Interface IServiceAccessHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractRemoteServiceAccessHandler, UrlServiceAccessHandler

public interface IServiceAccessHandler

serviceAccessHandler extensions must implement this interface.

Method Summary
 org.eclipse.jface.action.IContributionItem[] getContributionsForService(IServiceInfo serviceInfo)
          Get the menu items to contribute for the given IServiceInfo.

Method Detail


org.eclipse.jface.action.IContributionItem[] getContributionsForService(IServiceInfo serviceInfo)
Get the menu items to contribute for the given IServiceInfo. Implementers should return a non-null array of IContributionItem instances (menus or menu items). These will be added to the context menu of the service entry identified by the given service info.

serviceInfo - the IServiceInfo for the contributions. Will not be null.
IContributionItem [] any contribution to the context menu for the given service info. If null, then no items will be added to the context menu.