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offline() - Method in class org.eclipse.paho.android.service.MqttConnection
Receive notification that we are offline
if cleanSession is true, we need to regard this as a disconnection
ON_CONNECTION_LOST_ACTION - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.paho.android.service.MqttServiceConstants
onBind(Intent) - Method in class org.eclipse.paho.android.service.MqttService
onCreate() - Method in class org.eclipse.paho.android.service.MqttService
onDestroy() - Method in class org.eclipse.paho.android.service.MqttService
onReceive(Context, Intent) - Method in class org.eclipse.paho.android.service.AlarmPingSender.AlarmReceiver
onReceive(Context, Intent) - Method in class org.eclipse.paho.android.service.MqttAndroidClient
Process incoming Intent objects representing the results of operations and asynchronous activities such as message received
onStartCommand(Intent, int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.paho.android.service.MqttService
org.eclipse.paho.android.service - package org.eclipse.paho.android.service
Contains a set of classes which allow an Android App to communicate with an MQTT server using an Android Service.