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[] Eclipse Foundation Member Newsletter, May 2018 Edition

The May Member Newsletter is here and looking fresher than ever!

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The Jakarta EE Website Launch

As part of the Jakarta EE launch at JAX 2018, there were multiple announcements made, unveiling the new Jakarta EE website and logo, as well as the results of the developer survey.

The website showcases various news items and blogs written by participating member companies and assorted news outlets. The website also includes more information on the Jakarta EE Working Group and ways to stay connected, either through the Jakarta EE mailing lists or signing up for the newsletter.

As many are aware, the logo was chosen through a community vote, and all the logos included on the ballot were designed by members of the Jakarta EE community. We received 2090 votes from the community in the logo selection process. The winning design received 763 first-place votes, which was 300 votes greater than any of the other choices.

A big thank you and congratulations go to James Cobb from Red Hat for the winning design!

For more information on the launch and future of Jakarta EE, see articles below!

EclipseCon France: better than ever for 2018

Check out the most extensive EclipseCon France program yet! With an extra track on June 13 focusing on Jakarta EE and Eclipse MicroProfile, the conference includes the “classics” as well as the newest topics in the Eclipse community. The main conference is two days, June 13 - 14.

When planning the week, consider including the Unconference on Tuesday, June 12. We have a great new venue located in the heart of Toulouse.

We’ll see you in Toulouse!

Get ready for EclipseCon Europe 2018!

EclipseCon Europe plans are well underway for October 23-25, 2018. The Call for Papers opens on May 15, and registration will open in June.

Now is the best time to sign up as a sponsor. The exhibit floor sold out in 2017, and many of the prime spots for 2018 are already reserved.

Follow @eclipsecon for the latest news, and we’ll see you back in Ludwigsburg the week of October 22.

Key trends from the IoT Survey 2018

For the past four years, the IoT Developer Survey has been a great way to look at the IoT landscape, from understanding the key challenges for people building IoT solutions, to identifying relevant open source technology or standards.

This year, the IoT Developer Survey collected feedback from 502 individuals between January and March 2018.

For more information or learn more about the key findings in this year’s edition of the survey, check out Benjamin Cabe's blog here.

Gearing up for FOSS4G NA 2018!

The final planning is underway for the busiest FOSS4G North America conference yet, happening in St. Louis on May 14-16, 2018.  

With a full 3 day program plus a community day and code sprint, the technical program covers everything geospatial.  The program also has great networking events, including a B2B program, Wednesday evening gala, and more.

All members who are interested in learning more about the LocationTech working group, geospatial technologies and the open source community driving it should plan to attend.

Jakarta EE update Interview with Mike Milinkovich

At JAX 2018, Mike Milinkovich gave an interview on the current state of Jakarta EE and its future. Mike also gave a glimpse into the new Community Process for Jakarta EE and how it will be replacing the classic JCP, as well as speaking to many of the exciting things happening with other Eclipse projects, including the upcoming Photon release.

To watch the interview, see here.

The results are in for the Jakarta EE Survey

The Eclipse Foundation conducted a worldwide survey of more than 1,800 Java developers worldwide in March 2018 to identify top priorities in the developer community for critical new technical capabilities in future iterations of Jakarta EE.

Of particular interest, the survey identified the communities top priorities, which point to the need for Jakarta EE to ensure the platform evolves to support cloud native development, and to enable a faster pace of innovation on the platform. These are the major drivers behind the creation of the Jakarta EE Working Group and the changes already underway.  

To read more or download the survey results, see here.

New Strategic Members:

Fujitsu Limited

New Solutions Members:

Baloise Holding AG

London Jamocha Community

New Associate Members:

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation

New Date for next Quarterly Members Meeting

We have rescheduled the next The next Quarterly meeting. It will now be held on May 29, 2018 beginning at 11:00 AM EDT. The agenda will be announced over the next few weeks.

The live-streamed event can be found here on YouTube.
Email us to take advantage of the opportunity to promote your Eclipse training or other Eclipse event on the Events Map! 

See the Events map for DemoCamps, Training Series, and Working Group activities. 

May 2-4, 2018
Copenhagen, Denmark

May 14, 2018
Santa Clara, California

FOSS4G NA 2018
May 14-16, 2018
St. Louis, Missouri, USA

June 7-8, 2018
Paris, France
Call for papers

June 13-14, 2018
Toulouse, France

October 23-25, 2018
Ludwigsburg, Germany
Eclipse Corrosion 0.1
Eclipse APP4MC    9.0     
Eclipse LSP4j  0.4.0  
LocationTech GeoMesa  2.0.0 
Eclipse Advanced Scripting Environment (EASE) 0.6.0     
Eclipse 4diac 1.9.0           
Eclipse Orion 18.0     
Eclipse Kura 3.2.0     
Eclipse JNoSQL 0.0.5 
Eclipse OpenJ9 0.8   

Eclipse HIP 

Eclipse Project for JSP
Eclipse Project for Servlet
Eclipse Project for JACC
Eclipse Project for JASPIC
Eclipse Jakarta EE TCK
Eclipse Theia
Eclipse fog05
Eclipse Project for EJB
Eclipse Project for JCA
Eclipse Project for JAX-WS
Eclipse Project for JAXB
Eclipse Project for JAF
Eclipse SW360antenna


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