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PMC Conference Call - October 5, 2004

Attending: Dominique de Vito, Jochen Krause, David Williams, Mitch Sonies, Bjorn Freeman-Benson

PMC Call Schedule

  • Tuesdays at 4pm (Paris), 10am (USA, Eastern), 7am (USA, Western)
  • We will start on time and we will try to restrict ourselves to no more than an hour.

Code Camps

Structured Source Editor

  • Jochen and Jens and others have been working on the code and it is ready to checkin to CVS. Bjorn will be checking it in.
  • The next steps are to extend the code with tutorials and examples for understanding.
  • They propose a small "Team Camp" in late December - early January.

Ordering of Work

  • We discussed how much work should be done before IBM refreshes their code contribution, which turned into...
  • ...a philosophic discussion of "what is an API" and "how much code should we adopt how quickly". This topic requires more discussion to arrive at a consensus, but in the meantime...
  • ...we agreed to "adopt/commit code as the community can understand the architecture, the design, and the code".
    • We are aware that there are people in the community who feel that the project is adopting code too slowly. Our answer is "you could help us adopt it more quickly by helping with architecture and design documentation, examples and executable use-cases that will allow the community as a whole to understand the code base we have been so generously given".

Becoming a Committer

  • We discussed the process to follow for new committers. Bjorn agreed to update the website with a clearer description of what is required.

Cross Product Requirements List

  • David gave us an update on his Architecture Council action item to help coordinate WTP with other Eclipse projects.

On the Queue for Next Week

  • Discussion the WebDAV component
  • Marketing group report
  • Planning group report

Minutes taken by Bjorn Freeman-Benson and posted by Bjorn Freeman-Benson, October 5, 2004

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