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Eclipse Web Tools Platform 3.0 M6
New and Noteworthy


Dali Java Persistence Tools

JAXB content assist and validation

    Schemas can now be registered for the purpose of validation and content assist in Dali:

    Schema Repository

    Dali now provides content assist and validation for JAXB in a similar fashion to what currently exists in our JPA tooling. This is especially helpful when doing meet-in-the-middle mapping. Here is an example of using code assist for defining the type name for an XmlType.

    JAXB Content Assist

    Here is an example of validation against the schema:

    JAXB Validation

New validation for JPA mappings

    Dali has added additional validation to a number of areas in the past two milestones including:
    • Converter names
    • Converter class
    • Entity names
    • Query names
    • ElementCollection

    Dali has added a wizard in M6 to provide IDE access to the EclipseLink DWBS Builder functionality. DBWS provides simple access to relational database content via a web service using Java EE compliant access, all without writing Java code. The Builder wizard can be accessed via the New... menu and can be used with a Dynamic Web Project. See EclipseLink DBWS for more information.

    DBWS New... Wizard

    DBWS Builder wizard:

    DBWS Wizard

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