Eclipse Logistics Specification and Analysis Tool (Eclipse LSAT™) is a performance workbench for the rapid design-space exploration of supervisory controllers that orchestrate the behavior of flexible manufacturing systems. Eclipse LSAT™ provides an integrated development environment for the lightweight modeling of the system resources, the system behavior and the timing characteristics. The tool provides various visualizations to explore the controlled system behavior and analysis and optimization techniques to improve the overall system performance.

The Eclipse LSAT™ project is currently in the Incubation Phase.

eclipse incubation


Eclipse LSAT™ provides the following functionality to design high-level supervisory controllers.


A domain-specific language to model the system and the supervisory controller.

The uncontrolled system is specified in terms of resources, peripherals, actions, motion profiles, and high-level activities. The supervisory controller is specified as a network of finite-state automata, or as sequences of activities that should be (repeatedly) executed.

Eclipse LSAT™ provides design-time feedback to the user and validates that the specification is consistent.


Eclipse LSAT™ provides means to analyze the productivity characteristics of the system including makespan, throughput, and latency. Furthermore, it can analyze the critical path and highlight bottlenecks in the system. These analysis techniques can be used to perform a design-space exploration to improve the supervisory controller design.


The productivity of the system is shown graphically using Gantt charts. The system specification can also be done using graphical editors for the motion profiles and activity specifications.


Using conformance checking, the implementation can be validated against the specification.


Eclipse LSAT™ is available as a portable IDE and also as a feature for the Eclipse IDE through the P2 update site repository.

Can’t wait for the next release? A nightly build of this page is also available, it is built from the develop branch. Please note that APIs, syntaxes and/or functionality might not be stable for nightly builds.


The Eclipse LSAT™ IDE offers the most complete and integrated experience, from convenient editing to execution of the various tools. It suits most users.

The Eclipse LSAT™ IDE is portable, so just download, extract, and run it, to get started quickly.

Download Eclipse LSAT™ IDE nightly (release notes)

Windows x64 (64-bit)



Linux x64 (64-bit)



  • Extract the downloaded archive somewhere on your hard disk:

    • Extract to a directory where you have read and write access.

    • There is no need to extract to an empty folder, as all files in the archive are contained within a root folder.

    • Don’t extract in too deep a path as then you may get issues with too long paths.

  • Execute lsat.exe from the directory that contains the extracted files to launch the Eclipse LSAT™ IDE.

  • Extract the downloaded archive somewhere on your hard disk:

    • Extract to a directory where you have read and write access.

    • There is no need to extract to an empty folder, as all files in the archive are contained within a root folder.

  • Execute lsat from the directory that contains the extracted files to launch the Eclipse LSAT™ IDE.

P2 update site

The Eclipse LSAT™ P2 update site contains all plugins and features, for easy integration into OSGi-based applications.

Eclipse LSAT™ nightly is available as an Eclipse P2 update site:

Learn more

For more information about Eclipse LSAT™, please read the Eclipse LSAT™ user guide.

Popular publications related to Eclipse LSAT™

Details on the underlying formalism and analysis techniques can be found in the scientific publications below.

Scientific publications related to Eclipse LSAT™
  • Description of the activity specification language; B. van der Sanden, J. Bastos et al., “Compositional specification of functionality and timing of manufacturing systems,” in Forum on Spec. and Design Languages. IEEE, 2016, pp. 1–8.

  • Stochastic critical-path analysis; J. Bastos, B. van der Sanden et al., “Identifying bottlenecks in manufacturing systems using stochastic criticality analysis,” in Forum on Specification and Design Languages, FDL 2017, Proc. IEEE CS Press, 12 2017.

  • Description of the performance analysis techniques; B. van der Sanden, “Performance analysis and optimization of supervisory controllers,” Ph.D. dissertation, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2018.

  • Case study in modeling the wafer logistics in lithography machines; B. van der Sanden, M. Reniers et al., “Modular model-based supervisory controller design for wafer logistics in lithography machines,” in 18th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, MoDELS 2015, Ottawa, ON, Canada

  • Tool overview; B. van der Sanden, Y. Blankenstein et al., “LSAT: Specification and Analysis of Product Logistics in Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, in IEEE 17th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, 2021

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Eclipse LSAT™ and LSAT™ are trademarks of the Eclipse Foundation. Eclipse, and the Eclipse Logo are registered trademarks of the Eclipse Foundation. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.


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