Uses of Package

Packages that use org.eclipse.nebula.effects.stw

Classes in org.eclipse.nebula.effects.stw used by org.eclipse.nebula.effects.stw
          An abstract class handling the basic actions required for whatever transition effect.
          Object implementing this interface enables the TransitionManager to carry out transition effects either on it or on the object it's delegate for.

A "transitionable" widget is a widget that can provide a set of methods to a TransitionManager either through direct implementation of this interface or through delegation by providing a delegate object implementing this interface.

A "transitionable" widget is supposed to have a list of Control objects of at least one Control object.
          Classes which implement this interface provide methods that handle the transition finished event.
After creating an instance of a class that implements this interface it can be added to a transition manager using the TransitionManager.addTransitionListener(TransitionListener) method and removed using the TransitionManager.removeTransitionListener(TransitionListener) method.
          Transition manager applies the required transition on a Transitionable object.

Classes in org.eclipse.nebula.effects.stw used by org.eclipse.nebula.effects.stw.transitions
          An abstract class handling the basic actions required for whatever transition effect.
          Transition manager applies the required transition on a Transitionable object.