Interface ISemanticTreeMapperSupport<M,​L,​R>

Type Parameters:
M - The type of the mapping object
L - The type of the left bound of the mapping, as available in the left TreeViewer's ITreeContentProvider
R - The type of the right bound of the mapping, as available in the right TreeViewer's ITreeContentProvider

public interface ISemanticTreeMapperSupport<M,​L,​R>
This interface is the binding between the business object that holds the mapping, and the targeted bounds of the mapping. It is used to resolve bounds of the mapping as they can be found in the trees, and also to generate the business object that represents the mapping when user creates a new one in the TreeMapper widget
  • Method Details

    • createSemanticMappingObject

      M createSemanticMappingObject​(L leftItem, R rightItem)
      Creates the business object that represents the newly created mapping.
      leftItem - the left bound of the mapping, as available in the left TreeViewer and provided by the ITreeContentProvider
      rightItem - the right bound of the mapping, as available in the left TreeViewer and provided by the ITreeContentProvider
      the new object that represents your mapping, or null if this mapping is illegal (nothing happens then)
    • resolveLeftItem

      L resolveLeftItem​(M semanticMappingObject)
      semanticMappingObject - The mapping item
      its left bound
    • resolveRightItem

      R resolveRightItem​(M semanticMappingObject)
      semanticMappingObject - The maping item
      its left bound