webtools.atf, webtools.jst, webtools.wst, tools.pdt, webtools.atf, webtools.atf, webtools.sourceediting, technology.laszlo)
  • Angelo Bernabei (soa, soa.ebam)
  • Camilo Bernal (tools.linuxtools)
  • Ross Bernet (locationtech.geotrellis)
  • Mario Bernhart (,, mylyn.versions)
  • Jan Bernitt (, ee4j.websocket)
  • Adam Berry (technology.vtp)
  • Eric Berryman (science.scanning)
  • Helen Bershadskaya (tools.mylyn)
  • Oleg Besedin (eclipse.equinox, eclipse.platform.core,, eclipse.platform.runtime, eclipse.incubator.equinox, eclipse, rt.equinox.incubator, eclipse.pde, eclipse.equinox,, eclipse.platform, eclipse.equinox.bundles, eclipse.platform.doc, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.incubator.platform, eclipse.e4,, eclipse.pde.incubator)
  • Lars Beseke (iot.kiso)
  • Loic Besnard (polarsys.pop)
  • Jorn Bettin (modeling.gmt, technology)
  • Paul Beusterien (tools.sequoyah.tmw)
  • Maarten Bezemer (modeling.epsilon)
  • Jean Bezivin* (modeling.gmt, modeling.gmt.omcw, modeling.gmt.am3)
  • Sebastian Bezold (automotive.tractusx)
  • Vijay Bhadriraju (webtools, webtools.wst, webtools.jst)
  • Sasikanth Bharadwaj (eclipse.jdt.core, eclipse.jdt)
  • Manish Bhargava (eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.platform, stp)
  • Utpal Bhatt (technology.birt)
  • Jignesh Bhodia (ee4j.glassfish)
  • Abirami BhologaIndiran (tools.secoblocks)
  • Neeraj Bhusare (tools.windowbuilder)
  • Pengcheng Bian (technology.birt)
  • Enrico Biermann (modeling.emft.henshin)
  • Lucas Bigeardel (modeling.ecoretools, modeling.emft.emfatic, modeling.emft,
  • Billy Biggs (eclipse.platform.doc, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.platform, eclipse.platform.swt, eclipse)
  • Matt Biggs (technology.nebula.nattable)
  • Jeffrey Bigham (technology.actf)
  • Reinhold Bihler (modeling.emft.emf4net, modeling.emft)
  • Xiao Bin Chen (tools.edt)
  • Janos Binder (science.chemclipse)
  • Tobias Binz (automotive.winery)
  • Klaus Birken (modeling.franca)
  • Dorian Birsan (eclipse)
  • Alex Black (technology.deeplearning4j)
  • James Blackburn (eclipse.e4, eclipse.platform.core, eclipse.platform.runtime, eclipse.platform, eclipse.platform.resources, tools.cdt)
  • Boris Blajer (Golubev) (modeling.gmf-tooling, modeling.gmf)
  • Xavier Blanc (modeling.mddi)
  • David Blasby (locationtech.geogig)
  • Alex Blewitt (eclipse.platform, technology.dash)
  • Catherine Block (technology.birt)
  • Minna Bloigu (dsdp.mtj)
  • Gianfranco Boccalon (soa.ebpm, soa.mangrove)
  • Eric Bodden (technology.recommenders)
  • Sandro Boehme (modeling.emft.jcrm, modeling.emft)
  • Jordi Boehme Lopez (technology.maynstall, technology.rap, rt.rap, technology.packaging)
  • Manfred Boettger (modeling.emft, modeling.emft.emf4net)
  • Matthias Bohlen (modeling.mmt, modeling.gmt, modeling.mmt.atl)
  • Daniel Bohn (iot.ditto)
  • Alex Boisvert (stp,, stp.bpmn, stp.web)
  • Boris Bokowski* (eclipse.e4,, eclipse.incubator.e4,, eclipse.incubator.platform, tools.orbit, eclipse.platform.core, eclipse, eclipse.platform.runtime, eclipse.incubator, rt.equinox.incubator, eclipse.incubator.equinox, technology.ecf, eclipse.platform, ecd.orion, eclipse.platform.doc)
  • Umar Bolatov (ecd.orion)
  • Manuel Bolsinger (automotive.tractusx)
  • Stefan Bolton (technology.nebula.nattable)
  • Jonas Boner (tools.aspectj)
  • Gregor Bonifer (modeling.emft.henshin)
  • Stephane Bonnet (polarsys.capella, modeling.sirius, polarsys.rover)
  • Mark Booth (science.scanning)
  • Eric Bordeau (tools)
  • Kristopher Born (modeling.emft.henshin)
  • Stephan Born (soa.stardust)
  • Daniel Bornkessel (tools.linuxtools)
  • David Borowitz (tools.orbit, technology.jgit)
  • Stoyan Boshev (eclipse.incubator.equinox,, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.incubator, rt.equinox.incubator, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.equinox.bundles)
  • David Bosschaert (rt.ebr)
  • Andre Bott (technology.bridgeiot)
  • Oussama Bouchhioua (technology.jubula)
  • Aicha Boudjelal (modeling.gendoc)
  • Mickael BOUET (polarsys.cotsaq)
  • jacob Bouffard (locationtech.geotrellis)
  • Christophe Bouhier (locationtech.geoff, modeling.emf.teneo, modeling.edapt)
  • Alain Boulze (stp.eid, soa.jwt, stp.policy, stp.b2j, stp.system,, technology.jwt, stp.creation, soa, stp.model, stp,, stp.bpmn, stp.web, stp.core)
  • Luc Bourlier (technology.maynstall)
  • Luc Bourlier (eclipse, technology.maynstall)
  • William Bourque (tools.linuxtools)
  • Sabri Bousselmi (soa.stardust)
  • Herve Boutemy (technology.aether)
  • Jacques Bouthillier (,,, technology.egerrit, ecd.theia)
  • Mike Boyersmith (technology.birt)
  • Alex Boyko (modeling.gmf, modeling.gmf-runtime, modeling.gmf-notation, tools.gef)
  • Jerome Bozier (tptp.platform, tptp.test)
  • Didier Brachet (tools.tcf)
  • John Bracken (ee4j.eclipselink)
  • Sima Bracken (technology.pass)
  • Bob Brady (technology.alf)
  • Peter Braker (modeling.mmt)
  • Chad Brandon (modeling.gmt)
  • David Brandow (stp, stp.system,, stp.web)
  • Steven R. Brandt (tools.ptp)
  • Szymon Brandys (eclipse.e4, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.incubator.platform, eclipse.platform.core, eclipse.platform.resources, eclipse,, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.platform, eclipse.platform.doc, ecd.orion, eclipse.platform.runtime)
  • Danail Branekov (webtools.webservices, eclipse.e4, webtools.incubator, tools.orbit)
  • Chris Brealey* (webtools.jst, webtools.wst, webtools, webtools.webservices)
  • Eduard Brehm (iot.agail)
  • Uwe Breitenbuecher (automotive.winery)
  • Mauren Brenner (dsdp.tml, dsdp.sequoyah)
  • Karel Brezina (tools.buckminster, technology.buckminster, modeling.emft.b3)
  • Christopher Brink (automotive.app4mc)
  • Stefan Brockmann (technology.openk-platform)
  • Robert Brodt (soa, technology.bpel, modeling.mdt.bpmn2, soa.bpel, technology.bpmn2-modeler)
  • Christopher Brooks (science.triquetrum)
  • Nicolas Bros (modeling.gmt.modisco, tools.orbit, modeling.emft.emf-facet, modeling.modisco)
  • Doug Brown (tools)
  • Jason Brown (locationtech.rasterframes)
  • Keith Brown (modeling.papyrus-xtuml)
  • Henry Bruce (iot.mraa, iot.upm)
  • Marcel Bruch (technology.recommenders, tools.orbit, technology.packaging, technology.recommenders.incubator)
  • James Bruck (modeling.gmf-runtime, modeling.mdt.uml2, modeling.gmf, modeling.mdt)
  • Christian Brunzendorf (technology.openk-platform)
  • Frank Budinsky (modeling.emf, tools, technology)
  • Cuero Bugot (technology.mihini, iot.mihini)
  • Raimar Bühmann (technology.jubula)
  • Ian Bull* (technology.nebula, eclipse.pde.incubator, technology.phoenix, eclipse.platform.doc, tools.mylyn, eclipse.equinox, rt.equinox.incubator, eclipse.incubator.platform, technology.examples, eclipse.pde.doc, technology.packaging.rtp, eclipse.pde.incubator, tools.gef, modeling.emft.b3, eclipse.incubator,, eclipse.pde)
  • Lucas Bullen (eclipse.platform, tools.corrosion, eclipse.pde, tools.acute)
  • Alexander Burdukov (tools.mtj)
  • Igor Burilo (technology.subversive)
  • Ed Burnette (eclipse, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.platform, webtools.incubator)
  • Brian Burns (tools.pdt)
  • Ed Burns (ee4j.mojarra)
  • Jared Burns (eclipse.jdt.ui, eclipse, eclipse.platform.ant, eclipse.incubator.platform, eclipse.platform.doc, eclipse.jdt.apt,, eclipse.jdt.doc, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.platform, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.platform.debug, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.platform.plat-rel-core, eclipse.jdt.debug,
  • Simon Burns (eclipse.equinox, technology)
  • Stéphane Bus (technology.drops)
  • Darya Busel (iot.iofog)
  • Duane Buss (technology.higgins)
  • Tim Buss (technology.alf)
  • Anthony Bussani (technology.higgins)
  • Leugim Bustelo (webtools.atf, webtools.wst, webtools, webtools.jst)
  • Daniela Butano (soa.ebpm)
  • Howard Butler (locationtech.libspatialindex)
  • Katarzyna Bylec (technology.g-eclipse)
  • Greg Byrd (technology.higgins)
  • Benjamin Cabé (eclipse.e4, eclipse.pde, eclipse.pde.incubator, iot.mihini, technology.mihini, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.pde.doc, eclipse.pde.ui, technology.koneki)
  • Juan Cadavid (modeling.mdt.papyrus, soa.mangrove)
  • Xuye Cai (ecd.theia)
  • Karla Callaghan (tptp.platform, tptp)
  • Chris Callendar (tools.mylyn)
  • John Camelon* (tools, tools.cdt)
  • Janet Campbell (foundation-internal.eclipsecon, technology.dash)
  • Christian Campo (tools.orbit, eclipse.platform, rt.riena, technology.riena, tools.windowbuilder, eclipse.e4, eclipse.platform.swt, technology.examples)
  • Carlos Cañado (ecd.opensmartclide)
  • Julien Canches (tptp.test, tptp)
  • William Candillon (tools.pdt.incubator, webtools.incubator)
  • Gilles Cannenterre (modeling.ecoretools, modeling.emft)
  • Francisco Javier Cano (modeling.mdt.papyrus)
  • Kepa Cantero (automotive.openpass)
  • Nik Canvin (ecd.codewind)
  • Hui Cao (tools.datatools, datatools.sqltools, datatools.enablement)
  • Sebastian Carbajales (, stp.web, stp, stp.core)
  • Devon Carew (tools.windowbuilder)
  • David Carlson (modeling.mdt, modeling.mdt.imm, modeling.mdt.papyrus, modeling.mdt.sbvr.releng, modeling.mdht, modeling.mdt, modeling.mdt.imm-releng, modeling.mdt.sbvr)
  • Max Carlson (technology.laszlo)
  • Andy Carpenter (modeling.emft.emfatic)
  • Mark Carrier (locationtech.geowave)
  • Janelle Carroll (technology, dsdp.ercp)
  • Randy Carroll (technology.ohf)
  • Mathieu Cartaud (modeling.emfcompare)
  • Bill Carter (technology.actf)
  • David Carver (, tools.andmore, webtools.incubator, technology.dash, tools.orbit, webtools.sourceediting)
  • John Casey (technology.buckminster)
  • Joel Cayne* (modeling.m2t, tptp.monitoring, tools.orbit, tptp.platform)
  • Jakub Cech (iot.tangleid)
  • Kel Cecil (technology.golo)
  • Sopot Cela (eclipse.e4, eclipse.platform, eclipse.pde, eclipse.platform.ui)
  • Peter Centgraf (technology.nebula.incubator, technology.nebula)
  • Rob Cernich (datatools.modelbase, tools.datatools, datatools.connectivity, stp)
  • Silvere Chabal (iot.mihini, technology.mihini)
  • Stephanie Chafe (modeling.papyrus-rt)
  • ANIRBAN CHAKRABORTY (eclipse.jdt.core)
  • Avdoot Chalke (technology.iottestware)
  • Ravi Chamria (tools.secoblocks)
  • Eugene Chan* (tools, tptp.performance, tptp.monitoring, tptp.platform)
  • Kathy Chan* (tptp, webtools.webservices, tptp.performance, tptp.test, webtools.common, webtools.jst, tptp.monitoring, webtools.wst, tptp.platform, webtools, webtools.incubator)
  • Kelvin Chan (eclipse.platform)
  • Linda Chan (datatools.incubator, datatools.sqltools, tools.datatools, datatools.enablement, datatools.modelbase, technology.birt, tools.orbit, datatools.connectivity)
  • Nazareno Chan (locationtech.udig)
  • Samantha Chan (eclipse.platform.debug, eclipse.platform, dsdp.dd)
  • Thierry Chantier (technology.golo)
  • Chen Chao (technology.birt)
  • Sue Chaplain (technology.openj9)
  • Matt Chapman (technology, tools.aspectj, tools.ajdt)
  • Philippe Charles (technology.imp)
  • Philippe Charriere (technology.golo)
  • Guillaume CHATELET (tools.buckminster)
  • Tony Chau (, stp.web, stp, stp.core)
  • Mariot Chauvin (technology.swtbot, modeling.gmf, technology.sketch, modeling.acceleo, modeling.gmf-runtime)
  • Rafael Chaves (eclipse.platform.core, technology, eclipse, eclipse.platform, eclipse.platform.doc, eclipse.equinox)
  • Julio C. Chavez (webtools.releng)
  • Simon Chemouil (eclipse.e4)
  • Alex Chen (stp, stp.creation, stp.web,, stp.system)
  • Ben ShuoQi Chen (ecd.cft)
  • Chen Chen (technology.birt)
  • Cheng Chen (technology.recommenders)
  • cong chen (datatools.connectivity)
  • Julian J W Chen (rt.ercp, dsdp.ercp, technology)
  • Justin Chen (webtools.jsf, webtools.wst, webtools, webtools.jst)
  • Kyle(Xiaosong) Chen (ee4j.eclipselink, technology.eclipselink)
  • Li Chen (technology.birt)
  • Mike Chen (technology.birt)
  • Tony Chen (tools.edt)
  • Wenwen Chen (automotive.kuksa)
  • William Chen (tools.tcf)
  • Xiao Di Chen (technology.epf)
  • Xihui Chen (technology.nebula)
  • Xuan Chen (,
  • Ying Chen (technology.birt)
  • Yu Chen (technology.birt)
  • Yu Chen (technology.birt)
  • Jerry Cheng (technology.birt)
  • Michael Cheng (dsdp.ercp)
  • Miranda Cheng (ee4j.servlet)
  • Maksim Chepelev (iot.iofog)
  • Vasile Chereches (technology.ormf)
  • Doug Chesney (stp)
  • Joel Cheuoua* (modeling.m2t.jet, modeling.m2t, modeling.emft)
  • Semion Chichelnitsky (eclipse.platform, eclipse)
  • Randy Childers (technology.vtp)
  • Bradley Childs (webtools, webtools.sourceediting, webtools.jst, webtools.wst)
  • Hiram Chirino (, stp, stp.web)
  • Andrey Chizhikov (ecd.che)
  • Michal Chmielewski* (technology.bpel)
  • Youngeun Cho (modeling.avsys)
  • Jean Choi (webtools.wst, webtools, webtools.jst, webtools.jsf)
  • Der_Ping Chou (tools.datatools, webtools.datatools, datatools.connectivity, webtools.wst, datatools.modelbase, tools.datatools, webtools, webtools.jst, datatools.enablement, datatools.sqltools)
  • Sayeed Choudhury (technology.pass)
  • Francois Chouinard (tools.cdt, tools.mylyn, dsdp.dd, technology.egerrit, tools.linuxtools,
  • George Christelis (tptp.platform, tptp)
  • Hank Christensen (technology.birt)
  • Kam Man Chu* (technology.ptp, tools.ptp)
  • Mark Chu-Carroll (technology)
  • Bill Chung (technology)
  • Patrick Chuong (tools.cdt)
  • Drazen Cindric (rt.smila)
  • Rodica Ciurea (technology.aperi)
  • Michael Clay (tools.xtend, modeling.emft.emfatic, modeling.tmf.xtext, modeling.tmf)
  • Martin Clement (iot.kiso)
  • Geoff Clemm (technology)
  • Paul Clenahan (technology.birt)
  • Kim Clohessy (technology.ohf)
  • Jim Clune (technology)
  • Ken Clyne (technology.epf)
  • Adrian Co (technology.swordfish, rt.swordfish)
  • Barb Cochrane (technology.dash)
  • Mark Coggins (technology.birt)
  • Nir Cohen (technology.dltk, tools.pdt.core, tools.pdt)
  • Rohit Colaco (technology.birt)
  • Oliver Cole (technology.cosmos, tptp.test, tptp.platform)
  • Kim Coleman (tools, eclipse)
  • Matteo Collina (technology.ponte, iot.ponte)
  • Paul Colton (technology.babel, technology.dash.monkey, technology.dash)
  • Adrian Colyer (technology, tools.aspectj, rt.gemini, tools.ajdt)
  • Jim Conallen (technology.lyo)
  • Robert Connell (eclipse.incubator.equinox,, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.incubator.platform, eclipse.equinox)
  • Stephen Connolly (technology.aether)
  • Alice Connors (tools.edt)
  • Frederic Conrotte (technology.ofmp)
  • Simona Constantin (technology.aperi)
  • Morgan Cook (technology.osee)
  • Shawn Cook (technology.osee)
  • Toby Corbin (ecd.codewind)
  • Korina Cordero (technology.iam)
  • Frank Cornelissen (modeling.m2t)
  • Kevin Cornell (eclipse)
  • Christophe Cornu (eclipse, eclipse.platform.swt, eclipse.platform)
  • Diego Coronel (technology.ceylon)
  • John Cortell (tools.cdt)
  • Marco Cortella (soa.ebam)
  • Jean-Claude Cote (modeling.emft, modeling.emft.temporality)
  • Xavier Coulon (tools.linuxtools)
  • Jonathan Coustick (ee4j.mail, technology.transformer, ee4j.cdi, ee4j.jaf, ee4j.servlet, ee4j.glassfish)
  • Andrea Covas (eclipse)
  • Richard Craddock (technology.tigerstripe)
  • Andrew Craik (technology.openj9, technology.omr)
  • Stephanie Crater (adoptium.temurin-compliance)
  • Tod Creasey (eclipse.platform.doc,, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.platform, eclipse.platform.plat-rel-core,, eclipse, eclipse.incubator.platform)
  • Carl Cronje (technology.jsr220-orm)
  • Emil Crumhorn (technology.nebula.incubator, technology.nebula)
  • Arnaud Cuccuru (modeling.mdt.papyrus)
  • Marshall Culpepper (webtools)
  • Ward Cunningham (technology.dash, technology.dash.dashboard)
  • Shane Curcuru (technology)
  • Rick Curtis (ee4j.eclipselink)
  • Joseph Cusano (technology.rtsc, dsdp.rtsc)
  • Curtis D'Entremont (eclipse.platform,, eclipse, eclipse.platform.doc, tools)
  • Sujay D'Souza (technology.phoenix, tools.ajdt)
  • YONGXIN DAI (rt.ercp)
  • Guy Daich (ecd.che)
  • Andy Dale (technology.higgins)
  • Marc DALLAS (technology.drops)
  • Christopher Daly (modeling.emft.emfatic, modeling.emft)
  • Markus Damm (dt.basyx)
  • Linda Damus (modeling.gmf, modeling.gmf-runtime)
  • Liz Dancy (tptp.test)
  • Robert Danek (tools)
  • Krzysztof Daniel (eclipse.platform, technology.cbi, tools.orbit, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.platform.ui, tools.linuxtools)
  • Maxime Daniel (eclipse.jdt.core, eclipse.jdt.ui, eclipse, eclipse.incubator.e4, eclipse.jdt.apt, eclipse.jdt.doc, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.jdt)
  • Oleg Danilov (technology.bpel, soa.bpel)
  • Alex Danoyan (technology.aperi)
  • David Daoust (tools.cdt, tools)
  • Redouane Darfoufi (technology.comma)
  • Kasandra Darwin (technology.dash)
  • Stefan Daume (stp, tools.buckminster, modeling.emft.b3, technology.buckminster)
  • Hitesh Dave (technology.kura, iot.kura)
  • Istvan David (modeling.viatra)
  • Juan David Parra (iot.agail)
  • Stephane Daviet (ecd.che)
  • Matthew Davis (technology.stem, technology.ohf)
  • Sam Davis (mylyn.context,, tools.mylyn, mylyn, mylyn.commons, mylyn.incubator, mylyn.tasks, mylyn.builds)
  • Scott de Deugd (technology.paho, iot.paho)
  • Caspar De Groot* (modeling.emf.net4j)
  • Gregoire de Hemptinne (modeling.emft.wazaabi)
  • Maurits de Jong (iot.cyclonedds)
  • Fabian De Keyn (technology.ofmp)
  • Miguel A. de Miguel Cabello (modeling.mddi)
  • Gustavo de Paula (tools.orbit, tools.mtj, dsdp.mtj)
  • Ringo De Smet (technology)
  • DJ de Villiers (technology.epf)
  • Kris De Volder (technology.flux, ecd.orion, ecd.flux)
  • Nigel Deakin (ee4j.openmq, ee4j.messaging)
  • Nathan DeBardeleben (tools.ptp, technology.ptp)
  • Csaba Debreceni (modeling.incquery, modeling.viatra)
  • Guillaume Decarnin (soa.jwt, technology.jwt)
  • Anil Degwekar (technology.aperi)
  • Klaus Deissner (technology.ogee)
  • Chris Delahunt (technology.eclipselink, ee4j.eclipselink)
  • Brian Delaire (technology.aperi)
  • Benoit Delbosc (rt.apricot)
  • Thierry Delprat (rt.apricot)
  • Sebastien Demathieu (modeling.mddi)
  • Achim Demelt (modeling.m2t.xpand, tools.buckminster)
  • Daria Dementieva (ecd.che)
  • Chengrui Deng (tptp.platform)
  • Denis Denisenko (tools.rat)
  • Christiane Denks (automotive.openpass)
  • Justin Deoliveira (locationtech.geoscript)
  • Krasimir Dermendzhiev (ecd.dirigible)
  • Jim Des Rivieres* (eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.jdt.ui, eclipse.pde.ui, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.platform.doc, eclipse.jdt,, eclipse.jdt.doc, eclipse.pde, eclipse, eclipse.platform, eclipse.incubator.platform, eclipse.platform.plat-rel-core, eclipse.jdt.core)
  • Marco Descher (eclipse.e4)
  • Sylvain Desgrais (technology.golo)
  • Ganesh Deshvini* (automotive.mdmbl)
  • Dwight Deugo (technology.ide4edu, technology.soc.ide4edu, technology.ecesis, technology.soc, technology)
  • Jeannete Deupree (eclipse)
  • Brian E. Deuser (technology)
  • Prashant Deva (technology.soc)
  • Simon Dew (asciidoc.asciidoc-lang)
  • Fabrice Dewasmes (stp, stp.web, soa.jwt,, technology.jwt)
  • Jordan Deyton (
  • Matthew Dickie (science.scanning)
  • Mark Dickson (technology.epf)
  • Yannick DIDIERJEAN* (automotive.sphinx)
  • Marcos Didonet Del Fabro (modeling.gmt, modeling.gmt.amw)
  • Idrissa DIENG (automotive.sphinx)
  • Steffen Dienst (modeling.emft.mtf)
  • André Dietisheim (modeling.emf, modeling.emf.net4j, modeling.emf.cdo)
  • Alexander Diewald (technology.systemfocus)
  • Tom Digre (modeling.mdt, modeling.mdt.mst)
  • Aaron Digulla (technology.dash)
  • Eric Dillon (technology.tigerstripe)
  • Jason Dillon (technology.hudson)
  • Sonia Dimitrov (eclipse.jdt.doc,, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.platform.core, eclipse.pde, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.incubator.platform, eclipse.platform.doc, eclipse, eclipse.pde.doc, eclipse.platform.webdav, eclipse.jdt.apt, eclipse.platform.releng,, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.platform, eclipse.jdt.debug, eclipse.platform.swt, eclipse.equinox.framework,, eclipse.jdt.ui,, eclipse.incubator.equinox, eclipse.platform.debug,, eclipse.platform.update, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.platform.plat-rel-core, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.pde.ui, rt.equinox.incubator, eclipse.jdt.core,, tools.orbit, eclipse.equinox.bundles, eclipse.platform.ant)
  • Ana Dimova (iot.smarthome)
  • Si Dinh (tools)
  • Suzanne Dirkers (tools)
  • Sebastian Dirsch (technology.mdmweb, automotive.mdmbl)
  • Michal Dobisek (technology.subversive)
  • Pavlin Dobrev (rt.equinox.incubator, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.equinox.bundles, eclipse.incubator.platform,, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.incubator)
  • Robert Doczi (modeling.viatra)
  • Sharanya Doddapaneni (technology.maynstall)
  • Srinivas Doddapaneni (tptp, tptp.performance, tptp.monitoring, tptp.platform)
  • Virgil Dodson (technology.birt)
  • Daniel Doerr (technology.stem)
  • Ryan Doherty (technology.aperi)
  • Vrishali Doke (soa.stardust)
  • Justin Dolezy (technology.nebula.nattable)
  • Maryna Dolhalova (ecd.che)
  • Sebastian Döll (automotive.velocitas)
  • Srinivas Reddy Doma (technology.cosmos)
  • Tom Doman (technology.higgins)
  • Dimitar Donchev (webtools.incubator)
  • Flavio Donze (technology.bpmn2-modeler)
  • Johannes Dorn (technology.recommenders, technology.packaging, technology.recommenders.incubator)
  • Wainer dos Santos Moschetta (tools.linuxtools)
  • Yasuo Doshiro (technology.birt, datatools.enablement, datatools.sqltools, datatools.connectivity, datatools.modelbase)
  • Blaise Doughan (technology.eclipselink, ee4j.eclipselink, tools.orbit)
  • Jeffrey Douglas (tools.edt)
  • Charalampos Doukas (iot.agail)
  • Guillaume Doux (modeling.gmt.am3)
  • Jeremy Dowdall (technology.nebula)
  • Rodney Dowdall (eclipse.platform.swt, eclipse.platform)
  • Nick Dowler (modeling.mdt)
  • Kevin Doyle (,
  • Stephane Drapeau (soa,,, stp.web, soa.jwt, stp,, technology.jwt)
  • Toni Drapkin (technology.cosmos)
  • Saurabh Dravid (technology.cosmos)
  • Dwayne Dreakford (tools)
  • Alin Dreghiciu (technology.aether, technology.sisu)
  • Daniel Drigo Pastore (tools.sequoyah, dsdp.sequoyah, tools.mtj, dsdp.mtj, dsdp.tml)
  • Andreas Drobisch (technology.bpmn2-modeler)
  • Carsten Drossel (technology.riena, rt.riena)
  • James Drummond (ecd.che)
  • Sebastien Dubois (, tools.mylyn,,
  • David Dubrow (tools.sequoyah, tools.cdt, dsdp.sequoyah)
  • Alexander Dudaev (technology.rcptt)
  • Richard Duggan (tools, eclipse)
  • Esteban DUGUEPEROUX (modeling.sirius, modeling.emf.cdo)
  • Sylvain Duguet (tptp.performance, tptp)
  • Jordan Dukadinov (rt.riena)
  • Andrey Dulub (technology.maynstall)
  • Umut Duman (webtools.libra)
  • Vlad Dumitrescu (technology.lsp4e)
  • Alexandru-Paul Dumitru (ecd.che.che4z)
  • Kolja Dummann (technology.mbeddr)
  • Jonathan Dumont (polarsys.esf)
  • Bob Duncan (tptp.platform, tools)
  • Susan Duncan (technology.hudson)
  • Mark D. Dunn (tptp.test, tools)
  • Larry Dunnell (webtools.datatools, webtools.wst, datatools.enablement, tools.datatools, webtools, webtools.jst, datatools.connectivity, datatools.modelbase, tools.datatools)
  • Gregoire Dupe (modeling.gmt.modisco, modeling.emft.emf-facet, modeling.modisco)
  • Julien Dupont (modeling.sirius)
  • Christian Dupuis (rt.virgo)
  • Anna Dushistova (tools.tcf,,
  • Kristian Duske (technology.n4js, technology.gef3d)
  • Marc Dutoo (technology.jwt, soa.jwt, soa)
  • Uttaran Dutta (eclipse.platform.swt, eclipse.platform)
  • Radomil Dvorak (modeling.mmt.qvt-oml, modeling.gmf, modeling.mmt, modeling.gmf-tooling)
  • David Dykstal* (,
  • Justin Early (webtools.vjet)
  • Gerhard Ebenhofer (iot.4diac)
  • Stefan Ebenschwanger (modeling.eatop)
  • Andrew Eberbach (tptp.monitoring)
  • Stephan Eberle (modeling.emf.teneo,, technology.packaging, automotive.sphinx, modeling.emf, modeling.emft, modeling.emft.teneo, modeling.eatop)
  • John Eblen (tools.ptp)
  • Jens Eckels (dsdp.blinki)
  • Johannes Eder (technology.systemfocus)
  • Nick Edgar (eclipse.incubator.platform, eclipse.platform.doc, eclipse.platform.releng, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.platform, eclipse.platform.plat-rel-core,, eclipse)
  • Stefan Edlund (technology.stem, technology.ohf)
  • Jesse Eichar (locationtech.udig)
  • Chris Eichelberger (locationtech.geomesa, locationtech.sfcurve)
  • Hajo Eichler (modeling.emft.mxf, modeling.emft)
  • Thomas Eichstaedt-Engelen* (iot.smarthome, technology.smarthome)
  • Andrew Eidsness (eclipse.incubator, eclipse, modeling.papyrus-rt)
  • Andrew Eisenberg (ecd.orion, tools.ajdt, eclipse.e4)
  • Aldo Eisma (technology.ohf, rt.equinox.incubator)
  • Amine EL KOUHEN (modeling.mdt.papyrus)
  • Elijah El-Haddad (ecd.orion)
  • Mohamed El-Kholy (technology.birt)
  • Jad El-khourry (technology.lyo)
  • Jad El-khoury (technology.lyo)
  • Ahmed Eldawy (locationtech.geojinni)
  • Michael D. Elder (stp.web, eclipse.platform, stp, stp.core, eclipse.platform.ui,
  • Paul Elder (eclipse.platform, modeling.emft, modeling.m2t.jet, eclipse.platform.ui, modeling.m2t)
  • Christophe Elek (eclipse)
  • Chris Elford (tptp.test, tptp.platform)
  • Robert Elves* (mylyn.incubator, mylyn.versions, tools.mylyn, mylyn.context, mylyn.tasks, technology.lyo, tools.mylyn, mylyn.commons)
  • Rob Emanuele (locationtech.jts, locationtech.sfcurve, locationtech.geotrellis, locationtech.proj4j)
  • Robert Emsbach (soa.stardust)
  • Mark Engelmann (automotive.tractusx)
  • Nick Entin (technology.subversive)
  • Adi Enzel (automotive.uprotocol)
  • Sebastien Eon (iot.edje)
  • Valentin Erastov (technology.tigerstripe)
  • Tobias Erdle (ee4j.krazo, ee4j.mvc)
  • Jared Erickson (locationtech.geoscript)
  • Marc Erickson (eclipse.platform)
  • Christian Ernst (technology.dali, webtools.dali)
  • Pavel Erofeev (modeling.emft.wazaabi)
  • Hannes Erven (webtools.libra)
  • James Ervin (technology.dash, technology.m2e)
  • Roberto Escobar (technology.osee)
  • Pascal Essiembre (technology.babel)
  • Tim Etchells (ecd.codewind)
  • Akif Etkue (technology.recommenders.incubator)
  • Charles Eutsler (datatools.sqltools)
  • Glenn Everitt (technology.corona)
  • Steffen Evers (automotive.kuksa, technology.sw360)
  • Sean Evoy (tools)
  • Daniel Exertier (polarsys.capella)
  • Song Fan (tools.edt)
  • Freeman Fang (stp)
  • Zhou Fang (technology.plato)
  • Fabio Fantato (dsdp.tml)
  • Mazen Faraj (eclipse)
  • Csilla Farkas (tools.titan)
  • Raphael Faudou (modeling.mdt.papyrus, modeling.mdt, polarsys.reqcycle)
  • Lee Faus (webtools)
  • Nicolas FAUVERGUE (modeling.mdt.papyrus)
  • Zahra Fazli (foundation-internal.db)
  • Igor Fedorenko (technology.sisu, rt.equinox.incubator, technology.m2e, technology.tycho, technology.aether)
  • Max Feldman (modeling.gmf, modeling.mmt.qvt-oml, modeling, modeling.mmt)
  • Liqiong Feng (, ee4j.jca)
  • Yun Feng Ma (tools.edt)
  • Daniel Ferber (tools.ptp)
  • Andrew Ferguson (tools.cdt)
  • Stefane Fermigier (technology.apogee, rt.apricot)
  • Juan Fernandez (technology.birt)
  • Otavio Luiz Ferranti (dsdp.tml)
  • Tatiana Fesenko (modeling.mdt, modeling.mdt.uml2-tools, modeling.mdt.papyrus)
  • Michael Fiedler* (technology.lyo)
  • Jacob Filik (science.dawnsci)
  • Pascal Filion (ee4j.eclipselink, webtools.dali, technology.eclipselink)
  • Damien Filliat (polarsys.capella)
  • Andrew Finkbeiner (technology.osee, technology.nebula)
  • Ken Finnigan (technology.microprofile)
  • Andreas Fischer (automotive.cloe)
  • Henryk Fischer (iot.unide)
  • Ira Fishbein (technology.nebula)
  • Brian Fitzpatrick* (eclipse.e4, tools.datatools, datatools.connectivity, datatools.incubator, datatools.sqltools, technology.bpmn2-modeler, datatools.enablement, datatools.modelbase)
  • Dmitri Fix (automotive.openpass)
  • Matthew Flaherty (, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.incubator, rt.equinox.incubator,, eclipse.equinox,, eclipse.incubator.platform)
  • Thomas Fletcher (tools)
  • Fabien Fleutot (technology.mihini, technology.koneki, tools.ldt, iot.mihini)
  • Roman Flueckiger (technology.nebula.nattable)
  • Martin Fluegge (modeling.emf.net4j, modeling.emf.cdo)
  • Jennifer Fogell (eclipse, eclipse.equinox.bundles, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.incubator.platform, technology, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.equinox.framework, eclipse.incubator.equinox, rt.equinox.incubator)
  • Achille Fokoue (technology)
  • Miklos Foldenyi (modeling.viatra)
  • Brian Foote (tools.ptp.photran, technology.photran)
  • Igor Foox (tools.linuxtools)
  • Ann Ford (technology.actf)
  • Daniel Ford* (technology.stem, technology.ohf)
  • Zeb Ford-Reitz (technology.jubula)
  • Julien FOROT (stp, stp.eid,, stp.web)
  • Bob Foster (technology.hudson)
  • Athanasios Foudoulis (technology.camf)
  • Damien Fournier (,
  • Brian Fox (technology.aether)
  • Tim Fox* (rt.vertx)
  • Steve Francisco (eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.platform)
  • Karsten Frank (iot.hono)
  • Bob Frankel (technology.rtsc, dsdp.rtsc)
  • Bob Fraser (webtools,, webtools.jst, webtools.wst)
  • Rodrigo Fraxino Araujo (tools.linuxtools)
  • Will Frazer (technology.kura, iot.kura)
  • Todd Fredrickson (technology.epf)
  • Bjorn Freeman-Benson (rt.ecf, technology.ecesis, technology.athena, technology.spaces, technology.dash, tools.orbit, eclipse, technology.dash.dashboard, modeling.gmf, technology.dash.monkey, technology, technology.phoenix, technology.buckminster, tools.mylyn, technology.dash.athena, modeling.emft.b3, technology.dash.ganomatic)
  • Urs Frei (modeling.amp)
  • Leif Frenzel (technology.packaging)
  • Peter Freytag (rt.smila)
  • Peter Friese* (modeling.emft.mwe, modeling.m2t.xpand, modeling.tmf.xtext, modeling.amalgam, modeling.emft, modeling.m2t, modeling.tmf, modeling.emf.mwe)
  • Wolfgang Frings (tools.ptp)
  • Thomas Friol (technology.lepido)
  • Marvin Froeder (technology.tycho)
  • Rob Frost (webtools.jeetools, webtools.servertools, webtools, webtools.jst, webtools.wst)
  • Kathryn Fryer (tools, eclipse)
  • Hannes Fuchs (locationtech.geoperil)
  • Robert Fuhrer (technology.imp)
  • Antje Fuhrmann (soa.stardust)
  • Paul Fullbright (webtools.dali, webtools.wst, webtools, webtools.jst, technology.dali)
  • Monika Funke (soa.stardust)
  • Doug Gaff (, dsdp.dd, dsdp)
  • Aditya Gaikwad (soa.stardust)
  • Jason Gainey (automotive.openpass)
  • Martina Galabova (eclipse.incubator.e4, eclipse.e4)
  • Jesus Galan (automotive.ambientlight)
  • Wojciech Galanciak (tools.thym)
  • Ben Gamble (tools.datatools, technology.birt)
  • Erich Gamma* (eclipse.platform, eclipse,, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.jdt.core, eclipse.jdt.ui,, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.jdt.apt, eclipse.jdt.doc)
  • Kasper Gammeltoft (
  • Mukul Gandhi (webtools.sourceediting)
  • Etienne Gandrille (technology.sensinact)
  • Shrikant Gangal (soa.stardust)
  • Roy Ganor (datatools.enablement, technology.dltk, tools.orbit, tools.pdt.bugzilla, tools.pdt.incubator, technology.cdtk, tools.atf, tools.pdt, tools.pdt.core)
  • Dazheng Gao (technology.birt)
  • Howard Gao (stp)
  • Yan GAO (ee4j.jersey,
  • Alexander Garagatyi (ecd.che)
  • Ben Garbers (technology.ormf)
  • Ariel Garcia (technology.g-eclipse)
  • Jacobo García (technology.soc)
  • Javier Garcia (tools)
  • Miguel Garcia (modeling.emft.emfatic, technology.soc, modeling.emft, modeling.mdt)
  • Yoann GARCIA (iot.kiso-testing)
  • Jose Manuel Garcia Maciel (
  • Martin Gardyan (technology.openk-usermodules, technology.openk-coremodules, technology.elogbook)
  • Florent Garin (polarsys.eplmp)
  • Jess Garms (eclipse, eclipse.jdt.apt, technology.babel, webtools.jst, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.jdt.doc, webtools, webtools.wst)
  • Wylie Garvin (technology.bpel)
  • Frank Gasparovic (iot.keti)
  • Christophe Gatti (polarsys.capella)
  • Pierre Gaufillet (polarsys.kitalpha, polarsys.3p)
  • Tobias Gauß (iot.vorto)
  • Thierry Gautier (polarsys.pop)
  • Giulio Gavardi (soa.ebam)
  • Lynn Gayowski (technology.phoenix)
  • Thomas GAYRAL (polarsys.cotsaq)
  • Hong Ge Gao (tools.edt)
  • Andy Gelme (technology.paho, iot.paho)
  • Jeff Genender (ee4j.jakartaee-platform)
  • Pavel Genevski (ecd.dirigible)
  • Tom George (ecd.che)
  • Dimitar Georgiev (eclipse.e4)
  • Dimo Georgiev (ecd.dirigible)
  • Andrew Geraghty (technology.phoenix)
  • Vadim Geraskin (technology.tigerstripe)
  • Felix Gerbig (automotive.tractusx)
  • Ralph Gerbig* (modeling.gmf-tooling)
  • Radoslav Gerganov (,
  • John Gerken (tools)
  • lars gersmann (webtools.incubator)
  • Jan Gerste (technology.openk-usermodules)
  • Nathan Gervais (foundation-internal, eclipse.e4, technology.phoenix)
  • Ghada Gharbi (iot.om2m, technology.om2m)
  • frank ghenassia (automotive.uprotocol)
  • Antonella Giachino (soa.ebam)
  • Alberto Giammaria (technology.lyo)
  • Minh GIANG (technology.mihini, iot.mihini)
  • Shalom Gibly (tools.pdt, tools.pdt.core, tools.pdt.bugzilla, tools.pdt.incubator)
  • Michael Gibson (ecd.codewind)
  • Randy Giffen (eclipse)
  • Matthew Gill (ee4j.grizzly, technology.transformer, ee4j.validation)
  • Marc Gille (soa, soa.stardust)
  • Terran ('Trip') Gilman (technology.vtp)
  • Ken Gilmer (technology.ecf, technology)
  • Paul Gingrich (dsdp.dd)
  • Andrea Gioia (soa.ebam)
  • Francis Giraldeau (tools.tracecompass, polarsys.rover)
  • Sylva Girtelschmid (technology.g-eclipse)
  • Harald Gjermundrød (technology.g-eclipse)
  • Jens Glander (rt.equinox.incubator)
  • Quentin Glineur (modeling.mmt, modeling.mmt.qvtd)
  • Dejan Glozic* (eclipse.jdt.apt,, eclipse.pde, eclipse.platform.update, eclipse.pde.incubator, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.platform, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.platform.plat-rel-core, eclipse.jdt.ui, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.pde.doc, eclipse, eclipse.pde.ui, eclipse.incubator.platform, eclipse.platform.doc)
  • Marc Gobeil (tools.gef)
  • Subodh Godbole (soa.stardust)
  • William Goddin (tools)
  • Oliver Goetz (technology.jubula)
  • Santhosh Gokhale (tools.secoblocks)
  • Bartosz Golaszewski (oniro.oniro-blueprints, oniro.oniro-core)
  • Gadi Goldbarg (tools.pdt, tools.pdt.core, tools.pdt.bugzilla)
  • Chris Goldthorpe (, eclipse, eclipse.platform.doc, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.platform)
  • David Gomez Fernandez (iot.agail)
  • Alexei Goncharov (technology.subversive)
  • Gary Gong (tools.datatools, tools.datatools, datatools.connectivity)
  • Bor Gonzalez-Usach (iot.unide)
  • Robert Goodman (webtools.atf, webtools.atf, webtools.wst, tools.pdt.bugzilla, webtools, webtools.atf, webtools.jst, tools.pdt, tools.pdt.core)
  • Richard Goodwin (modeling.emft)
  • Adhith Gopal (tools.secoblocks)
  • Michael Gorovoy* (rt.jetty)
  • Marcel Gorri (dsdp.sequoyah, tools.sequoyah)
  • Yonko Gospodinov (iot.kanto)
  • Johnathan Gossage (technology)
  • Thomas Gossmann (tools.pdt)
  • Pranav Gothadiya (tools.mtj)
  • Yasuhisa Gotoh (tptp.monitoring)
  • Patrick Gottschaemmer (technology.recommenders.incubator)
  • Pierre Goudet (iot.paho)
  • Alex Goudine (locationtech.geogig)
  • Richard Gould (technology.m2e)
  • Jerome Gout (tptp, tptp.test)
  • Dennis Grabow (technology.jubula)
  • Charlie Gracie (technology.omr, technology.openj9)
  • Emanuel Graf (tools.cdt)
  • John Graham (datatools.enablement, datatools.modelbase, tools.datatools, datatools.connectivity, datatools.incubator, datatools.sqltools, tools.orbit)
  • Lidija Grahek (modeling.gmf, modeling.gmf-runtime, modeling.gmf-notation)
  • Elena Gramatova (iot.kanto)
  • Konstantina Gramatova (iot.kanto)
  • Martin Grebac (ee4j.eclipselink)
  • David Green (, mylyn.tasks, tools.mylyn, mylyn.commons, mylyn.incubator, technology.packaging.mpc, tools.orbit)
  • Michael Greenawalt (technology.vtp)
  • Robert Greene (technology.jsr220-orm)
  • Scott Greer (tools.edt)
  • Edward Greve (technology.trinity)
  • Sergey Gribovsky (modeling.mdt.uml2-tools, modeling.mdt)
  • Caspar Gries (dt.basyx)
  • Grahame Grieve (technology.uomo, technology.ohf)
  • Neil Griffin (ee4j.faces, ee4j.mojarra)
  • Roman Grigoriadi (, ee4j.jaxb, ee4j.websocket, ee4j.jaxws, ee4j.jsonb, ee4j.metro, ee4j.eclipselink, ee4j.tyrus, ee4j.jaxb-impl, ee4j.yasson, ee4j.jersey, ee4j.jsonp)
  • Evgeni Grigorov (iot.kanto)
  • Richard Gronback* (galileo, modeling.amalgam, modeling, modeling.gmf)
  • Stefan Groschupf (eclipse)
  • Thomas Grosman (tools.hibachi)
  • Chris Gross* (technology.nebula)
  • Thomas Gross (technology.higgins)
  • Thomas Grosser (automotive.cloe)
  • Michael Grossniklaus (modeling.upr)
  • Conrad Groth (eclipse.platform)
  • Barry Grotjahn (soa.stardust)
  • Olivier Gruber (eclipse.incubator.platform, technology, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.incubator.equinox, rt.equinox.incubator, eclipse, eclipse.incubator)
  • Fabian Grün (automotive.tractusx)
  • Michael Gründler (technology.openk-platform)
  • Tom Gruner (rt.gyrex, technology.gyrex, technology.cloudfree)
  • Boris Gruschko (modeling.emf.query, modeling.emf.validation, modeling.emf.transaction)
  • Tianxiao Gu (technology.jifa)
  • Xiaoying Gu (tools.datatools, datatools.connectivity, datatools.incubator, datatools.sqltools, technology.packaging, tools.orbit, datatools.enablement, datatools.modelbase, technology.birt)
  • ShiHeng Guan (technology.birt)
  • Christian Guenzl (technology.gyrex, technology.cloudfree, rt.gyrex)
  • Andrew Guibert (ee4j.yasson, technology.microprofile, ee4j.jsonb, rt.vertx)
  • Dominique Guilbaud (tptp.platform, tools, tptp.performance, tptp)
  • Pierre Guilet (modeling.sirius)
  • Florent Guillaume (rt.apricot)
  • Morgan Guimard (polarsys.eplmp)
  • Tom Guinane (technology.aperi)
  • Anurag Gujral (iot.keti)
  • Judith Gull* (technology.scout)
  • Srimanth Gunturi (, tools)
  • Raman Gupta (rt.ebr)
  • Guy Gurfinkel (tools.pdt.bugzilla, tools.pdt, tools.pdt.core)
  • Oleg Gusakov (technology.m2e)
  • Ben Guseman (locationtech.rasterframes)
  • Bjorn Gustafsson (technology.epf)
  • Steve Gutz (tptp, tptp.platform, tptp.performance)
  • Neil Guzman (tools.linuxtools)
  • Andrew Gvozdev (tools.cdt)
  • Eric Gwin (technology.eclipselink, ee4j.eclipselink)
  • Kevin Haaland* (eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.platform, eclipse.platform.plat-rel-core,, eclipse.equinox, tools, eclipse.jdt.doc, eclipse.platform.doc, eclipse.platform.releng, eclipse)
  • Arno Haase (modeling.m2t.xpand, modeling.emf.mwe, modeling.emft.mwe, modeling.m2t, modeling.emft, modeling.gmt)
  • Ted Habeck (eclipse.incubator.platform,, eclipse, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.incubator.equinox, rt.equinox.incubator, technology, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.incubator)
  • Brian Hackworth (technology.aperi)
  • Hope Hadfield (
  • Marios Hadjieleftheriou (locationtech.libspatialindex)
  • Nola Hague (technology.birt)
  • Bruno Haible (technology.albireo)
  • Ben Hale (rt.gemini, rt.virgo)
  • Matthew Hall (eclipse.e4, eclipse.platform.ui, technology.nebula.incubator, eclipse.platform, technology.nebula)
  • Thomas Hallgren (rt.equinox.incubator, tools.buckminster, technology.buckminster, technology.dash, eclipse.equinox, technology.kepler, modeling.emft.b3, technology.spaces,, technology.cdtk, technology.dash.ganomatic, eclipse.pde.incubator, technology.packaging.mpc)
  • Kari Halsted (eclipse, eclipse.jdt.doc, tptp, eclipse.jdt, tools, tptp.performance)
  • Christophe Hamerling (, stp.web, stp, stp.eid)
  • Jeff Hamm (technology.cosmos)
  • Russ Hamm (technology.ohf)
  • Martin Hammitzsch (locationtech.geoperil)
  • Jeremy Handcock (tools, eclipse)
  • Lukas Hanke (eclipse.e4)
  • Mathias Hansen (modeling.ecp)
  • Tim Hanson (eclipse.jdt, eclipse.jdt.doc, eclipse, eclipse.jdt.apt)
  • Benjamin Hanzelmann (technology.aether)
  • Ling Hao (technology.sapphire)
  • Kleo Hapitas (tools)
  • Dzmitry Harachka (modeling.emft.texo)
  • Johan Hardy (modeling.umlgen)
  • Walter Harley (eclipse.jdt.doc, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.jdt.core, eclipse.platform, eclipse, eclipse.jdt.apt)
  • Paul Harmon (tools.edt)
  • Guy Harpaz (tools.pdt)
  • Erin Harris (ecd.codewind)
  • Bill Harrison (technology)
  • Miklos Hartmann (technology.jubula)
  • Ronny Hartmann-Schmidt (rt.gyrex, technology.gyrex, technology.cloudfree)
  • Adam Haselhuhn (tools.hibachi)
  • Matthew Hatem (eclipse.e4, eclipse.incubator.platform, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.platform)
  • Matthew Hatem (eclipse.e4)
  • Peter Haumer (technology.epf)
  • Victor Havin (tools)
  • Helen Hawkins (tools.ajdt, technology)
  • Joel Hawkins (technology.cosmos, technology.corona)
  • Wenbin He (technology.birt)
  • Yu He (, ee4j.jersey)
  • Yunan He (tptp.platform)
  • Mark Healy (iot.ponte, iot.hip)
  • Felipe Heidrich (eclipse, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.platform, technology.nebula, ecd.orion, eclipse.e4, eclipse.incubator.e4, eclipse.platform.swt)
  • Marcel Hein (technology.jubula)
  • Gregor Heine (stp.creation, stp.web,, stp.system, stp)
  • Philipp Heisig (automotive.kuksa)
  • Henning Heitkoetter (modeling.mdt.bpmn2)
  • Al Heitman (technology.aperi)
  • Matt Heitz (tools.edt)
  • Howard Hellyer (ecd.codewind)
  • Ryan Henderson (technology.picasso)
  • Kurt Hendle (tools.ptp.photran)
  • Erik Hendriks (iot.phizog)
  • Andreas Henriksson (modeling.papyrus-rt)
  • Daniel Henrique Barboza (tools.linuxtools)
  • Stefan Henss (technology.recommenders)
  • Frank Henze (eclipse)
  • Florin Herinean (soa.stardust)
  • Waldek Herka (tools.tomled)
  • Frank Hermann (modeling.emft.henshin)
  • Markus Herrmannsdoerfer (modeling.edapt, modeling.emft, modeling.ecp, modeling.emfstore)
  • Daniel Heß (automotive.adore)
  • Josh Hester (technology.cosmos)
  • Carsten Hiesserich (, tools.mylyn)
  • Scott Highbarger (ee4j.jakartaee-tck)
  • Hal Hildebrand* (rt.gemini)
  • Jesse Hill (eclipse)
  • Reiner Hille (modeling.mdt.bpmn2)
  • Jochen Hiller (technology.skalli, iot.concierge)
  • Bill Hilliard (tools.ptp.photran, technology.photran)
  • Erik Hilsdale (tools.aspectj, technology)
  • David Hinson (tools)
  • Adam Hinz (locationtech.geotrellis)
  • Shun-ichi Hirabayashi* (
  • Pascal Hirmer (automotive.winery)
  • Gordon Hirsch (technology.albireo)
  • Vlad Hirsl (tools)
  • Dao Hoang (automotive.sphinx)
  • Jeff Hoare (technology)
  • Clark Hobbie (rt.ecf)
  • David Hodges (tools)
  • Andrew Hodgkinson (technology.higgins)
  • Andreas Hoegger (technology.packaging, technology.scout)
  • Florian Hoelzl (technology.systemfocus)
  • Judith Hoereth (modeling.eatop)
  • Tom Hofmann (nee Eicher) (eclipse.incubator, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.jdt.ui, eclipse.platform.doc, eclipse,, eclipse.incubator.platform, eclipse.jdt.doc, eclipse.platform, eclipse.platform.text)
  • Mika Hoikkala (dsdp.mtj)
  • Seth Hollyman (tools.windowbuilder)
  • Reid Holmes (technology.soc)
  • Jan Holy (science.chemclipse)
  • Boris Holzer (modeling.mdt.rmf)
  • Tu Hong Jun (Catherine) (tools.ptp)
  • Dave Hoover (technology.glimmer)
  • Jon Hoover (tools)
  • Sigurd Hopen (technology.epf)
  • Sam Hopkins (technology.vtp)
  • Andrew Hoppe (tools)
  • Gary Horen (eclipse.jdt.doc, eclipse, eclipse.jdt.apt, eclipse.jdt)
  • Kim Horne (eclipse.incubator.e4,, eclipse.incubator.platform, eclipse.e4, eclipse.platform.doc, eclipse.equinox,, eclipse.incubator, rt.equinox.incubator, eclipse.incubator.equinox, eclipse, eclipse.platform, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.platform.plat-rel-core, eclipse.equinox.bundles, eclipse.platform.ui)
  • Kevin Horowitz (dsdp.mtj)
  • Paul Hoser (automotive.sphinx)
  • DJ Houghton (eclipse.equinox.p2, eclipse.platform.webdav, eclipse.platform.ant, eclipse.incubator.equinox,, eclipse, eclipse.platform.doc, eclipse.pde, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.platform.resources, eclipse.pde.incubator, eclipse.equinox.framework, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.platform, eclipse.incubator, rt.equinox.incubator, eclipse.platform.core, eclipse.incubator.platform, tools.orbit, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.platform.plat-rel-core,, eclipse.equinox.bundles, eclipse.platform.runtime, eclipse.pde.incubator)
  • Mark Howe (technology.dltk)
  • Filip Hrbek (tools.buckminster, modeling.emft.b3, technology.buckminster, mylyn.builds)
  • Marcel Hruška (ecd.che.che4z)
  • Hung Hsi (tools.datatools, tools.datatools, datatools.sqltools)
  • Po-Jen Hsiao (technology)
  • Eric MF Hsu (rt.ercp, dsdp.ercp)
  • Jiun-Yang Hsu (rt.ercp, dsdp.ercp)
  • Ben Hu (iot.sparkplug)
  • Kun Hu (technology.stem)
  • Shasha Hu (technology.birt)
  • Chuwei Huang (technology.esl)
  • Daniel Huang (datatools.sqltools)
  • Jiyong Huang (tools.edt)
  • Jonathan Huang (tools.orbit)
  • Liang Huang (ecd.theia)
  • Mao Huang (iot.sparkplug)
  • QiongFeng Huang (stp)
  • Richard (Yun Song) HUANG (tptp.monitoring, tptp.performance)
  • Tianmin Huang (technology.birt)
  • Woody Huang (technology)
  • Randy Hudson (tools.gef, tools)
  • Heiko Huettel (automotive.tractusx)
  • Jeremy Hughes (rt.ebr)
  • Alan Humphrey (tools.ptp)
  • Jonas Hungershausen (tools.dartboard)
  • Bryan Hunt (modeling.emft, modeling.emf.mwe, modeling.emft.mwe)
  • James Hunt (technology.nebula.nattable)
  • Anthony Hunter* (modeling, technology.flux, modeling.emf.transaction, tools.orbit, modeling.gmf, ecd.orion, modeling.gmf-runtime, eclipse.platform.ui, modeling.gmp, modeling.emf.query, tools.gef, modeling.emf.validation, ecd.flux, modeling.gmf-notation, eclipse.platform, modeling.gmf-tooling)
  • Oisin Hurley (stp.b2j, stp.system,, tools.orbit, stp.creation, webtools.webservices, modeling.emft.b3, stp.model, stp,, stp.bpmn, stp.web, stp.core, webtools.incubator, stp.eid,, stp.policy)
  • Mark Hutchinson (webtools.webservices)
  • Tom Huybrechts (technology.m2e)
  • Keiichi IDA (tools.cobol)
  • Aleksandr Igdalov (modeling.mdt.ocl, modeling.mmt.qvt-oml, modeling.mdt, modeling.mmt)
  • Sergiu Ilie (ecd.che.che4z)
  • Angelo Immediata (technology.lepido)
  • Hiroyuki Inabba (tools)
  • Gabriel Indik (webtools.sourceediting)
  • David Inglis* (tools.cdt, tools)
  • Farkas Ingrid (tools.titan)
  • Praveen Innamuri (eclipse.platform.swt, eclipse.platform)
  • Ivan Inozemtsev (technology.rcptt)
  • Eugen Ionica (technology.apogee)
  • Andrew Irvine (eclipse)
  • Veronika Irvine (technology.nebula, eclipse.platform, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse, eclipse.platform.swt)
  • Weston Isberg (technology.m2e, technology, tools.aspectj)
  • Sarah Ishida (ecd.codewind)
  • Mustafa Isik (rt.ecf, technology.soc)
  • Mustafa Isik (technology.ecf)
  • Mustafa Isik (technology.ecf)
  • Alex Iskold (tptp)
  • Lorenzo Isoldi (automotive.tractusx)
  • Roman Iuvshin (ecd.che)
  • Vasil Ivanov (automotive.leda)
  • Yevhen Ivantsov (ecd.che)
  • Petter Ivmark (technology.birt)
  • Susan Iwai (polarsys.rover, automotive.kuksa, technology.phoenix, automotive.app4mc)
  • Venkateswaran Iyer (technology.birt)
  • Lauri Jaaskela (rt.ercp)
  • Jeesmon Jacob (technology.higgins)
  • Pablo Jacubovich (foundation-internal, technology.phoenix)
  • Igor Jacy Lino Campista (, webtools.incubator)
  • Frank Jäger (technology.openk-platform)
  • Ankit Jain (ee4j.jakartaee-tck, ee4j.jaxb-impl, ee4j.grizzly, ee4j.jaxb)
  • Ayushman Jain (eclipse.jdt.core, eclipse.e4)
  • Kokil Jain (ee4j.grizzly)
  • Nayna Jain (eclipse.e4, ecd.orion)
  • Rohit Kumar Jain (ee4j.jakartaee-tck)
  • Niraj Jaiswal (technology.aperi)
  • Anithra P Janakiraman (tools.linuxtools)
  • Malgorzata Janczarska (eclipse.e4, eclipse.platform.resources, ecd.orion, eclipse.platform,
  • Bence Janos Szabo (tools.titan)
  • Milan Janosik (ecd.che.che4z)
  • Celine Janssens (polarsys.esf, modeling.papyrus-rt)
  • Sian January (technology, tools.ajdt)
  • Thorsten Jaspert (technology.openk-usermodules)
  • Jan Jatzkowski (automotive.app4mc)
  • Piotr Jaworowski (technology.corona)
  • Lucia Jelinkova (technology.reddeer)
  • David Jencks (rt.jetty)
  • Iryoung Jeong (technology.soc)
  • Steve Jerman (technology.cosmos, technology.tigerstripe)
  • Ernest Jessee (tools)
  • Lisa Jett (tools.hibachi)
  • Tyler Jewell (ecd.che)
  • Ashwin Jha (technology.recommenders.incubator)
  • Ivy Jia (adoptium.temurin-compliance)
  • Mei Jian (technology.birt)
  • Bianca Jiang (tools, tptp.test)
  • Jie Jiang (tools.ptp)
  • Kelvin Jiang (technology.ohf)
  • XinYi Jiang (ecd.orion)
  • Xu Jiaxi (tools.pdt)
  • Cindy Jin (tptp, tptp.platform)
  • fahua jin (tools.edt)
  • Darius Jockel (modeling.m2t.xpand)
  • Eric Jodet (eclipse.jdt, eclipse.jdt.core)
  • Gert Johansson (polarsys.arcon)
  • Daniel Johnson (technology.tigerstripe)
  • Kent Johnson (eclipse, eclipse.jdt.apt, eclipse.jdt.doc, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.jdt.core)
  • Mark Johnson (technology.phoenix)
  • Ralph Johnson (tools.ptp.photran, technology.photran)
  • Marty Jones (technology.nebula)
  • Marcel Jordense (iot.phizog)
  • Don Jorgenson (technology.ohf)
  • Gene Jorgenson (technology.ohf)
  • Sumy Joseph (technology.osee)
  • Marion Jost (technology.iottestware)
  • Werner Jost (automotive.tractusx, technology.edc)
  • Danny Ju (webtools.glassfish-tools)
  • Garazi Juez (polarsys.opencert)
  • Loic JULIEN (datatools.connectivity)
  • Sébastien Julliand (technology.drops)
  • Martin Jung (technology.elogbook)
  • Thomas Jung (modeling.mdt.etrice)
  • Stefan Jurack* (modeling.emft.henshin)
  • Yamini K B (ee4j.faces, ee4j.jstl,, ee4j.jaxws, ee4j.grizzly, ee4j.mail, ee4j.soteria, ee4j.authorization, ee4j.jersey, ee4j.jaf, ee4j.metro, ee4j.websocket,, ee4j.jsonb, ee4j.jakartaee-tck, ee4j.openmq, ee4j.el, ee4j.jsp, ee4j.jaxb-impl,, ee4j.glassfish, ee4j.jta, ee4j.servlet, ee4j.authentication, ee4j.jca, ee4j.interceptors, ee4j.messaging, ee4j.tyrus,, ee4j.jpa, ee4j.jakartaee-stable, ee4j.mojarra, ee4j.ejb, ee4j.jsonp, ee4j.jaxb, ee4j.orb)
  • Lukáš Křečan (technology.m2e)
  • Goran K. Olsen (modeling.gmt.mofscript, modeling.gmt)
  • Samppa Kaartinen (rt.ercp)
  • Zbigniew Kacprzak (tools.tomled)
  • Pawel Kaczmarek (technology.corona)
  • Christian Kadner (datatools.connectivity, datatools.modelbase, tools.datatools, datatools.enablement, datatools.sqltools)
  • Henrik Kaijser (modeling.eatop)
  • Nagarian Kalaimani (tools)
  • Edyta Kalka (technology.corona)
  • Soranko Kalle (technology.sw360)
  • Mikhail Kalugin (technology.dltk)
  • Andreas Kaluza (technology.recommenders)
  • Ahmed Kamel (locationtech.geowave)
  • GowriSharmi Kandasamy (eclipse.platform.swt, eclipse.platform)
  • Satyam Kandula (eclipse.e4, eclipse.jdt.core)
  • Rima Kanguri (technology.birt)
  • Renuka Kanna (technology.birt)
  • Shashidhar Kannoori (technology.epf)
  • Koen Kanters (technology.comma)
  • Emily Kapner (tools.datatools)
  • Ivo Karabashev (iot.kanto)
  • Erdal Karaca (technology.xwt, locationtech.geoff)
  • Gary Karasiuk* (webtools.common, eclipse.platform, eclipse)
  • Carsten Karbach (tools.ptp)
  • Dmitry Karpenko (tools.rat)
  • Martin Karpisek (eclipse.pde)
  • Rupesh Kartha (tools.datatools)
  • Ankur Kathuria (ee4j.jsonb, ee4j.glassfish, ee4j.jca, ee4j.jakartaee-stable)
  • Vladislav Katrankiev (ecd.dirigible)
  • James Kaufman (technology.ohf, technology.stem)
  • Mike Kaufman (eclipse, eclipse.jdt.apt, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.jdt.doc)
  • Andrew Kaylor (tptp.platform, tptp)
  • Damien KAYSER (iot.kiso-testing)
  • Kiryl Kazakevich (tptp.platform, tptp.test)
  • Peter Kazakov (ecd.dirigible)
  • Alena Kazakova (modeling.avsys)
  • Alexander Kazantsev (technology.packaging)
  • Dan Kehn (eclipse)
  • Timo Kehrer (modeling.emft.henshin)
  • Mike Keith (ee4j.eclipselink, technology.eclipselink, rt.gemini)
  • Kim Kelley (eclipse)
  • David Kelsey (tools.pdt, tools.pdt.core, tools.pdt.bugzilla)
  • Lina Kemmel (eclipse, eclipse.platform.swt, eclipse.platform, technology.birt)
  • Edwin Kempin (
  • Jake Kenneally (locationtech.geomesa)
  • Fiona Kennedy (, stp.policy, stp.web, stp, stp.creation, stp.system)
  • Moritz Keppler (technology.edc)
  • Sergej Kern (technology.elogbook)
  • Mik Kersten* (tools.ajdt, mylyn.commons, tools.mylyn, mylyn.incubator, technology, technology.packaging.mpc, mylyn, tools.aspectj, mylyn.context, tools.mylyn, mylyn.tasks, technology.egit)
  • Gerry Kessler (webtools.jsf, webtools.wst, webtools, webtools.jst)
  • Duncan Keysell (technology.tigerstripe)
  • Tania Khalafbeigi (iot.whiskers)
  • Mohamed Ali Khalifi (iot.kiso)
  • Veenu Khanna Verma (dsdp.dd)
  • Ali Kheirolomoom (technology.alf)
  • Ines Khelifi (eclipse)
  • Mikhail Khodjaiants (tools.cdt, tools)
  • Marc Khouzam (tools.cdt, dsdp.dd)
  • Gregor Kiczales (technology)
  • Klaus Kiehne (technology.swordfish, rt.swordfish)
  • Adam Kiezun (eclipse.jdt.doc, eclipse.platform, eclipse, eclipse.jdt.apt, eclipse.jdt.ui, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.jdt)
  • Shawn Kilpatrick (foundation-internal.db)
  • Dohyung Kim (modeling.avsys)
  • Joseph Kim (ecd.codewind)
  • Keith Kimball (technology, eclipse.equinox)
  • Peter Kimlach (technology.higgins)
  • Kevin KIN-FOO (iot.paho.incubator, tools.ldt, technology.koneki)
  • Juergen Kindler (soa.swordfish, rt.swordfish)
  • Chris King (technology.aperi)
  • Ameet Kini (locationtech.geotrellis)
  • Mathias Kinzler (technology.egit, technology.jgit)
  • Manik Kishore (soa.stardust)
  • Robert Kiss (automotive.sphinx)
  • Ahti Kitsik (technology.soc, technology.bpmn2-modeler, technology.soc.jdtconcurrency)
  • Akos Kitta (technology.lsp4j, modeling.tmf.xtext, ecd.theia)
  • Benjamin Klatt (modeling.emft.featuremodel)
  • Christof Klausecker (technology.g-eclipse)
  • Eden Klein (tools.pdt, tools.pdt.core, datatools.enablement, tools.pdt.bugzilla)
  • Christoph Kleine (automotive.winery)
  • Milos Kleint* (technology.m2e)
  • Andreas Klett (technology.sw360)
  • Vlad Klicnik (eclipse)
  • Paul Klint (technology.imp)
  • Nellie Klump (tools, tptp.performance, eclipse, tptp)
  • Claudia Knobloch (tools.ptp)
  • Sarah Knoop (technology.ohf)
  • Christian Knuechel (automotive.sphinx)
  • Jeffrey Kobal (technology.vtp)
  • Michael Koch (tools.linuxtools)
  • Thomas Köckerbauer (technology.g-eclipse)
  • Vikram Kodak (soa.stardust)
  • Jeroen Koekkoek (iot.cyclonedds)
  • Mark Kofman (technology, modeling.gmt)
  • arjan kok (modeling.m2t, modeling.acceleo)
  • Valery Kokhan (technology.higgins)
  • Vyacheslav Kokorin (technology.deeplearning4j)
  • Bernd Kolb (modeling.m2t, modeling.emf.mwe, modeling.tmf, modeling.emf.transaction, technology.mbeddr, modeling.emft.emfindex, modeling.gmt, modeling.m2t.xpand, modeling.emf.query, modeling.tmf.xtext, modeling.emft, technology.skalli, modeling.emft.mwe)
  • Konrad Kolosowski (eclipse)
  • Hanno Kolvenbach (ecd.che)
  • Hemant Kolwalkar (datatools.modelbase, datatools.enablement)
  • Konstantin Komissarchik (datatools.sqltools, webtools.jeetools, technology.sapphire, webtools.wst, webtools, datatools.connectivity, webtools.glassfish-tools, datatools.modelbase,, technology.fproj, webtools.jst, tools.datatools, webtools.common, datatools.enablement, webtools.incubator)
  • Phani Kommareddy (technology.actf)
  • Patrick Konemann (modeling.emfcompare)
  • Benjamin Konrath (tools.linuxtools)
  • Georgi Konstantinov (webtools.incubator)
  • Sinan Konya (webtools.jst, webtools, webtools.wst)
  • Maxim Kopeyka (technology.higgins)
  • Josef Kopriva (technology.reddeer)
  • Felix Korb (technology.openk-platform)
  • Anton Korneta (ecd.che)
  • Harald Kornmayer (technology.g-eclipse)
  • Jean-Christian Kouame (tools.tracecompass, tools.tracecompass.incubator)
  • Stavros Kounis (technology.lepido)
  • Dmitriy Kovalev (technology.dltk)
  • Svyatoslav Kovalsky (modeling.gmf-tooling)
  • Scott Kovatch (eclipse.platform, eclipse.e4, eclipse.platform.swt)
  • Anton Kozak (technology.hudson)
  • Ashwani Kr Sharma (modeling.emf.query2, modeling.emf.query)
  • Dieter Krachtus (tools.ptp)
  • Oleg Krasilnikov (tools.cdt, eclipse.platform)
  • Robert Kratky (ecd.che)
  • Christian Krause (modeling.emft.henshin, tools.orbit)
  • Sven Krause (modeling.emft.mtf)
  • Jan Kreutzfeld (automotive.tractusx)
  • Kai Kreuzer (technology.smarthome, iot.smarthome)
  • Philippe Krief (rt.ercp, dsdp.ercp)
  • Steffen Kriese* (rt.riena)
  • Ronald Krijgsheld (modeling.mmt)
  • Pavithra Krishna reddy (tools.secoblocks)
  • Anandi Krishnamurthy (tools)
  • Per Kroll (technology.epf)
  • Artur Kronenberg (eclipse.e4)
  • Jan Krueger (technology.openk-platform)
  • Vincent Kruskal (technology)
  • Serhii Kryzhnii (ecd.che)
  • Artyom Kuanbekov (eclipse.platform, eclipse, eclipse.platform.swt)
  • Ted Kubaska (rt.ecf, technology.ecf)
  • Joanna Kubasta (tptp.monitoring, tptp.test, tptp, tptp.platform)
  • Mike Kucera (tools.ptp, tools.cdt)
  • Konrad Kuegler (technology.egit)
  • Lynne Kues (eclipse.platform, eclipse, technology)
  • Dmitry Kuleshov (ecd.che)
  • Eugene Kuleshov (tools.mylyn, technology.m2e)
  • Aneesh Kulkarni (technology.birt)
  • Pankaj Kulkarni (tools)
  • Rich Kulp (tools,
  • Ravindra Kumar (technology.sw360)
  • Voolla Sandeep Kumar (iot.keti)
  • Orhan Kupusoglu (automotive.ecal)
  • Donny Kurniawan (technology.ptp)
  • Christian Kurzke* (dsdp.sequoyah, tools.mtj, dsdp.mtj, dsdp.tml)
  • Michael Kutschke (technology.recommenders)
  • Thomas Kutz (iot.mita)
  • Vladislav Kuzkokov (technology.dltk)
  • Marian Labuda (technology.reddeer)
  • Bernd Lachner (dsdp.ercp)
  • stephane lacoin (rt.apricot)
  • Victoria Lacroix (tools)
  • Bartlomiej Laczkowski (ecd.che, tools.pdt, technology.dltk)
  • Gregor laemmel* (automotive.sumo)
  • Marc Lafon (technology.drops)
  • Alex Lagarde (, modeling.sirius, modeling.emf.cdo)
  • Laurent Lagosanto (iot.edje)
  • Derek Lai (technology.birt)
  • Peter Lai (technology.birt)
  • Cyril Lakech (eclipse.incubator.ufacekit, eclipse)
  • Vitaliy Lakhno (technology.higgins)
  • Madhuranga Lakjeewa (technology.recommenders.incubator)
  • Raymond Lam (technology.microprofile)
  • Henning Lampe (technology.openk-platform)
  • Thibault Landre (automotive.sphinx, modeling.mdt, modeling.ecoretools, modeling.mdt.papyrus)
  • Jerome Lanneluc (eclipse.jdt.core, eclipse, eclipse.jdt.apt, eclipse.jdt.doc, eclipse.jdt)
  • Mickael LANOE (modeling.sirius)
  • John Lanuti* (webtools.releng, webtools.common, webtools.jst, webtools.wst, webtools, webtools.jeetools)
  • Marc-André Laperle (technology.swtbot, tools.linuxtools, tools.tracecompass, technology.packaging, tools.cdt, tools.orbit)
  • Seva Lapsha* (tools.pdt, tools.pdt.core, tools.pdt.bugzilla)
  • Regent LArcheveque (technology.apogy)
  • Lisa Lasher (tools.edt)
  • Janek Lasocki-Biczysko (eclipse.pde.ui, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.pde.doc, eclipse.platform, eclipse, eclipse.pde)
  • Arto Laurila (dsdp.mtj)
  • Florian Lautenbacher (technology.jwt, soa.jwt)
  • David Lauzon (webtools.wst, webtools, webtools.webservices, technology, webtools.jst)
  • Perri Lavergne (foundation-internal.db)
  • Craig Laverone (technology.aperi)
  • David Lavin (technology.ohf, rt.equinox.incubator)
  • Matt Lavin (technology, dsdp.ercp)
  • Stefan Lay (technology.egit, technology.jgit)
  • Phong Le (technology.epf)
  • Daniel Le Berre (rt.equinox.incubator, eclipse.equinox)
  • Goulwen Le Fur (modeling.eef)
  • Stevan Le Meur (ecd.che)
  • Frederic Le Mouel (technology.golo)
  • Dirk Le Roux (tools.datatools, webtools.dali, webtools.jst, technology.dali, tools.datatools, webtools, webtools.datatools, datatools.modelbase, webtools.wst, technology.jsr220-orm)
  • Paul Leacu (modeling.mdt.bpmn2, technology.bpmn2-modeler, soa.bpel)
  • Costin Leau (rt.gemini)
  • Pascal Leclercq (technology.tm4e)
  • Mickael Leduque (ecd.che)
  • Daniel Lee (tools)
  • Kyu Lee (tools.linuxtools)
  • Ruth Lee (tptp, tptp.performance, tptp.test, technology.cosmos, tptp.monitoring, tptp.platform)
  • Sue Lee (technology.birt)
  • Sheldon Lee-Loy (eclipse, technology.birt, tools, tptp.performance, tptp.test, modeling.emf, technology.cosmos, tptp.monitoring, tptp.platform)
  • Frederic Leger (tools.tcf)
  • Anton Leherbauer* (dsdp.dd, tools.tcf, tools.cdt,
  • Dr. Markus Lehmann (technology.edc)
  • Pascal Lehmann (modeling.emf.cdo)
  • Stephan Leicht Vogt (technology.scout, tools.orbit)
  • James Leigh (technology.rdf4j)
  • Elemer Lelik (tools.titan)
  • Jean-Michel Lemieux* (eclipse.platform,, eclipse, eclipse.platform.doc)
  • Carsten Lenz (automotive.tractusx)
  • Olav Lenz (technology.recommenders)
  • Yossi Leon (tools.pdt.bugzilla, tools.pdt, tools.pdt.core)
  • Johannes Lerch* (technology.recommenders, technology.recommenders.incubator)
  • Vedran Lerenc (technology.mat)
  • Jerome Leroux (iot.edje)
  • Jacques Lescot (modeling.emft, modeling.ecoretools,
  • Martin Lescuyer (tools, eclipse)
  • Mark Leslie (locationtech.udig, locationtech.geogig)
  • Romain Lespinasse (technology.golo)
  • Kim Letkeman (tptp.platform, tptp)
  • Thomas Letsch (technology.smarthome)
  • Hubert Leung (tptp.test, technology.cosmos, tools.orbit, tptp.monitoring, tptp.platform, tools.hyades, tptp, tptp.performance)
  • Nikita Levyankov (technology.hudson)
  • Igor Leznik (tools.pdt)
  • Alan Li (technology.birt)
  • Eric Li (eclipse.incubator.platform,, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.incubator, rt.equinox.incubator,, eclipse.equinox,
  • Ha Li (technology.soc)
  • Heng Li (technology.birt)
  • Jack Li (ee4j.jakartaee-stable, ee4j.jaxb-impl, ee4j.metro, ee4j.jaxb, ee4j.jaxws)
  • Jennifer Li (technology.maynstall)
  • Jianchao Li (technology.birt)
  • Luna Li (technology.comma)
  • Ma Li (modeling.mdt, modeling.emft, modeling.mdt.eodm)
  • Max Li (ecd.orion)
  • Nan Li (webtools.dali)
  • Nina Li (technology.birt)
  • Qiyan Li (eclipse, tools)
  • Rong Li (tools.ptp)
  • Ruolin Li (ee4j.el, ee4j.jsp, ee4j.mojarra, ee4j.faces, ee4j.jstl)
  • Shuai Li (polarsys.rover, modeling.mdt.papyrus)
  • Tianchao Li (tools.ptp, technology.ptp)
  • Tie Li (technology.higgins)
  • Wenfeng Li (technology.birt)
  • Xiang Li (technology.birt)
  • Xuelan Li (technology.birt)
  • Yu Li (technology.birt)
  • Zhongbo Li (technology.birt)
  • Qi Liang (technology.birt)
  • Sascha Lißon (technology.mbeddr)
  • Rafal Lichwala (technology.g-eclipse)
  • Tobias Liefke (rt.smila, technology.bpel, soa.bpel)
  • Jonas Lim (technology.kepler, rt.swordfish, technology.swordfish)
  • Michael Lim (technology.kepler)
  • Leonardo Lima (ee4j.nosql, technology.jnosql)
  • Angela Lin (technology.omr)
  • Hans Lin (technology.aperi)
  • Hongchang Lin (technology.birt)
  • Zheng Lin (technology.birt, datatools.connectivity)
  • Marylin Lincoln (ecd.codewind)
  • Henrik Lindberg (technology.kepler, technology.packaging.mpc, eclipse.pde.incubator, tools.buckminster, mylyn.builds, technology.cdtk, technology.packaging, eclipse.equinox, technology.spaces, modeling.emft.b3, technology.buckminster)
  • Jeremy Lindop (datatools.connectivity, tools.datatools, datatools.sqltools)
  • Maryna Lipnitskaya (iot.iofog)
  • Elena Litani (modeling.mdt, tools, modeling.emf, technology)
  • Richard Littauer (technology.plato)
  • Baoliang Liu (technology.birt)
  • Bo Liu (ee4j.eclipselink)
  • Erxiang Liu (dsdp.ercp, technology)
  • Gang Liu (technology.birt)
  • Gary Liu (technology.omr)
  • Ian Liu (technology.birt)
  • Jack Liu (webtools.vjet)
  • Jeffrey Liu (webtools, webtools.wst, webtools.jst)
  • Jiaying Liu (technology.birt)
  • Jin Liu (modeling.pmf, technology.esl)
  • John Liu (tools.ptp)
  • Sanyong Liu (technology.birt)
  • Steven Liu (ee4j.servlet, ee4j.authentication, ee4j.jca, ee4j.messaging, ee4j.interceptors, ee4j.tyrus,, ee4j.jpa, ee4j.mojarra, ee4j.jakartaee-stable, ee4j.ejb, ee4j.jsonp, ee4j.orb, ee4j.jaxb, ee4j.faces, ee4j.jstl,, ee4j.jaxws, ee4j.grizzly, ee4j.mail, ee4j.soteria, ee4j.authorization, ee4j.jersey, ee4j.metro, ee4j.jaf, ee4j.websocket,, ee4j.jsonb, ee4j.openmq, ee4j.jakartaee-tck, ee4j.el, ee4j.jsp,, ee4j.jaxb-impl, ee4j.glassfish, ee4j.jta)
  • Uriel Liu (rt.ercp, dsdp.ercp, technology)
  • Kit Lo (eclipse.platform, technology.babel)
  • Sam Lo (rt.ercp)
  • Phil Loats (technology, rt.ercp, dsdp.ercp)
  • Achim Loerke (technology.ormf, technology.jubula)
  • Sven Löffler (automotive.tractusx)
  • Sergiy Logvin (technology.subversive)
  • Sebastian Lohmeier (automotive.kuksa)
  • Lok Loi (stp.web, stp, stp.core,
  • Yannick Loiseau (technology.golo)
  • Ilidio Lopes (ecd.che.che4z)
  • Martin Lorenz (technology.bridgeiot)
  • Jason Losh (technology.cosmos)
  • Nicholas Loulloudes (technology.camf, tools.orbit, technology.g-eclipse)
  • Arpad Lovassy (tools.titan)
  • Kelvin Low (technology.epf)
  • Chuansheng Lu (technology.jifa)
  • Dan Lu (technology.birt)
  • Guoxiang Lu (, ee4j.jca)
  • Lu Lu (tools.edt)
  • Rick Lu (technology.birt)
  • Weiping Lu (technology.epf)
  • Serge Lucio (tptp.performance, tptp)
  • Bill Lucy (ee4j.websocket)
  • Leonhard Luecken (automotive.sumo)
  • Daniel Lueddecke (automotive.velocitas)
  • Heike Lueschen (technology.openk-platform)
  • Jens Lukowski (webtools)
  • Dariusz Luksza (technology.egit)
  • Jianqiang Luo (technology.birt, datatools.sqltools, tools.datatools)
  • Zhen Luo (technology.birt)
  • Gabriel Luong (ecd.orion)
  • Sergey Lyakhov (technology.higgins)
  • Jack Lynch (stp.policy, stp.web, stp, stp.creation, stp.system,
  • Skylar Lyon (locationtech.geomesa)
  • Brian Lyons (technology.epf)
  • Gang(Allen) Ma (tools.mtj, dsdp.mtj)
  • Johnson Ma (stp.system,, stp.policy, stp.web, stp, stp.creation)
  • Xudong Ma (datatools.connectivity, technology.birt, datatools.enablement)
  • Yaohua Ma (technology.birt)
  • Yue Ma (modeling.eatop, automotive.sphinx)
  • Andre Maass (modeling.emft.featuremodel)
  • Mark Macdonald (eclipse.e4, ecd.orion)
  • Mandar Machekar (technology.mdmweb)
  • Bruce MacIsaac (technology.epf)
  • Matt MacIvor (technology.eclipselink, ee4j.eclipselink)
  • Peter Mackie (technology, rt.ecf, technology.ecf)
  • Carolyn MacLeod (ecd.orion, eclipse.e4, eclipse.incubator.e4, eclipse.platform.doc, eclipse, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.platform, eclipse.platform.swt)
  • Teodor Madan (tools.cdt)
  • Filip Madej (ecd.orion)
  • Diego Madruga Sandin (dsdp.mtj, tools.mtj)
  • Cindy Maeir (tools)
  • Kai-Uwe Maetzel* (eclipse.pde, eclipse, eclipse.platform, eclipse.incubator.platform,, eclipse.jdt.apt, eclipse.jdt.ui, eclipse.pde.doc, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.platform.doc, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.jdt.doc)
  • Marcel Mager (technology.bridgeiot)
  • Alain Magloire* (tools, tools.cdt)
  • Ernest Mah (tptp.performance, tptp.test, tptp.monitoring, tptp.platform, tptp)
  • Richard Mah (webtools, webtools.webservices, webtools.jst, webtools.wst)
  • Ahmed Mahran (technology.nebula.incubator, technology.nebula)
  • Thomas Maier (technology.sw360, technology.sw360.antenna)
  • Ovidio Jose Mallo (eclipse.platform, eclipse.platform.ui)
  • Nicolaus Malnick (technology.glimmer)
  • Hugues Malphettes* (, technology.packaging.rtp, rt.jetty, stp, stp.bpmnmodeler, stp.web, tools.orbit, soa.bpmnmodeler, stp.bpmn)
  • Esteban Mañaricua (ecd.che)
  • Stoyan Manchev (ecd.dirigible)
  • Lawrence Mandel* (technology, webtools.common, webtools.sourceediting, webtools.wst, webtools, webtools.jst, webtools.webservices)
  • Dimitar Manov (technology.rdf4j)
  • Milen Manov (webtools.pave)
  • Nevena Manova (webtools.incubator)
  • Erle Czar Mantos (technology.iam, tools.buckminster, technology.buckminster, technology.kepler)
  • Florian Mantz (modeling.emft.refactor)
  • Yogesh Manware (soa.stardust)
  • Manuel Maqueda (technology.jemo)
  • Blachon Marc (technology.jwt, soa.jwt)
  • Hugo Marchadour (modeling.sirius)
  • Simon Marchi (ecd.theia)
  • Josh Marcus (locationtech.geotrellis)
  • Paolo Maresca (iot.tiaki)
  • Ben Margolis (tools.edt)
  • Allen Marin (technology.aperi)
  • Sebastien Marineau (tools.cdt, tools, eclipse)
  • Viktor Marinov (ecd.dirigible)
  • Rafael Marins (stp, stp.web,
  • Alexey Markevich (stp, stp.policy,, stp.web)
  • David Marques (tools.mtj, dsdp.mtj)
  • Dann Martens (rt.ecf)
  • Daniel Marthaler (rt.virgo)
  • Christof Marti (eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse, eclipse.incubator.platform, eclipse.jdt.apt, eclipse.platform, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.jdt.ui)
  • Ian Martin (iot.iofog)
  • Jabier Martinez (polarsys.opencert)
  • Mel Martinez (eclipse.equinox, technology)
  • Rosendo Martinez (webtools.common, webtools.releng)
  • Maher Masri (technology.phoenix)
  • Ewa Matejska (dsdp.dd)
  • Manju Mathew (eclipse.jdt.ui)
  • Ashish Mathur (tools)
  • Kilian Matt (mylyn.versions,,, tools.mylyn)
  • Karl Matthias (technology.dash.dashboard, technology.phoenix, technology.dash, technology.higgins)
  • Liesbeth Matthieu (technology.birt)
  • Jan Mauersberger (polarsys.opencert)
  • Norman Maurer (rt.vertx)
  • Ashish Maurya (technology.ecf)
  • Ann-Kathrin Mayer (automotive.tractusx)
  • Christoph Mayerhofer (tools.mylyn,,
  • Mike Mayo (technology.cdtk)
  • Xavier Maysonnave (modeling.emft, modeling.emf.egf)
  • Marcelo Mayworm (rt.ecf, technology.soc, technology.ecf)
  • Yaron Mazor (tools.pdt.bugzilla, tools.pdt, tools.pdt.core)
  • Regine Mazza (technology.elogbook)
  • Simon Mc Duff* (modeling.emf.cdo, modeling.emft, modeling.emft.emf4net, modeling.emf, modeling.emf.net4j, modeling.emft.cdo, modeling.emft.net4j)
  • Jeff McAffer* (eclipse.platform,, eclipse.incubator.e4, eclipse.e4, eclipse.platform.core, technology.examples, eclipse.incubator.platform, eclipse.platform.plat-rel-core, eclipse.equinox, tools,, eclipse.platform.webdav, eclipse.equinox.framework, webtools, eclipse.pde.incubator, rt.equinox.incubator, eclipse.incubator, eclipse, eclipse.platform.ant, technology, eclipse.incubator.equinox, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.platform.doc, technology.packaging, eclipse.pde, eclipse.platform.runtime, eclipse.equinox.bundles, tools.orbit, eclipse.pde.incubator, rt, eclipse.equinox.p2)
  • Zach Mccain (soa.stardust)
  • David McCann (ee4j.eclipselink, technology.eclipselink)
  • Jaxsun McCarthy Huggan (mylyn.tasks, tools.mylyn)
  • James McClain (locationtech.geotrellis)
  • Toby McClean (modeling.papyrus-rt)
  • Carl McConnell (technology)
  • Anton McConville (ecd.orion)
  • Susan McCourt (eclipse.equinox,, eclipse.platform, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.platform.doc, eclipse.incubator.platform, eclipse, eclipse.platform.runtime, eclipse.jdt.doc, eclipse.equinox, rt.equinox.incubator, eclipse.pde.doc, eclipse.equinox.p2, eclipse.platform.core, eclipse.incubator.equinox, ecd.orion, eclipse.platform.plat-rel-core, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.e4, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.pde)
  • Tony McCrary (eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.platform)
  • Eric McDonald (locationtech.geowave)
  • Chris McGee (modeling.emft, modeling.mdt.ocl, modeling.mdt)
  • Daniel McGowan (technology.babel)
  • Kevin McGuire* (, eclipse, technology.bpel, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.incubator.platform, eclipse.platform.doc, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.e4, eclipse.incubator.e4, eclipse.platform)
  • Tim McGuire (modeling.papyrus-rt)
  • Michael McIntosh (technology.higgins)
  • Karice McIntyre (eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.platform,, eclipse, eclipse.incubator.platform, eclipse.platform.doc)
  • Lloyd McKenzie (technology.ohf)
  • Chris McKillop (eclipse)
  • Ryan Mckinley (locationtech.spatial4j)
  • David McKnight (,
  • Chris McLaren (eclipse.incubator, eclipse, eclipse.incubator.platform)
  • Mandy McMillion (tools.hibachi)
  • Grant McSheffrey (technology.pass)
  • Rafael Medeiros Teixeira (tools.linuxtools)
  • Giuliano Mega (webtools.atf, technology.soc)
  • Dani Megert* (eclipse.pde.incubator, eclipse.incubator.platform,, eclipse.platform, eclipse.jdt.debug,, eclipse.platform.doc,, foundation-internal.perftests, eclipse.e4, eclipse.platform.releng, eclipse.pde, technology.justj, eclipse.incubator,, eclipse.pde.ui, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.platform.text, eclipse.platform.debug, eclipse.jdt.doc, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse, eclipse.platform.plat-rel-core, eclipse.jdt.ui, technology.egit, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.platform.resources)
  • Ali Mehregani (technology.cosmos, tptp.test, tptp.platform)
  • Navid Mehregani (tools, tptp.platform, eclipse, tptp)
  • Navid Mehregani (technology.tigerstripe)
  • maarten meijer (tools.mylyn)
  • Ivar Meikas (technology.bpmn2-modeler)
  • Axel Meinhardt (iot.unide)
  • Wassim Melhem* (eclipse.platform, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.pde.doc, eclipse.pde.ui, eclipse.platform.update, eclipse, eclipse.pde, eclipse.pde.incubator)
  • Mairead Melia (stp)
  • Olivier Melois (modeling.mdt.papyrus)
  • Juri Memmert (technology)
  • Gili Mendel (, tools)
  • Mariano Mendez (tools.ptp.photran)
  • Thomas Menzel (rt.smila)
  • Toni Menzel (rt.ebr)
  • Gabriel Merin Cubero (modeling.mdt.papyrus, modeling.mdt)
  • Erik Merkle (locationtech.geogig)
  • Todd Merriweather (tptp.test, tools.hyades, tools)
  • Uros Mesaric (iot.kapua)
  • Yossi Mesika (technology.ohf, technology.stem)
  • Mitesh Meswani (technology.eclipselink, ee4j.eclipselink)
  • Elliot Metsger (technology.pass)
  • Brent Metz (technology.vtp)
  • Carsten Meyer (technology.openk-platform)
  • Hussein Mhanna (modeling.mdt.rmf)
  • Bartosz Michalik (rt.rap.incubator)
  • David Michonneau (technology.birt)
  • Brad Micklea (ecd.che)
  • Stefan Middeke (technology.openk-usermodules, technology.elogbook)
  • Thijs Miedema (iot.cyclonedds)
  • Antonietta Miele (soa.ebam, soa.ebpm)
  • Antony Miguel (stp.b2j, stp.web, stp,, tools)
  • Mihail Mihaylov (technology.birt)
  • Yordan Mihaylov* (iot.smarthome)
  • Diana Mihaylova (ecd.dirigible)
  • Andreas Mihm (rt.gyrex)
  • Alexey Mikoyan (technology.subversive)
  • Jim Miles (dsdp.ercp, technology)
  • Lukasz Milewski (technology.nebula)
  • Jelle Millenaar (iot.tanglemktplaces, iot.tangleid)
  • Kent Miller (locationtech.geowave)
  • Duncan Mills (technology.hudson)
  • Igor Milovanovic (automotive.tractusx)
  • Andrew Milson (iot.iofog)
  • Marcellus Mindel (technology.ecesis, technology)
  • Matthew Mings (tptp.performance, tptp.monitoring, tptp)
  • David Minsky (technology.eclipselink, ee4j.eclipselink)
  • Henry Minsky (technology.laszlo)
  • Shawn Minto (rt.equinox.incubator, tools.mylyn, mylyn, mylyn.context.mft, mylyn.tasks,, eclipse.equinox)
  • Shawn Minto (tools.mylyn)
  • Shawn Minto (mylyn.commons, mylyn.incubator)
  • Tracy Miranda (science.january)
  • Bhawana Mishra (technology.osee)
  • John Misinco (technology.osee)
  • Fethullah Misir (automotive.tractusx)
  • Erica Mitchell (stp.creation, stp.system, stp,, stp.policy, stp.web, stp.bpmn)
  • Jeff Mitchell (technology)
  • Marin Mitev* (iot.smarthome)
  • Kiril Mitov (webtools.jeetools, webtools.incubator, webtools.jeetools)
  • Vincent Mo (technology, eclipse.equinox)
  • Olivier Modica (stp)
  • Eric Moffatt (eclipse.incubator, eclipse.incubator.platform, eclipse.platform.doc, ecd.orion, eclipse.e4, eclipse.incubator.e4, eclipse.platform, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse)
  • Krishnan Mohan (tools.secoblocks)
  • Rohit Mohan (technology.ceylon)
  • Ahmed Moharram (technology.birt)
  • Christian Mohr (modeling.emf.query)
  • Jimmy Mohsin (technology.cosmos)
  • Kim Moir* (eclipse.platform.webdav, eclipse.equinox.framework, eclipse.platform.ant,, eclipse.jdt.ui,, eclipse.incubator.equinox, eclipse.platform.core,,, technology.dash, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.platform.doc,, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.pde.incubator, eclipse.platform.releng, tools.orbit, eclipse.jdt.core, eclipse.platform.update, eclipse.equinox.bundles, eclipse.platform, eclipse.platform.runtime, eclipse.jdt.doc, rt.equinox.incubator, eclipse.incubator,, eclipse.platform.swt, eclipse.pde, technology.athena, eclipse.incubator.platform, eclipse.platform.debug, eclipse.platform.text, eclipse, eclipse.pde.doc, technology.dash.athena, eclipse.jdt.apt, eclipse.platform.plat-rel-core, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.pde.ui, eclipse.platform.resources, eclipse.jdt.debug)
  • Olivier Moises (modeling.emft.wazaabi, eclipse.e4, modeling.pmf)
  • Zaur Molotnikov (technology.mbeddr)
  • Konstantin Momchev (ecd.dirigible)
  • Richard Monson-Haefel (ee4j.jaxws, ee4j.ejb,
  • Javier Montalvo Orús (,
  • Jason Montojo (tools.cdt)
  • Alexandre Montplaisir (tools.tracecompass, tools.linuxtools)
  • James Moody (eclipse.platform.doc, technology.bpel, eclipse.platform,, eclipse)
  • Peter Moogk (webtools.webservices, webtools, webtools.jst, webtools.wst, webtools.common)
  • Kevin Mooney (tools)
  • Karen Moore (technology.dali, webtools.dali, webtools.wst, webtools, webtools.jst)
  • Avi Moradi (soa.score)
  • Paulo Moreira (technology.epf)
  • Andreas Morgenstern (dt.basyx)
  • Gaetan Morice (technology.koneki)
  • Shigeki Moride (
  • Hisanori Moriguchi (tools.cobol)
  • Eiji Morito (tools)
  • Gunnar Morling (ee4j.validation)
  • DuWayne Morris (tptp, tptp.test, tools, tptp.platform)
  • Yann Mortier (modeling.sirius)
  • Adrian Mos (stp.model, soa.mangrove,, stp.web, soa, stp)
  • Rick Moseley (tools, eclipse)
  • Adrian Moser* (technology.scout)
  • Luca Moser (technology.trinity)
  • Simon Moser (technology.bpel)
  • Mohammed Mostafa (tptp.platform, modeling.gmf)
  • Zina Mostafia (webtools.libra)
  • Craig Motlin (technology.collections)
  • Petru Motrescu (rt.ercp, dsdp.ercp)
  • Amr Mourad (ecd.orion)
  • James Mudd (science.richbeans, science.scanning)
  • Edgar Mueller (modeling.emfstore, modeling.ecp, ecd.emfcloud)
  • Marvin Mueller (technology.jubula, technology.packaging)
  • Marc Mueltin (iot.risev2g)
  • Abel Muino Vizcaino (technology.iam)
  • Bill Muldoon (technology.cosmos)
  • Phil Muldoon* (tools.linuxtools, tools, eclipse)
  • Philipe Mulet (eclipse.platform, eclipse.e4, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.jdt.core, eclipse.jdt.ui, eclipse, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.incubator.e4, eclipse.jdt.apt, eclipse.jdt.doc)
  • Martin Mulholland (ecd.codewind)
  • Zachariah Mullen (ecd.che.che4z)
  • Andreas Müller (soa.stardust)
  • Thoralf Müller (iot.tanglemktplaces)
  • Bob Mulvey (modeling.papyrus-xtuml)
  • Courtney Mulvey (modeling.papyrus-xtuml)
  • Christophe Munilla (technology.sensinact)
  • Kushal Munir (,
  • Yupanqui MUNOZ (polarsys.esf)
  • Amy Muntz (technology.laszlo)
  • Gail Murphy (tools.mylyn)
  • Deepthi Murugaiyan (tools.secoblocks)
  • Ingo Muschenetz (technology.dash.monkey, technology.dash)
  • Jonathan Musset (modeling.m2t, modeling.acceleo, modeling.emfcompare,, modeling.emf, modeling.emft)
  • Agata Muszycka-Jones (technology)
  • Timothy Myer (datatools.incubator)
  • Jeff Myers (, tools)
  • Ilhan Myumyun (ecd.dirigible)
  • Danail Nachev (rt.ercp, dsdp.ercp)
  • Guru Nagarajan (tptp.monitoring, tptp.platform, tptp, tptp.performance, tptp.test)
  • Diksha Nagpal (ee4j.grizzly)
  • Andras Szabolcs Nagy (modeling.viatra)
  • Vishnu Naikawadi (tools)
  • Anoop Nair (soa.stardust)
  • Kouichi Nakamura (tools)
  • Maryna Nalbandian (ecd.che.che4z)
  • Alex Nan (tools, tptp.monitoring, tptp.test, tptp, tptp.platform)
  • Nitesh Narayan (modeling.ecp)
  • Jander Nascimento (technology.sensinact)
  • Chris Navarro (tools.ptp)
  • David Navarro (iot.wakaama, technology.wakaama)
  • Roland Ndaka Fru (technology.ecf, rt.ecf)
  • Dave Neary (ecd.che)
  • Patrick Nédélec (tptp.test)
  • Vaclav Nemecek (ecd.che.che4z)
  • Nikita Nemkin (eclipse.platform)
  • Sam Neth (webtools.incubator)
  • Clarence Nethery (technology.vtp)
  • Bob Nettleton (rt.gemini)
  • Maximilian Neubauer (automotive.mosaic)
  • Herbert Neureiter (soa.stardust)
  • Jeff Nevicosi (tools)
  • Christophe Ney (, stp, stp.web)
  • Chris Nguyen (technology.babel, technology.bpel)
  • Duong Nguyen (eclipse.e4, eclipse.incubator.e4, eclipse.platform.swt, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.platform)
  • Hoang Nguyen (tptp)
  • Eilís Ní Fhlannagáin (oniro.oniro-blueprints, oniro.oniro-core)
  • Chris Nicholson (technology.deeplearning4j)
  • Matthias Nick (technology.scout)
  • Andrew Niefer* (ecd.orion, eclipse.platform.update, eclipse.incubator.platform, tools.cdt, eclipse.e4, rt.equinox.incubator,, eclipse.equinox, technology.athena, eclipse.pde.incubator, eclipse.equinox.p2, technology.dash.athena, eclipse.platform.doc, eclipse.incubator.equinox, tools, eclipse, modeling.emft.b3, eclipse.pde, eclipse.equinox,, eclipse.pde.incubator, eclipse.equinox.framework, technology.dash, eclipse.platform, eclipse.incubator, technology.egit)
  • Katelyn Nienaber (ecd.che.che4z)
  • Michal Niewrzal (technology.dltk, tools.pdt, technology.lsp4e)
  • Vikas Nijhawan (technology.birt)
  • Simon Nikles (soa.stardust)
  • Kaz Nishimura (technology.hudson)
  • Ogechi Nnadi (technology.soc)
  • Dennis Nobel (iot.smarthome, technology.smarthome)
  • GuillaumeGui Nodet (technology.swordfish, soa.swordfish,, stp.policy, stp.web, rt.swordfish, stp, stp.eid,
  • Johan Norberg (polarsys.arcon)
  • Tor Norbye (tools.windowbuilder)
  • Mike Norman (eclipse, tptp)
  • Mike Norman (technology.eclipselink)
  • Mike Norman (tools)
  • Mike Norman (ee4j.eclipselink)
  • Mike Norman (tptp.performance)
  • Glyn Normington (rt.ebr, rt.virgo)
  • Glyn Normington (eclipse.equinox)
  • Glyn Normington (eclipse.equinox, rt.gemini, webtools.libra)
  • Glyn Normington (technology)
  • Steve Northover (eclipse.platform.swt, technology.nebula, eclipse, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.platform, eclipse.platform.ui, ecd.orion, eclipse.e4, eclipse.incubator.e4)
  • Cedric Notot (modeling.emfcompare, modeling.umlgen)
  • Igor Novakovic (rt.smila)
  • Astor Nummelin Carlberg (technology.plato)
  • Alexander Nyssen (tools.gef)
  • Ciaran O Cleirigh (stp.web,, stp.system, stp, stp.creation)
  • Gabe O'Brien (technology.dash.woolsey, technology.babel, technology.dash.dashboard, technology.phoenix, technology.dash)
  • Michael O'Brien (ee4j.eclipselink, technology.eclipselink)
  • Kevin P O'Leary (tptp.performance, tptp, tptp.platform)
  • Tim O.Connor (technology)
  • Martin Oberhuber (eclipse.platform.core, technology.packaging, tools.tcf,, eclipse.platform, eclipse.platform.resources, tools.orbit,, eclipse.e4)
  • Tobias Oberlies (eclipse.equinox, technology.tycho, rt.equinox.incubator)
  • Thomas Obermeyer (automotive.tractusx)
  • Zeljko Obrenovic (technology.actf)
  • Quentin Ochem (tools.hibachi)
  • Michael Ochmann (technology.skalli)
  • Dennis OFlynn (technology.corona)
  • Marcin Okraszewski (technology.corona)
  • Andras Okros (modeling.incquery)
  • Jon Oldevik (modeling.gmt, modeling.gmt.mofscript)
  • Joel Oliveira (technology.rap, rt.rap)
  • Roberto Oliveira (tools.linuxtools)
  • Dale Ollila (tptp, tptp.platform)
  • Kevin Olotu (iot.editdor, iot.vorto)
  • Kenneth Olwing (technology.buckminster)
  • Philippe Ombredanne (webtools.atf, webtools.jst,, webtools.atf, webtools.atf, webtools.wst, technology.soc, webtools)
  • Gul Onural (ee4j.eclipselink)
  • Melih Onvural (technology.ohf)
  • Renko Ortgies (technology.openk-platform)
  • Harold Ossher (technology)
  • Nate Oster (technology.epf)
  • Motohiro Otsuka (datatools.sqltools)
  • El Amine Ouraiba (modeling.pmf)
  • Jun Ouyang (technology.birt)
  • Shixiong Ouyang (technology.birt)
  • Parisis Ovelidis (ecd.che.che4z)
  • Andrew Overholt* (technology.dash.athena, tools.linuxtools, technology.dash, technology.packaging, tools.orbit, technology.athena)
  • Mateusz Pabis (technology.g-eclipse)
  • Michael Paciello (technology.actf)
  • Ketan Padegaonkar* (eclipse.e4, tools.orbit, technology.swtbot)
  • Samuel Padgett (technology.lyo)
  • Milind Padhye (technology.birt)
  • Sung-Jun Pak (tools)
  • Mark Palaima (webtools.vjet)
  • Gunther Palfinger (technology.jwt, soa.jwt)
  • Jaideep Palit (technology.sw360)
  • Emanuel Palm (iot.arrowhead)
  • Peter Palmar (rt.smila)
  • Colin Palmer (science.richbeans)
  • David Palomares (iot.agail)
  • Vikash Pandey (soa.stardust)
  • Lucas Panjer (technology.hudson)
  • Eugene Pankov (iot.iofog)
  • Holger Papajewski (modeling.emft.featuremodel)
  • Andrii Parfonov (ecd.che)
  • Devang Parikh (stp, stp.core,, stp.web)
  • Jim Parisien (openhw.corev)
  • Daechul Park (modeling.avsys)
  • Edwin Park (tools.orbit, technology.nebula.nattable)
  • Jee Won Park (iot.iofog)
  • Kevin Parker (technology.alf)
  • Miles Parker (modeling.amp,, rt.virgo, tools.mylyn, mylyn.context.mft,, technology.gef3d)
  • Wayne Parrott (dsdp.blinki)
  • Lorne Parsons (eclipse.jdt.apt, eclipse.pde, eclipse.platform,, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.jdt.ui, eclipse.pde.ui, eclipse.platform.plat-rel-core, eclipse, eclipse.platform.ui)
  • Juergen Pasch (modeling.graphiti)
  • Gabriel Pascual (polarsys.esf)
  • Ivan Pashkulev (ecd.dirigible)
  • Rodrigo Pastrana (dsdp.mtj)
  • Ashish Patel (tptp.performance, tptp)
  • Mark Patel (technology)
  • Shailesh Patel (eclipse, eclipse.platform, eclipse.pde, eclipse.platform.swt)
  • Taylor Patterson (
  • Frank Patz-Brockmann (iot.unide)
  • Warren Paul (tools.cdt)
  • Cristina Pauna (technology.xfsc)
  • Jan Pauseback (iot.tanglemktplaces)
  • Domenik Pavletic (technology.mbeddr)
  • Georgi Pavlov (ecd.dirigible)
  • Mike Pawlowski (eclipse.incubator, eclipse.pde, eclipse.pde.incubator, eclipse, eclipse.incubator.platform, eclipse.pde.doc, eclipse.pde.ui)
  • Brian Payton (datatools.modelbase, tools.datatools, datatools.enablement, datatools.sqltools, datatools.connectivity)
  • Paul Pazderski (eclipse.platform)
  • Mauricio Pazos (locationtech.udig)
  • Shawn Pearce (technology.jgit, technology.egit)
  • Javier Pedemonte (webtools, webtools.atf, webtools.jst, webtools.atf, webtools.atf, webtools.wst)
  • Nicolas Peifer (technology.subversive)
  • Thomas Peikenkamp (automotive.app4mc)
  • Alon Peled (tools.pdt.bugzilla, tools.pdt, tools.pdt.core, technology.dltk)
  • Etienne Pellan (automotive.openpass)
  • Adam Peller (webtools, webtools.wst, webtools.atf)
  • Guy Pelletier (ee4j.eclipselink, technology.eclipselink)
  • Marc Pellmann (iot.hono)
  • Ana Pereira (technology.epf)
  • Eduardo Pereira (eclipse)
  • Rodrigo Peretti (, technology.bpel, eclipse.pde, eclipse.platform, eclipse)
  • Stephen Perez (tools.datatools)
  • Miguel Perez Martinez (ecd.opensmartclide)
  • Emilien Perico (modeling.mdt,, modeling.mdt.papyrus, modeling.emft.doc2model)
  • Romain Perier (technology.mihini, iot.mihini)
  • Matthieu Perin (polarsys.esf)
  • Pierre-Henry Perret (rt.ecf, technology.ecf)
  • Guy Perron (technology.egerrit)
  • Felice Pescatore (iot.duttile)
  • Sibylle Peter (technology.mdmweb)
  • Pavel Petrochenko (technology.nebula)
  • Pavel Petrochenko (technology.dltk)
  • Pavel Petrochenko (tools.rat)
  • Gabriel Petrovay (webtools.incubator)
  • Vincent Petry (technology.birt)
  • Fabian Pfaff (eclipse.e4)
  • Lan Phan (automotive.sphinx)
  • Frederic Philippe (dsdp.ercp, technology)
  • Branden Phillips (technology.osee)
  • David Phillips (technology.osee)
  • Jeff Phillips (technology.nebula, technology.osee)
  • Mark Phippard (technology.alf)
  • Lei Pi (polarsys.chess)
  • Regis Piccand (iot.tiaki)
  • Pawel Piech (dsdp.dd, eclipse.incubator.platform, eclipse.platform.debug, tools.tcf, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.platform, tools.cdt)
  • Rainer Pielmann (soa.stardust)
  • Matthew Piggott (eclipse.equinox, technology.m2e, rt.equinox.incubator, tools.andmore)
  • Gergely Pilisi (tools.titan)
  • Steffen Pingel* (,, technology.packaging,, mylyn, technology.soc, mylyn.tasks, mylyn.commons, tools.mylyn, rt.equinox.incubator, tools.orbit, mylyn.context.mft, rt.virgo, mylyn.incubator, eclipse.equinox, technology.packaging.mpc,, mylyn.builds, tools.mylyn, mylyn.versions,, mylyn.context)
  • Andy Piper (technology.paho, rt.gemini)
  • Florian Pirchner (modeling.ecp, technology.osbp, modeling.emfstore)
  • Reinhard Pirthauer (automotive.mdmbl)
  • John Pitman (ecd.codewind)
  • Frederic Plante (modeling.gmf)
  • Dmitry Platonoff (technology.m2e)
  • Andrey Platov (technology.rcptt, technology.dltk)
  • Norbert Ploett (tools.cdt)
  • Andrey Plotnikov (ecd.che)
  • Andrej Podhradsky (technology.reddeer)
  • Pawel Pogorzelski (eclipse.platform, eclipse.platform.resources, eclipse.platform.core,
  • Mike Poindexter (technology.iam)
  • Martin Polak (technology.g-eclipse)
  • Seda Polat Erdeniz (iot.agail)
  • Justin Polchlopek (locationtech.geotrellis)
  • Patrick-Jeffrey Pollo Guilbert (ecd.theia)
  • Douglas Pollock (eclipse)
  • Wolfgang Ponikwar (technology.ormf)
  • Otavio Pontes (tools.linuxtools)
  • Steve Poole (technology, eclipse.equinox)
  • Valentina Popescu (tptp.platform, technology.cosmos, tptp, tptp.performance, tools, tptp.monitoring)
  • Brett Porter (technology.iam, technology.kepler)
  • David Porter (stp.model, stp,, stp.bpmn, stp.web, stp.core, stp.eid,, stp.policy, stp.b2j, stp.system,, stp.creation)
  • Bertrand Portier (tools, technology)
  • Jacek Pospychala* (tools.pdt, eclipse.pde, eclipse.pde.ui, tools.atf, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.pde.incubator, technology.packaging)
  • Ernesto Posse (modeling.papyrus-rt)
  • Moritz Post (technology.ecf, rt.ecf, technology.g-eclipse)
  • Sandu Postaru (polarsys.kitalpha, polarsys.capella)
  • Sreenivasa Potakamuri (technology.aperi)
  • Jeffrey Pound (technology.soc)
  • Christopher Pousson (locationtech.geowave)
  • Steve Powell (rt.virgo, rt.gemini)
  • Alexander Prahl (automotive.openpass)
  • Bhanu Prakash (technology.birt)
  • Winston Prakash (technology.hudson)
  • Allan Pratt (tools, tptp.platform)
  • Holger Prause (soa.stardust)
  • Nico Prediger (tools.gef, modeling.tmf.xtext, modeling.emf.mwe)
  • Gerald Preissler (stp.model, stp.web, soa.swordfish,, stp.policy, technology.swordfish, rt.swordfish, stp)
  • Torsten Preissler (technology.phoenix)
  • Dan Price (tptp.performance, tptp)
  • Kate Price (webtools.jeetools, webtools.servertools, webtools.webservices, webtools, webtools.datatools, webtools.jst, webtools.sourceediting, webtools.wst, webtools.common)
  • Loic Prieur-Drevon (tools.tracecompass.incubator, tools.tracecompass)
  • Sergey Prigogin (eclipse.platform, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.platform, eclipse.platform.resources, tools.cdt)
  • Stefan Prisca (technology.recommenders.incubator)
  • Sebastian Proksch (technology.recommenders)
  • Filip Pröstl Andren (iot.4diac)
  • Joseph Provost (technology.spaces)
  • Hunter Provyn (locationtech.geomesa)
  • Atanas Proychev (ecd.dirigible)
  • Marc Prud'hommeaux (technology.dali, webtools.dali)
  • Vladimir Prus (tools.cdt)
  • Lonnie Pryor (technology.vtp)
  • Max Pumperla (technology.deeplearning4j)
  • Jessielaine Punongbayan (ecd.che.che4z)
  • Vadim Punski (tools.pdt, tools.pdt.incubator)
  • Stefano Puri (polarsys.opencert, polarsys.chess)
  • Peter Purich (technology.eclipselink, ee4j.eclipselink)
  • Cynthia Qi (adoptium.temurin-compliance)
  • Grid (feng) Qian (tools.atf)
  • Jing Qian (tools.edt)
  • Zhiqiang Qian (technology.birt)
  • Johnson Quadras (soa.stardust)
  • Pierre Queinnec (datatools.enablement)
  • Menahem Julien Raccah Lisei (iot.vorto)
  • Knut Radloff (eclipse)
  • Max Rahder (foundation-internal.eclipsecon, foundation-internal)
  • Vaninder Rajput (webtools.releng)
  • Suresh Raju (eclipse, eclipse.platform.swt, eclipse.platform)
  • Keith Ralphs (science.scanning)
  • Navin Ramachandran (technology.trinity)
  • Vishwanath Ramaswamy (modeling.emft, modeling.mdt, modeling.gmf, modeling.mdt.ocl)
  • Allan Ramirez (technology.iam)
  • Jeff Ramsdale (datatools.incubator)
  • Theresa Ramsey (tools.edt)
  • Prakash Rangaraj (eclipse.e4, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.platform)
  • Colby Ranger (technology.jgit)
  • Hugo Raniere (dsdp.mtj)
  • Pascal Rapicault* (eclipse.pde.incubator, technology.egerrit, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.platform.core, eclipse.incubator.platform, tools.oomph, eclipse.platform.plat-rel-core, eclipse.equinox,, rt.equinox.incubator, eclipse.equinox.bundles, eclipse.pde.incubator, technology, eclipse.equinox.p2, eclipse.platform, technology.m2e, eclipse.incubator.equinox, eclipse.platform.doc, eclipse, eclipse.pde, tools.orbit, eclipse.platform.runtime, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.pde.doc,, eclipse.equinox.framework)
  • Craig Rasmussen* (technology.photran, tools.ptp, technology.ptp, tools.ptp.photran)
  • Markus Rathgeb (iot.smarthome)
  • Daniel Ratiu (technology.mbeddr)
  • Sam J. Rauch (technology)
  • Ralf Rausch (rt.smila)
  • ramakrishna ravi (tools.secoblocks)
  • Fy RAVOAJANAHARY (soa.mangrove)
  • Tobias Rawald (technology.sw360.antenna, automotive.kuksa)
  • Xavier Raynaud (tools.linuxtools)
  • Carsten Reckord (mylyn.context.mft, tools.mylyn, tools.orbit, eclipse.e4, technology.packaging.mpc, tools.oomph)
  • Chris Recoskie (tools.cdt, eclipse.e4, tools.ptp, dsdp.dd)
  • Simon Redding (modeling.papyrus-rt)
  • Aidan Redpath (ecd.orion)
  • Richard Redpath (technology)
  • Christian Reichert (iot.kiso)
  • Christoph Reichert (technology.aperi)
  • Mike Reid (tptp.performance, tptp.platform)
  • Michael Reif (technology.cognicrypt)
  • Sven Reissland (locationtech.geoperil)
  • Martin Reiterer (technology.babel)
  • Stefan Reiterer (mylyn.versions,,
  • Liza Rekadze (ee4j.eclipselink, technology.eclipselink)
  • Hans-Uwe Rempler (iot.kiso)
  • zezxiong ren (adoptium.temurin-compliance)
  • Zhijun Ren (ee4j.jsp, ee4j.mojarra, ee4j.faces, ee4j.jstl, ee4j.wasp)
  • Sondra Renly (technology.ohf)
  • Alexander Reshetnyak (ecd.che)
  • Karl Reti (stp.web, datatools.connectivity, stp, stp.system, tools.datatools, datatools.enablement,
  • Dirk Reuter* (technology.stem)
  • Cherie Revells (modeling.gmf, modeling.gmf-tooling, modeling.gmf-runtime, tools.gef)
  • Brad Reynolds (eclipse.platform, eclipse.platform.ui)
  • Daniel Rheinbay (automotive.tractusx)
  • Jason Rhodes (modeling.papyrus-xtuml)
  • Leonard Richardson (technology.cosmos)
  • Philipp Richert (iot.ignite, iot.unide)
  • Steve Richmond (openhw.corev)
  • Christopher Rickett (tools.ptp)
  • Maximilian Ridder (technology.openk-usermodules)
  • Austin Riddle (rt.rap, tools.orbit, rt.rap.incubator)
  • Vadim Ridosh (tools.windowbuilder)
  • Joerg Riegel (technology.osbp)
  • Felix Rieger (modeling.emft.henshin)
  • Elisabeth Riemann (technology.ogee)
  • Caroline Rieseler (soa.stardust)
  • Orlando Rincon (ecd.cft)
  • Colin Ritchie (mylyn.tasks, tools.mylyn)
  • Charles Rivet (modeling.papyrus-rt, polarsys.rover)
  • Deyan Rizov (modeling.emft.emf4net, modeling.emft)
  • Michael Robb (technology.soc.athena, technology.soc)
  • Jim Robbins (technology)
  • Steve Robenalt (
  • Dean Roberts (eclipse.e4, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.platform)
  • Randy Roberts (tools.ptp, technology.ptp)
  • Stefan Röck (technology.rap, rt.rap.incubator, rt.rap)
  • Yoann Rodiere (soa.jwt)
  • Roman Roelofsen (rt.equinox.scalamodules)
  • Mark Rogalski (rt.ercp, dsdp.ercp, technology)
  • Carlin Rogers (webtools.jsf)
  • Patrick Rogers (tools.hibachi)
  • Paul Rogers (technology.birt)
  • Young-Soo Roh (modeling.papyrus-rt)
  • Joan Rohn (stp.creation, stp.system,, stp.policy, stp.web, stp)
  • Matthias Rohr (technology.openk-platform)
  • Randy Rohrbach (tools.cdt, dsdp.dd)
  • Timo Rohrberg (rt.riena)
  • Victor Roldan Betancort (modeling.emf, modeling.emf.net4j, modeling.emf.cdo)
  • Daniel Rolka (eclipse.e4, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.platform)
  • Jean-Francois Rolland (modeling.gendoc, modeling.umlgen)
  • Zemuel Roman (ee4j.grizzly)
  • James Roper (technology.microprofile)
  • Eric Rose (technology.cosmos)
  • Juergen Rose (iot.eclipsescada, technology.eclipsescada)
  • Louis Rose (modeling.epsilon, modeling.gmt.epsilon, modeling.gmt)
  • Robin Rosenberg (technology.egit, technology.jgit)
  • Jay Rosenthal (technology, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.incubator.platform,, eclipse.equinox,, eclipse.incubator.equinox,, eclipse)
  • Kristian Rosenvold (technology.aether)
  • Barbara Rosi-Schwartz (technology.ormf)
  • Joel Rosi-Schwartz (tools.orbit, technology.ormf)
  • John Ross (rt.ebr, eclipse.equinox)
  • Luca Rossato (soa.mangrove, soa.ebpm)
  • Albert L. Rossi (tools.ptp)
  • Tova Roth (technology)
  • Sven Rottstock (soa.stardust)
  • Ramani Routray (technology.aperi)
  • Gilles Roux (datatools.modelbase, datatools.connectivity)
  • Jon Rowlands (technology.rtsc, dsdp.rtsc)
  • Dan Rubel (technology.packaging,, eclipse.e4, tools, tools.windowbuilder)
  • Mary Ruddy (technology.ecf, technology, technology.higgins)
  • Jonas Ruettimann (modeling.amp)
  • Lisa Ruff (asciidoc.asciidoc-lang)
  • Mark Russell (technology.packaging, tools.windowbuilder)
  • Dave Russo (technology.rtsc, dsdp.rtsc)
  • Matthias Rüster (locationtech.geoperil)
  • Michal Ruzicka* (technology.cdtk, modeling.emf.cdo, technology.buckminster, tools.buckminster, modeling.emft.b3)
  • Ken Ryall (dsdp.dd, tools.cdt)
  • Viacheslav Rybalov (tptp.platform, tptp)
  • Arthur Ryman (webtools)
  • Stephen W. Ryner (technology)
  • Andreas Rytina (modeling.emft.featuremodel)
  • Christian Saad (technology.jwt, soa.jwt)
  • Karoline Saatkamp (automotive.winery)
  • Markus Sabadello (technology.higgins)
  • Miles Sabin (eclipse.e4)
  • Andrey Sablin (tools.windowbuilder)
  • Antoine Sabot-Durand (technology.microprofile, ee4j.cdi)
  • Adrian Sacchi (technology.scout)
  • Andrey Sadovykh (modeling.mddi)
  • Pranjal Sahay (ee4j.authentication, ee4j.ejb, ee4j.jakartaee-stable, ee4j.authorization, ee4j.interceptors)
  • Nicolas SALATGE (stp, stp.eid,,, stp.policy, stp.web)
  • James Saliba (tptp)
  • Ibrahim Sallam (modeling.emf.net4j, modeling.emf.cdo)
  • Anton Salnik (eclipse.e4, technology.tigerstripe)
  • Craig Salter* (webtools, webtools.jst, webtools.webservices, webtools.common, webtools.sourceediting, webtools.wst)
  • Nuwan Samarasekera (rt.ecf)
  • Ahmed Samir Wafa (soa.jwt)
  • Pavel Samolisov (rt.ecf)
  • Carlos Sanchez (tools.buckminster, technology.buckminster, technology.kepler, technology.iam)
  • Kurt Sand (technology.epf)
  • Lahiru Sandakith (webtools.wst, webtools, webtools.webservices, webtools.jst)
  • Daniel Sanders (technology.higgins)
  • Shelby Sanders (technology.dltk)
  • Neil Sanderson (eclipse, stp.b2j, stp.web, stp,, tools)
  • Vsevolod Sandomirskiy (technology.cosmos)
  • Leif Sandström (iot.wakaama)
  • Dennis Sanger (technology.recommenders)
  • Ugo Sangiorgi (technology.sketch)
  • Rick Sapir (technology.eclipselink, ee4j.eclipselink, webtools.dali)
  • Snezhana Sapunkova (ecd.dirigible)
  • Umair Sarfraz (technology.trinity)
  • Prasenjit Sarkar (technology.aperi)
  • Saurav Sarkar (modeling.emf.query, modeling.emf.query2)
  • Sumit Sarkar (eclipse)
  • Nirmal Sasidharan (modeling.mdt.rmf)
  • Thijs Sassen (iot.phizog)
  • Doug Satchwell (webtools.sourceediting, webtools.incubator)
  • Robert Sauer (soa.stardust)
  • Leo Sauermann (rt.smila)
  • Kevin Savage (science.richbeans)
  • Rhett Savage (technology)
  • Kevin Sawicki (webtools.atf)
  • Kevin Sawicki (technology.jgit, technology.egit)
  • Roberto Scano (technology.actf)
  • Nick Scavelli (rt.vertx)
  • Dominik Schadow (webtools.incubator)
  • Doug Schaefer* (eclipse.e4,, tools, tools.cdt, tools.ptp, dsdp.sequoyah, tools.tcf, technology.packaging, tools.andmore, tools.orbit, tools.sequoyah)
  • Mathias Schaeffner (rt.rap.incubator)
  • Steve Schafer (technology.birt)
  • Andreas Schank (rt.smila)
  • Andreas Scharf (tools.oomph)
  • Michael Scharf (, eclipse.e4,
  • Michael Scharfenberg (automotive.openpass)
  • Konstantin Scheglov (tools.windowbuilder)
  • Markus Scheidgen (modeling.emft.mxf, modeling.emft)
  • Enrico Schenk (datatools.sqltools, datatools.enablement, datatools.connectivity)
  • Thorsten Schenkel (technology.riena, rt.riena)
  • Christian Schenzel (soa.stardust)
  • Frank Schepp (rt.riena, technology.riena)
  • Ruslan Scherbakov (tptp.platform)
  • Sebastian Scherer (automotive.tractusx)
  • Konrad Schergaut (rt.gyrex)
  • Jan Hendrik Scheufen (soa.stardust)
  • Andreas Schindlbeck (automotive.app4mc)
  • Alexandra Schladebeck (technology.jubula)
  • John Schloman (iot.leshan)
  • Robert Schloss (technology)
  • Benjamin Schmeling (modeling.fmc)
  • Stefan Schmid (technology.bridgeiot)
  • Georg Schmidt (rt.smila)
  • Sebastian Schmidt (technology.packaging.rtp, rt.ecf)
  • Martin Schmied (webtools.incubator)
  • Ryan Schmitt (technology.osee)
  • Juergen Schneider (technology.skalli)
  • Lisa Schneider (iot.tanglemktplaces, iot.tangleid)
  • Scott Schneider (tools)
  • Dirk Schnelle (technology.vtp)
  • Michael Schoeffler (dt.basyx)
  • Patrick Schoenbach (modeling.emft.mwe, modeling.m2t.xpand, modeling.tmf.xtext, modeling.emft, modeling.m2t, modeling.tmf, modeling.emf.mwe)
  • Joerg Schoettle (modeling.emft.emf4net, modeling.emft)
  • Sascha Scholz (
  • Simon Scholz (eclipse.platform, eclipse.e4, eclipse.platform.ui)
  • Markus Schorn (tools.cdt)
  • Tako Schotanus (technology.ceylon)
  • Martin Schreiber (technology.tycho)
  • Simon Schultze-Florey (, iot.smarthome)
  • Roland Schulz (tools.ptp)
  • Stefan Schulz (modeling.emft.henshin)
  • Michael Schulze (rt.ercp)
  • Daniel Schumacher (dsdp.ercp, technology)
  • Juergen Schumacher (rt.smila)
  • Ralf Schumann (rt.smila)
  • Matthias Schwamborn (automotive.sumo)
  • Tobias Schwarz (tools.tcf)
  • Benjamin Schwertfeger (tools.damos)
  • Stephan Schwiebert (tools.gef)
  • David Sciamma (modeling.ecoretools, technology.lepido, modeling.emft)
  • David Scott (tools)
  • Marcos Scriven (rt.gemini)
  • Kent Sebastian (tools.linuxtools)
  • Jackie Sedi (tools.pdt)
  • Donald Jr. Sedota (webtools.atf)
  • Heiko Seeberger (eclipse.equinox, eclipse.incubator.equinox, rt.equinox.scalamodules, eclipse.incubator, rt.equinox.incubator, technology.examples)
  • Bethany Seeger (technology.pass)
  • Daniel Segesdi (modeling.viatra)
  • Fabian Seiberling (rt.riena)
  • Tom Seidel (, technology.remus)
  • Lionel Seinturier (,
  • Christian Seitz (soa.jwt, technology.jwt)
  • Keith Seitz (tools.linuxtools, tools.cdt)
  • Ilya Seleznev (tools.rat)
  • Hakim Sellou (polarsys.capella)
  • Laknath Semage (webtools.incubator)
  • Janine Semmler (automotive.tractusx)
  • Chris Senior (technology.uomo)
  • Mikhail Sennikovsky (tools.ptp.photran, tools.cdt, technology.photran)
  • Rajiv Senthilnathan (ecd.codewind)
  • Rauno Seppala (dsdp.mtj)
  • Ali Serin (automotive.tractusx)
  • Jim Sermersheim (technology.higgins)
  • David Servat (modeling.mdt.papyrus)
  • Craig Setera* (tools.mtj, dsdp.mtj)
  • Simone Seurer (soa.stardust)
  • Byron Seward (tptp)
  • Pratik Shah (tools.gef, tools)
  • Rajiv Shah (technology.trinity)
  • Andrei Shakirin (stp, stp.policy,, stp.web)
  • Bill Shannon (ee4j.el, ee4j.jsp, ee4j.jaxb,, ee4j.glassfish, ee4j.jta, ee4j.authentication, ee4j.jca, ee4j.servlet, ee4j.interceptors, ee4j.messaging, ee4j.tyrus,, ee4j.jpa, ee4j.jakartaee-platform, ee4j.mojarra, ee4j.websocket, ee4j.ejb, ee4j.jsonp, ee4j.jakartaee-tck, ee4j.orb, ee4j.faces, ee4j.jstl, ee4j.jaxb-impl,, ee4j.grizzly, ee4j.mail, ee4j.soteria, ee4j.authorization, ee4j.jersey, ee4j.jaf, ee4j.metro, ee4j.wasp,, ee4j.jsonb, ee4j.jakartaee-stable, ee4j.openmq)
  • Shai Shapira (automotive.uprotocol)
  • Tareq Sharafy (ecd.che)
  • Ankur Sharma (eclipse.pde.incubator, eclipse.pde, eclipse.pde.doc, eclipse.pde.ui,
  • Vishal Sharnagat (technology.epf)
  • Jon Shavor (tools.edt)
  • Steven Shaw (tools.gef, modeling.gmf)
  • abhi shelat (technology.higgins)
  • Jingwen Shen (technology.birt)
  • Kai Shen (technology.birt)
  • yong shen (iot.kiso)
  • GANESH SHENOY (automotive.cloe)
  • Serhii Shepel (technology.deeplearning4j)
  • Wayne Sherril (tools)
  • Rohit Shetty (tptp.monitoring)
  • Aniruddha Shevade (technology.birt)
  • A. Jibran Shidqie (modeling.mdt)
  • David Shields (technology)
  • Tomoki Shiratori (tools)
  • Dmitry Shnurenko (ecd.che)
  • Sheila Sholars (webtools, webtools.jst, tools.datatools, webtools.datatools, webtools.wst, datatools.sqltools)
  • Jason Sholl* (webtools.common, webtools.jst, webtools, webtools.jeetools, webtools.wst)
  • Alexander Shpak (iot.iofog)
  • Aleksandar Shterev (modeling.ecp)
  • Moshe Shukrun (tools.pdt)
  • Ann Shumilova (ecd.che)
  • Chris Sibbald (technology.epf)
  • Jakub Siberski (technology.n4js, modeling.xpect)
  • Nagakishore Sidde (ee4j.jersey)
  • Kent Siefkes (tools)
  • Marcus Siegmund (technology.aperi)
  • Jan Sievers (technology.tycho)
  • Gabby Silberman (technology, technology.ecesis)
  • Alexander Silgidjian (ecd.dirigible)
  • Emil Simeonov (webtools.incubator)
  • Martin Simmonds (technology.cosmos)
  • Robert Sinclair (tools, eclipse)
  • Sidharth Singh (soa.stardust)
  • Todd Singleton (technology.aperi)
  • Vineet Sinha (eclipse.e4)
  • Vincent Siveton (technology.m2e)
  • Adrian Skehill (stp.model, stp,, stp.bpmn, stp.web, stp.core, stp.eid, stp.policy, stp.b2j, stp.system,, tools.buckminster, stp.creation)
  • Ian Skerrett (technology.phoenix, technology.packaging.mpc)
  • David Slater (tools.mylyn,
  • Paul Slauenwhite* (tools, tptp.monitoring, tptp.platform, tptp, tptp.performance, tptp.test)
  • Marius Slavescu (eclipse, tools, technology.cosmos, tptp.platform)
  • Sasha Slijepcevic (technology.rtsc, dsdp.rtsc)
  • Harm Sluiman* (eclipse, tptp, tptp.performance, tptp.test, tools, tptp.monitoring, tptp.platform)
  • Ted Slupesky (technology.aperi)
  • Roman Smirnov (technology.bpmn2-modeler)
  • Dave Smith (tptp.test, tptp, tptp.platform, tools, tptp.monitoring)
  • Donald Smith (technology.phoenix)
  • Eishay Smith (technology.ohf)
  • Randy D Smith (tptp.performance, tptp, tptp.platform)
  • Will Smythe (tools.edt)
  • Bruce Snyder (stp, stp.web,
  • Alexey Sobolev (iot.tanglemktplaces, iot.tangleid)
  • Michael Soden (modeling.emft, modeling.emft.mxf)
  • Stalo Sofokleous (technology.camf)
  • Guillaume Soldera (technology.golo)
  • Richard Soler-Avellen (polarsys.arcon)
  • Hitesh Soliwal (eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.platform)
  • Torsten Sommer (technology.efxclipse)
  • Julian Sommerfeldt (modeling.emfstore)
  • Alex Somogyi (ee4j.jta)
  • Lin Song (datatools.incubator, datatools.enablement)
  • Qingwei Song (technology.birt)
  • Mitch Sonies (tools.buckminster, technology.buckminster)
  • Michael Sorenson (tools)
  • Jakub Sosnovec (automotive.p3com)
  • David Soto Setzke (modeling.ecp)
  • laurent soulier (technology.aidge)
  • Justin Spadea (tools.edt)
  • Naum Spaseski (technology.iottestware)
  • Johannes Spazier (locationtech.geoperil)
  • Aaron Spear (dsdp.dd)
  • Wyatt Spear (tools.ptp)
  • Steve Speicher (technology.lyo)
  • Ralph Spickermann (technology.gyrex, technology.cloudfree)
  • Petros Splinakis (ee4j.eclipselink)
  • Dave Spriet (technology)
  • David Springgay (eclipse.incubator, eclipse, eclipse.incubator.platform)
  • Steven Spungin (eclipse.e4)
  • Ioannis Spyropoulos (automotive.bfb)
  • Mike Squillace (technology.actf, tools.orbit)
  • Manu Sridharan (ecd.orion)
  • Rahul Srivastava (ee4j.jaxws, ee4j.jsonp, ee4j.jsonb)
  • Dmitry Stadnik (modeling.gmf, modeling.gmf-tooling)
  • Julie Stalley (ecd.codewind)
  • Roland Stamm (soa.stardust)
  • George Stanchev (technology.higgins, technology.alf)
  • Georgi Stanev (technology.packaging.rtp)
  • Sebastian Stanossek (technology.riena)
  • Cortland Starrett (modeling.papyrus-xtuml)
  • Levi Starrett (modeling.papyrus-xtuml)
  • Daniel Statham (ecd.che.che4z)
  • Holger Staudacher (rt.ecf, rt.rap.incubator, technology.packaging.rtp, rt.rap, technology.examples, webtools.libra)
  • Andy Stechishin (technology.ohf)
  • Oliver Steele (technology.laszlo)
  • Bogdan Stefanescu (technology.apogee, rt.apricot)
  • Diyana Stefanova (iot.kanto)
  • David Steinberg* (tools, modeling.emf.emf, modeling.mdt, technology, modeling.emf, modeling.emf.sdo, modeling.mdt.xsd)
  • Florian Steinberger (automotive.mdmbl)
  • Pride Stephen (webtools.jst, webtools, webtools.wst)
  • Keren Stern (tools.pdt.bugzilla, tools.pdt, tools.pdt.core)
  • Dave Stevenson (eclipse.incubator, eclipse.incubator.platform, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.equinox.p2, eclipse.incubator.equinox, rt.equinox.incubator, eclipse.equinox)
  • Uwe Stieber (,, tools.tcf)
  • Robin Stocker (technology.egit, technology.jgit)
  • Viktor Stoehr (automotive.mdmbl)
  • Dimo Stoilov (webtools.libra)
  • Randy Stokes (technology.aperi)
  • Torsten Stolpmann (tptp.platform, tptp.performance, tptp.test, tools.tptp)
  • Orit Stone (soa.score)
  • Margaret-Anne Storey (tools.mylyn, technology)
  • Niko Stotz (technology.mbeddr)
  • Nicolas Stouls (technology.golo)
  • Katya Stoycheva (ecd.dirigible)
  • James Strachan (rt.swordfish,, stp.web, eclipse.incubator.ufacekit, stp, stp.eid, technology.swordfish)
  • Marco Strack (rt.smila)
  • Thomas Strasser (iot.4diac)
  • Paul Stratton (technology.cosmos)
  • Jim Strawn (technology.tigerstripe)
  • Alexej Strelzow (technology.babel)
  • Martin Strenge (modeling.emf.validation, modeling.emf.query, modeling.emft.emfindex)
  • Stefan Strobl (,, technology.babel)
  • Yuri Strot (technology.tigerstripe)
  • Yuri Strot (eclipse.e4)
  • Sebastian Struckmann (technology.jubula)
  • Daniel Stucky (rt.smila)
  • Mathias Stümpert (technology.g-eclipse)
  • Steffen Stundzig (modeling.emft.mtf)
  • Christopher Stura (technology.jemo)
  • Herwig Stütz (automotive.openmcx)
  • Balan Subramanian (tptp, technology.cosmos, tptp.monitoring)
  • Vijay Subramanian (technology.krikkit, iot.krikkit)
  • Mihai Sucan (ecd.orion)
  • Raghuram Sudhaakar (technology.krikkit, iot.krikkit)
  • Wojciech Sudol (eclipse.platform, tools.orbit, ecd.orion, eclipse.platform.ui)
  • Tetsuya Suehisa (tools.cobol)
  • Remy Suen (technology.egit, ecd.orion, technology.soc, eclipse.platform, eclipse.platform.ui, technology.ecf, technology.examples, eclipse.e4, technology.soc, eclipse.platform.runtime, rt.ecf)
  • Jussi Suistomaa (rt.ercp, dsdp.ercp)
  • Ke SUN (modeling.pmf)
  • Peter Sun (tools)
  • xiaoou sun (ee4j.glassfish)
  • C. Timurhan Sungur* (automotive.winery)
  • Tihomir Surdilovic (technology.bpmn2-modeler)
  • Lee Surprenant (technology.ohf)
  • James Sutton (iot.paho)
  • Stanley Sutton (technology.imp)
  • Hendra Suwanda (tptp)
  • Patrik Suzzi (eclipse.platform, technology.lsp4e, eclipse.platform.ui)
  • Brian Svihovec (tools.edt)
  • Ahmad Swaid (technology.stem)
  • Darin Swanson* (eclipse.incubator, eclipse.platform.debug, eclipse.jdt,, eclipse.jdt.debug, eclipse.jdt.ui, eclipse, eclipse.platform.ant, eclipse.incubator.platform, eclipse.platform.doc, eclipse.jdt.apt, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.jdt.doc, eclipse.platform)
  • William Swanson (tools.cdt)
  • Ed Swartz (tools.cdt)
  • Kristof Szabados (tools.titan)
  • Tamas Szabo (modeling.incquery, technology.mbeddr, modeling.franca, modeling.viatra)
  • Attila Szegedi (eclipse.e4)
  • Joe Szurszewski (eclipse)
  • Hichem Talbi (soa.stardust)
  • Jean-Pierre Talpin (polarsys.pop)
  • Kenneth Tam (stp, stp.core,, stp.web)
  • Sun Seng David TAN (technology.apogee)
  • Edwin Tang (ee4j.eclipselink, technology.eclipselink)
  • Oliver Tantu (technology.elogbook, technology.openk-usermodules)
  • Jie Tao (technology.g-eclipse)
  • Mian Tariq (automotive.tractusx)
  • Peri Tarr (technology)
  • Khan Tasinga (technology.aperi)
  • Paul Tatavu* (technology.m2e)
  • Jane Tatchell (technology.birt)
  • Kevin Taylor (technology.glimmer)
  • Kavitha Teegala (technology.actf)
  • Ismael Teijeiro Florez (technology.iam)
  • Christophe Telep (tptp, tptp.performance)
  • Andrei Temnikov (ecd.che.che4z)
  • Vincent Templier (technology.aidge)
  • Dimitar Tenev (ecd.dirigible, webtools.incubator)
  • Roland Tepp (technology.ceylon)
  • Joerg Tessmer (automotive.kuksa)
  • Uwe Teutscher (technology.riena, rt.riena)
  • Jao Tham (technology.epf)
  • Ashish Thandavan (technology.g-eclipse)
  • Abhay Thappan (soa.stardust)
  • James Thario (technology.epf)
  • Yannis Theocharis (technology.jemo)
  • Tyler Thessin (tptp.performance, tptp)
  • Rolf Theunissen (eclipse.platform)
  • Florian Thienel (, webtools.incubator)
  • Christian Thoens (technology.stem)
  • Alexis THOMAS (technology.golo)
  • Antoine THOMAS (polarsys.opencert, technology.usssdk)
  • Benjamin Thomas (technology.omr)
  • Craig Thomas (technology.cosmos)
  • Jayant Thomas (technology.vtp)
  • Morgan Thompson (locationtech.geogig)
  • Timothy Thompson (technology.aperi)
  • Arun Thondapu (eclipse.platform, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.platform.swt)
  • Carl Thronson (tools.datatools, technology.birt)
  • Niels Thykier (tools.linuxtools)
  • Wilson Tian (ee4j.jersey, ee4j.soteria, ee4j.authorization, ee4j.jaf, ee4j.metro, ee4j.jsonb, ee4j.wasp,, ee4j.jakartaee-tck, ee4j.openmq, ee4j.el, ee4j.jsp, ee4j.jaxb-impl,, ee4j.glassfish, ee4j.jta, ee4j.jca, ee4j.servlet, ee4j.authentication, ee4j.interceptors, ee4j.messaging, ee4j.jpa, ee4j.tyrus,, ee4j.jakartaee-stable, ee4j.mojarra, ee4j.jsonp, ee4j.websocket, ee4j.ejb, ee4j.jaxb, ee4j.orb, ee4j.faces, ee4j.jstl, ee4j.jaxws,, ee4j.grizzly, ee4j.mail)
  • Beth Tibbitts* (technology.packaging, tools.ptp, technology.ptp)
  • Markus Tiede (technology.packaging, technology.jubula)
  • Artem Tikhomirov* (modeling.gmf, modeling.amalgam, modeling.gmf-tooling)
  • David Tinker (technology.jsr220-orm)
  • Rene Tischer (technology.openk-platform)
  • Pam Tobias (eclipse, technology, eclipse.equinox)
  • John Todd (technology.cosmos)
  • Teodor Todorov (eclipse.equinox,, eclipse.equinox)
  • Kai Toedter (eclipse.e4, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.platform, technology.sw360)
  • Daniel Tolgyesi (technology.jubula)
  • Piotrek Tomiak (tools.windowbuilder)
  • Thiago Tonelli Bartolomei (modeling.emft, modeling.emft.servus)
  • Haijia Tong (technology.birt)
  • yulong tong (technology.epf)
  • Joseph Toomey* (tools, tptp.test, eclipse, tptp.platform)
  • Fabien Toral (modeling.umlgen)
  • Shilpa Toraskar (technology.epf)
  • Dominique Torette (modeling.umlgen)
  • Zsolt Torok (technology.ohf)
  • Pablo Torregrosa Paez (tools.tcf)
  • Sebastian Torres Brown (iot.keti)
  • Rodolfo Totaro (science.triquetrum)
  • Antoine Toulme (stp, modeling.emf, stp.bpmnmodeler,, stp.web, modeling.mdt.bpmn2, soa.bpmnmodeler, stp.bpmn, modeling.emft,, modeling.emft.servus, technology.babel, soa)
  • Stephane Tournier (ecd.che)
  • Hanine Tout (soa.bpel)
  • David Touzet (modeling.gmt)
  • Nam-Luc Tran (modeling.emft.wazaabi)
  • Peter Tran (iot.krikkit)
  • Quan Tran Vu (technology.sw360)
  • Alexei Trebounskikh (mylyn.builds, mylyn.context, mylyn.tasks, mylyn, mylyn.commons,
  • Leo Treggiari (tools.ptp.photran, technology.photran, tools.cdt, tools)
  • Henning Treu (iot.smarthome)
  • John Trevisan (ClearBlade) (tools.edt)
  • Paul Trevithick (technology.higgins, technology)
  • Carl Trieloff (stp.policy, stp.b2j, stp.system,, stp.creation, stp.model, stp,, stp.bpmn, stp.web, stp.core, stp.eid)
  • Demetris Trihinas (technology.camf)
  • Branko Tripkovic (eclipse.platform.releng, eclipse.platform.update, eclipse.platform,, eclipse)
  • Mike Tschierschke (technology.gyrex, rt.gyrex)
  • Aliaksandr Tselesh (, stp.web, stp, stp.policy)
  • George Tsouloupas (technology.g-eclipse)
  • Wenjie Tu (technology.birt)
  • Devon Tucker (technology.imagen)
  • Jaroslav Tulach (ee4j.jersey)
  • Greg Tumbush (openhw.corev)
  • Tuncay Tunc (automotive.tractusx)
  • Ross Turk (technology.spaces)
  • James Turner (foundation-internal.eclipsecon)
  • L. Frank Turovich (tools.cdt)
  • Denis Tyrell (technology.hudson)
  • John Tyrrell (technology.aperi)
  • Makoto Ueki (technology.actf)
  • Leo Ufimtsev (eclipse.platform.swt, eclipse.platform)
  • Axel Uhl (modeling.mdt.ocl)
  • Gergo Ujhelyi (tools.titan)
  • Brandon Ulrich (technology.ohf)
  • Daniels Umanovskis (modeling.eatop)
  • Andreas Unger (tools.damos)
  • Aleksi Uotila (dsdp.ercp, technology, rt.ercp)
  • Francis Upton IV (eclipse.platform.doc, eclipse.platform, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.e4)
  • Johannes Utzig (tools.buckminster)
  • Venkata Rao V (tools.secoblocks)
  • Kirtiwant Vaidya (technology.epf)
  • Alex Vainchtein (datatools.modelbase, datatools.connectivity)
  • Egidijus Vaisnora (modeling.emf.cdo)
  • Michael Valenta* (, eclipse, eclipse.incubator.platform, eclipse.platform.doc, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.platform)
  • Sergey Valevich (iot.iofog)
  • Kjetil Valstadsve (rt.equinox.scalamodules)
  • Alphonse Van Assche (tools.linuxtools)
  • Bart Van Campenhout (tools.edt)
  • Jim Van Dam (modeling.pmf)
  • Onno van der Straaten (technology.epf)
  • Stef Van Dijk (dsdp.ercp)
  • Ghica van Emde Boas (modeling.gmt, technology)
  • Michael van Meekeren (eclipse)
  • Jason van Zyl (technology.aether, technology.m2e, technology.tycho, technology.hudson, technology.sisu)
  • John Vandenbroek (stp.core,, stp.web, stp)
  • Laurens Vandeput (webtools.atf)
  • Paul VanderLei (technology.examples)
  • Desai Vani (iot.sparkplug)
  • Tyler VanWinkle (technology.vtp)
  • Gilles Vanwormhoudt (modeling.emft.js4emf)
  • Britta Varwig (technology.skalli)
  • Richard Vasconi (technology.cosmos)
  • John Vasileff (technology.ceylon)
  • Agisilaos Vasileiadis (ecd.che.che4z)
  • Sergey Vasiljev (technology.ofmp)
  • Raksha Vasisht (eclipse.jdt.ui, eclipse.jdt.doc)
  • Alexandre Vasseur (tools.aspectj)
  • Bogdan Vatkov (stp.web, stp,,
  • Dennis Vaughn (technology.maynstall)
  • Maria Vazquez (technology.spaces)
  • Felix Velasco (modeling.graphiti)
  • Beyhan Veliev (technology.packaging.rtp)
  • Mathieu Velten (modeling.gendoc, polarsys.reqcycle, modeling.mdt.papyrus)
  • Krishna Venkatraman (technology.birt)
  • Angel Vera* (webtools.servertools)
  • Tobias Verhoeven (modeling.emfstore, modeling.ecp)
  • Kris Verlaenen (technology.bpmn2-modeler)
  • Franck Verrot (technology.golo)
  • Nguyen Viet Hoa (modeling.pmf)
  • Pierre Vigneras (soa.jwt, technology.jwt)
  • Praba Vijayaratnam (ee4j.eclipselink)
  • Lionel Villard (webtools.incubator)
  • Pierre-Julien VILLOUD (technology.drops)
  • Joseph Vincens (tools.edt)
  • Igor Vinnykov (technology.subversive)
  • Petri Virtanen (dsdp.mtj)
  • VINAY VISHAL (ee4j.jca,, ee4j.ejb, ee4j.jsp, ee4j.soteria, ee4j.glassfish, ee4j.jta, ee4j.interceptors, ee4j.messaging, ee4j.authentication, ee4j.jakartaee-stable, ee4j.orb,, ee4j.jsonb, ee4j.servlet, ee4j.el, ee4j.jstl, ee4j.wasp, ee4j.grizzly, ee4j.mail, ee4j.jaf, ee4j.openmq, ee4j.authorization)
  • Martin Vladev (ecd.dirigible)
  • Markus Voelter (modeling.emft, modeling.emft.mwe, modeling.m2t, technology.mbeddr, modeling.emf.mwe, modeling.emft.featuremodel, modeling.gmt, modeling.m2t.xpand)
  • Eugene Voevodin (ecd.che)
  • Stefan Voget (modeling.eatop)
  • Marius Voicu (dsdp.mtj)
  • Sebastian Voigt (rt.smila)
  • Elias Volanakis* (technology.rap, rt.rap, rt.riena, technology.nebula, technology.packaging, technology.riena, rt.rap.incubator, technology.maynstall, technology.nebula.incubator)
  • Peter Vollmert (automotive.tractusx)
  • Leo von Klenze (technology.sw360)
  • Jan von Loewenstein (tools.mylyn,
  • Otto von Wesendonk (modeling.emfstore, modeling.ecp)
  • Holger Voormann (tools.mylyn,, webtools.incubator)
  • Michael Vorburger (modeling.emf.emf)
  • Mikhail Voronin (eclipse, eclipse.platform.swt, eclipse.platform)
  • Brian Vosburgh (webtools.wst, technology.dali, webtools, webtools.jst, technology.eclipselink, webtools.dali)
  • Georg-Victor Voutsinos (soa.swordfish)
  • Hanh Vu (technology.pass)
  • Tim W Wilson (tools.edt)
  • Sami Wagiaalla (tools.linuxtools)
  • Tim Wagner (webtools, eclipse.jdt)
  • Meir Wahnon (soa.score)
  • Sam Wai (tools, tptp.platform)
  • Masaki Wakao (tools)
  • Brian Walker (technology.higgins)
  • Chris Walker (rt.jetty)
  • Ken Walker (ecd.flux, rt.ercp, dsdp.ercp, ecd.orion, technology.flux)
  • Peter Walker (tools,
  • Sylvain Wallez (technology.lepido)
  • Charley Wang (tools.linuxtools)
  • Feng(Marvin) Wang (dsdp.mtj, tools.mtj)
  • Hongxia Wang (technology.birt)
  • Jianping Wang (locationtech.geomesa)
  • Jigang Wang (ee4j.interceptors,, ee4j.mail)
  • Jingfu Wang (ecd.codewind)
  • Jingliang Wang (openhw.corev)
  • libing wang (eclipse.e4, ecd.orion)
  • Ling Wang (tools.cdt)
  • Q.S. Wang (tools.pdt)
  • Qiangsheng Wang (tools.pdt.incubator, technology.birt)
  • Stanley Wang (technology.birt)
  • Wei Wang (technology.birt)
  • xuwei wang (ee4j.authentication,, ee4j.authorization)
  • Yi Wang (technology.birt)
  • Yueqiang Wang (technology.birt)
  • Yukun Wang (ecd.theia)
  • Yulin Wang (tools.datatools, technology.birt)
  • Christian Waniek (modeling.mdt.uml2-tools)
  • Jos Warmer (modeling.emft.emfindex, modeling.emft, modeling.emf)
  • William Warren (technology.aperi)
  • Bruno Wassermann (technology.bpel)
  • Julie Waterhouse (tools.ajdt, technology)
  • Brian Watt (tools.ptp)
  • Geoff Waymark (technology.hudson)
  • Jason Weathersby (technology.birt)
  • Timothy Webb (technology.maynstall)
  • Matthew Webber (science.dawnsci, science.scanning)
  • Andreas Weber (tools.orbit, rt.smila)
  • Christoph Weber (technology.openk-usermodules)
  • Melanie Weber (automotive.sumo)
  • Matthew Webster (tools.aspectj, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.incubator.equinox, rt.equinox.incubator, eclipse, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.incubator.platform)
  • Paul Webster* (eclipse.incubator.platform, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.platform.core, ecd.orion, eclipse.platform.plat-rel-core, eclipse.e4, eclipse.platform.runtime, eclipse.incubator.e4,, eclipse.platform, technology.cbi, eclipse.platform.doc, eclipse, eclipse.platform.releng, eclipse.incubator,
  • Martine Wedlake (technology.aperi)
  • Christian Wege (automotive.tractusx)
  • Zhao Wei (technology.birt)
  • Christian Weichel (iot.mita)
  • Glenn Weidner (tools)
  • Ingo Weigelt (modeling.mdt.rmf)
  • Andre Weinand* (eclipse.platform.core, eclipse.incubator.platform, eclipse.platform.plat-rel-core, eclipse.jdt.apt, eclipse.platform.swt, eclipse.jdt.ui, eclipse.platform.ui,, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.platform.doc, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.platform.releng, eclipse.jdt.doc,, eclipse.platform, eclipse, tools)
  • Olaf Weinmann (iot.vorto)
  • Arno Weiß (dt.aas4j)
  • Armin Weiser (technology.stem)
  • David Weiser (eclipse.e4)
  • Paul Weitz (technology.higgins)
  • Mark Weitzel* (technology.cosmos, tptp.monitoring, tptp)
  • Hayden Wen (modeling.mdt.etrice)
  • Lothar Wendehals (automotive.app4mc)
  • Marc-Florian Wendland (modeling.upr)
  • Lucas Werkmeister (technology.ceylon)
  • Nicolas Werlein (soa.stardust)
  • Roman Werner (automotive.tractusx)
  • Robert Wetzold (technology.skalli, tools.orbit)
  • Christian Weyermann (technology.mdmweb, automotive.mdmbl)
  • Michael Wharmby (science.scanning, science.dawnsci)
  • Michael Whitby (locationtech.geowave)
  • Jules White (modeling.gmt, modeling.gmt.gems)
  • David Whiteman (technology.cosmos)
  • Aaron Whiteside (rt.gemini)
  • Tobias Widmer (eclipse.platform, eclipse, eclipse.jdt.apt, eclipse.jdt.ui, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.jdt.doc)
  • Chris Wiebe (tools)
  • John Wiegand* (eclipse.equinox, eclipse.platform, eclipse, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.platform.doc)
  • Daniel Wiehl (technology.scout)
  • Bill Wigger (ee4j.websocket, ee4j.tyrus)
  • Jan-Frederik Wigger (technology.stem)
  • Doug Wightman (technology.recommenders)
  • Karol Wilk (technology.osee)
  • Andy Wilkinson (rt.virgo, rt.gemini)
  • Ben Williams (technology.epf)
  • Jason Williams (technology.pass)
  • Jerry Williams (technology.aperi)
  • Michael Williams (technology.birt)
  • Stuart Williams (rt.vertx)
  • Ted Williams (tools.cdt,,, dsdp.dd)
  • Todd Williams (dsdp.blinki, technology.phoenix, technology.maynstall)
  • Michael Willig (modeling.emft.mtf)
  • Debbie Wilson (eclipse)
  • Richard Wilson (eclipse.equinox, technology)
  • Manuel Wimmer (modeling.upr)
  • Joe Winchester (, tools)
  • Curtis Windatt (eclipse.pde.ds, technology.flux, ecd.orion, eclipse.pde.ui, eclipse.jdt.debug, eclipse.platform.debug, eclipse.jdt.ui, eclipse.platform.releng, eclipse.pde.doc, eclipse.platform.ui, ecd.flux, eclipse.pde.incubator, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.platform, eclipse.jdt.doc, eclipse.platform.doc, eclipse.pde, eclipse.platform.releng)
  • Tim Winselmann (technology.jubula)
  • Charles Winslow (locationtech.geogig)
  • Douglas Winter (science.scanning)
  • Robert Wipfel (technology.aperi)
  • Franz-Josef Wiszniewsky (technology.mdmweb)
  • Heiko Witteborg (modeling.fmc)
  • Robert Wloch (modeling.emft.mtf)
  • Anna Wojtowicz (
  • Mariusz Wojtysiak (technology.g-eclipse)
  • Franco Wolf (automotive.tractusx, technology.edc)
  • Oliver Wolf (soa.swordfish, tools.orbit, rt.swordfish, technology.swordfish)
  • David Wolfe (technology.aperi)
  • John Wolfe (modeling.papyrus-xtuml)
  • Thomas Wolfram (soa.stardust)
  • Pawel Wolniewicz (technology.g-eclipse)
  • Dietmar Wolz (rt.swordfish, technology.swordfish, soa.swordfish)
  • Cherie Wong (eclipse)
  • Colin Woodbury (locationtech.geotrellis)
  • Jonathan Woodford (technology.openj9)
  • Melanie Woods (tptp.performance, tptp)
  • David Wootton (tools.ptp)
  • John Worrell (technology.tigerstripe)
  • Jaime Wren (tools.windowbuilder)
  • Darin Wright* (eclipse.jdt.debug, eclipse.platform, eclipse.jdt.ui, eclipse.platform.debug, eclipse, eclipse.pde.api tools,, eclipse.incubator.platform, eclipse.pde.incubator, eclipse.jdt.apt, eclipse.pde.ui, eclipse.jdt.doc, dsdp.dd, eclipse.platform.ant, eclipse.pde, eclipse.platform.doc, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.pde.doc, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.pde.incubator)
  • Finlay Wright (technology.jemo)
  • James Wright (technology.corona)
  • Jim Wright (technology)
  • Amy Wu* (webtools.jst, webtools.webservices, webtools, webtools.sourceediting, webtools.wst)
  • Mingxia Wu (technology.birt, datatools.enablement)
  • Thomas Wu (tools.edt)
  • Tong Wu (technology.recommenders.incubator)
  • Xiaoxiao Wu (datatools.enablement)
  • Eric Wuillai (technology.nebula)
  • Emmanuel Wurth (tptp)
  • Spiros Xanthos (technology.photran)
  • Stefan Xenos (eclipse,, eclipse.incubator, eclipse.jdt, eclipse.platform, eclipse.platform.resources, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.platform.ui, eclipse.incubator.platform, eclipse.jdt.core, eclipse.platform.doc)
  • Jinhua Xi (technology.epf)
  • Guo Tong Xie (modeling.mdt, modeling.emft, modeling.mdt.eodm)
  • Jeffrey Xie (technology.imagen)
  • he xingjie (technology.birt)
  • Alex Xu (tools.pdt)
  • Bingxue Xu (technology.epf)
  • Denny Xu (stp.policy, stp.web, stp, stp.creation, stp.system,
  • Fang Xu (technology.birt)
  • Gary Xue (datatools.sqltools, tools.datatools, technology.birt, tools.datatools)
  • Asaf Yaffe (tptp, tptp.platform)
  • Sergey Yakovlev (technology.higgins)
  • Nataliya Yakymets (polarsys.esf)
  • Toshi Yamamoto (ee4j.authorization)
  • Atsuhiko Yamanaka (, eclipse, eclipse.platform.resources, eclipse.platform)
  • Ikuo Yamasaki (eclipse.incubator, eclipse.equinox, eclipse.incubator.equinox)
  • Charlie Yan (technology.epf)
  • Houqiang Yan (technology.birt)
  • Shunguo Yan (technology.actf)
  • Wei Yan (technology.birt)
  • Xi Yan (eclipse.platform)
  • Da-fan Yang (datatools.sqltools, datatools.enablement)
  • Jingtao Yang (technology.birt)
  • Julie Yang (technology, technology.birt)
  • Michael Yang (ee4j.jaxb-impl, ee4j.metro, ee4j.jersey,
  • Yang Yang (modeling.emft, modeling.mdt.eodm, modeling.mdt)
  • Athena Yao (rt.jetty)
  • Ling Yao (tptp)
  • Lixing Yao (technology.birt)
  • James Yarrington (locationtech.geowave)
  • Yoshihiro Yasuoka (tools)
  • Murat Yener (webtools.libra)
  • Susan Yeshin (webtools)
  • Theodora Yeung (eclipse.jdt, eclipse.jdt.doc, eclipse, eclipse.jdt.apt)
  • Annie Ying (technology)
  • Ophelia Yip (technology.aperi)
  • Alan Yoder (technology.aperi)
  • Cynthia York (technology.pass)
  • Satoru Yoshida (technology.babel)
  • Yu You (dsdp.ercp, technology)
  • Andrew Young (technology.omr)
  • Chenzhong Yu (technology.birt)
  • David Yu (rt.jetty)
  • Liang Yu (technology.birt)
  • Shi-feng Yu (datatools.sqltools, datatools.enablement)
  • Kevin Yuan (ee4j.eclipselink)
  • Pan Yue (modeling.emft, modeling.mdt.eodm, modeling.mdt)
  • Alexander Yuhimenko (technology.higgins)
  • Timofey Yuvashev (tools.ptp.photran)
  • Andrea Zaccaro (ecd.che.che4z)
  • Fabio Zadrozny (eclipse.e4)
  • Harar Zafrir (soa.score)
  • Dobromir Zahariev (ecd.dirigible)
  • Salvador Zalapa (webtools.sourceediting)
  • Igor Zapletnev (eclipse.e4)
  • Igor Zapletnev (technology.rcptt)
  • Tomasz Zarna (technology.egit, eclipse.e4, tools.mylyn, eclipse.platform.releng,, mylyn.tasks, ecd.orion, technology.packaging, eclipse.platform, eclipse.platform.resources,
  • Fradj Zayen (soa.stardust)
  • Nikola Zelenkov (eclipse.incubator, eclipse.incubator.e4)
  • Patrick Zeller (automotive.tractusx)
  • Jerry Zeng (openhw.corev)
  • Volodymyr Zhabiuk (rt.swordfish, soa.swordfish)
  • Jun Zhai (technology.birt)
  • Bo Zhang (automotive.openpass)
  • Cheng Zhang (technology.recommenders.incubator)
  • Gavin Zhang (ee4j.ejb, ee4j.glassfish)
  • Hao Zhang (eclipse.platform.ui,, eclipse.platform)
  • Helen Zhang (, webtools.releng)
  • Lei Zhang (modeling.mdt.eodm, modeling.mdt)
  • Mary zhang (adoptium.temurin-compliance)
  • Rui Zhang (technology.soc)
  • Xiaofeng Zhang (technology.birt)
  • Xiaohu Zhang (technology.birt)
  • Xinyuan Zhang (ee4j.faces, ee4j.jstl, ee4j.el, ee4j.jsp, ee4j.mojarra)
  • Xiong Zhang (technology.birt)
  • Yifei Zhang (adoptium.incubator)
  • Zhipeng Zhang (technology.birt)
  • David Zhao (ee4j.mail, ee4j.interceptors,
  • Xin Zhao (technology.birt)
  • Yiping Zhao (ee4j.eclipselink)
  • Zhongwei Zhao (tools.pdt.incubator, tools.pdt)
  • Huo Zhen Zhong (tools.edt)
  • Junyuan Zheng (adoptium.temurin, adoptium.aqavit, adoptium.temurin-compliance)
  • Bo Zhou (technology.esl)
  • Jian Zhou (technology.birt)
  • Ruibin Zhou (technology.ohf, rt.equinox.incubator)
  • Shenxue Zhou (technology.sapphire)
  • Lin Zhu (datatools.connectivity, technology.birt, datatools.enablement)
  • Meng Xin Zhu (eclipse.equinox)
  • Sissi Zhu (technology.birt)
  • Wenbo Zhu (ee4j.websocket)
  • Xingsheng Zhu (technology.birt)
  • Zhi Zhu (tools.edt)
  • Pavel Zhukov (oniro.oniro-core)
  • Alexander Ziegler (technology.riena, rt.riena)
  • Nathan Zimmerman (locationtech.geotrellis)
  • Matthias Zimmermann (technology.scout)
  • Andrea Zoppello (stp, stp.model, tools.orbit, soa.mangrove,, stp.web, soa.ebpm)
  • Alessandro Zovi (polarsys.chess)
  • Melek Zribi (soa.stardust)
  • Vincent Zurczak* (,, tools.orbit, soa.bpel, stp, technology.bpel)

1 Being a Committer is a privilege that is earned by contributing actively, and showing discipline and good judgment. It is a responsibility that is not given, nor be treated, lightly. At the same time, we acknowledge that active participation in Eclipse Projects is not a lifetime commitment, and thus Committers may/will become inactive for a variety of reasons.

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