Home » Eclipse Projects » Equinox » Help finding javax.ws and javax.xml components
Help finding javax.ws and javax.xml components [message #116389] |
Fri, 22 August 2008 11:44 |
Eclipse User |
Originally posted by: bcox.virtualschool.edu
I seem to be stuck on this problem and really need some help. This is my
first OSGI project so I still have a tenuous grasp of the relationships
between OSGI, Maven2, Eclipse, Maven plugins, MANIFEST.MF and the
Eclipse PDE tools. The fundamental problem is this for one of my bundles:
Direct constraints which are unresolved:
Missing imported package javax.jws_0.0.0.
Missing imported package javax.xml.bind_0.0.0.
Missing imported package javax.xml.bind.annotation_0.0.0.
Missing imported package javax.xml.ws_0.0.0.
My application is a dataflow system with a half-dozen or so modules. One
of these, PEP, is a policy enforcement point based on OpenSSO. To get
started, I compiled the IdSvcsClient tutorial in Netbeans and copied the
generated source code into Eclipse, then used the intructions at
http://mohanrajk.wordpress.com/2006/12/03/maven-2-jax-ws-ri- and-tomcat-deploy-part-i/
to create a local repository (local.com.sun...) with the dependencies.
The problem is, these work at compile time (the project compiles
correctly in eclipse and with mvn install) but the four bundles listed
above aren't being found at startup time. Everything else loads fine
except for my test module which (I think) fails because it depends on
the PEP.
Can someone please help?
Here's more startup details. I'm launching this in Eclipse debugger for now:
Configuration location:
file:/SoftwareDevelopment/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.e clipse.pde.core/SOAKIT/
Configuration file:
file:/SoftwareDevelopment/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.e clipse.pde.core/SOAKIT/config.ini
Install location:
Framework located:
file:/Applications/eclipse-3.5m1/plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_3. 5.0.v20080804-1730.jar
Framework classpath:
file:/Applications/eclipse-3.5m1/plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_3. 5.0.v20080804-1730.jar
Debug options:
file:/SoftwareDevelopment/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.e clipse.pde.core/SOAKIT/.options
osgi> Time to load bundles: 100
XSLT Activator: Starting to listen for service events.
Core start()
IDENT Activator: Starting to listen for service events.
FILE Activator: Starting to listen for service events.
HTTP Activator: Starting to listen for service events.
LOG Activator: Starting to listen for service events.
Framework is launched.
id State Bundle
0 ACTIVE org.eclipse.osgi_3.5.0.v20080804-1730
12 ACTIVE javax.xml_1.3.4.v200806030440
22 ACTIVE javax.servlet_2.4.0.v200806031604
87 ACTIVE soakit-transform-xsl_1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
95 ACTIVE com.gestalt.soakit.core_1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
96 ACTIVE soakit-transform-identity_1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
97 INSTALLED com.gestalt.soakit.test_1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
98 ACTIVE soakit-port-file_1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
99 ACTIVE com.gestalt.soakit.port.http_1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
100 ACTIVE soakit-transform-log_1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
101 ACTIVE soakit_1.0.0
106 INSTALLED soakit-transform-pep_1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
osgi> start 106
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The bundle could not be resolved.
Reason: Missing Constraint: Import-Package: javax.jws; version="0.0.0"
org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleHost.startWor ker(BundleHost.java:303)
org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.star t(AbstractBundle.java:267)
org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.star t(AbstractBundle.java:259)
org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.FrameworkCommandPro vider._start(FrameworkCommandProvider.java:254)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAcce ssorImpl.java:39)
sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMe thodAccessorImpl.java:25)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.FrameworkCommandInt erpreter.execute(FrameworkCommandInterpreter.java:150)
org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.FrameworkConsole.do command(FrameworkConsole.java:302)
org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.FrameworkConsole.co nsole(FrameworkConsole.java:287)
org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.FrameworkConsole.ru n(FrameworkConsole.java:223)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:613)
osgi> diag 106
initial@reference :file:../../SoftwareDevelopment/Projects/soakit/soakit-trans form/soakit-transform-pep/
Direct constraints which are unresolved:
Missing imported package javax.jws_0.0.0.
Missing imported package javax.xml.bind_0.0.0.
Missing imported package javax.xml.bind.annotation_0.0.0.
Missing imported package javax.xml.ws_0.0.0.
Here's the PEP's POM (ask it you need its parent chain)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<description>OpenSSO Policy Enforcement Point Transform</description>
<Bundle-SymbolicName>com.gestalt.soakit.transform.pep</Bundle-SymbolicName >
<Export-Package>com.gestalt.soakit.transform.pep.*;version= "${pom.version}"</Export-Package>
<Bundle-Activator>com.gestalt.soakit.transform.pep.Activator </Bundle-Activator>
<Embed-Dependency>*;scope=compile|runtime;inline=false</Embed-Dependency >
The jsr181 entry is guesswork. There seem to be several of these out
there, one from BEA and another in the jaxws-ri collection. They're
completely different inside.
Here's META-INF/MANIFEST.MF as produced by eclipse PDE Tools/Organize
Manifests (I really don't understand how this tool relates to editing
the POM vs editing MANIFEST.MF, and why com.gestalt.soakit.transform.pdp
keeps reappearing under Export-Package; this is a proxy for the PDP that
should be private to the PEP right now. I specifically excluded that
with <Private-Package>com.gestalt.*</Private-Package> above. I usually
fix that by editing MANIFEST.MF by hand before running.
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Built-By: bradcox
Created-By: Apache Maven Bundle Plugin
Bundle-Activator: com.gestalt.soakit.transform.pep.Activator
Import-Package: javax.jws,
Bnd-LastModified: 1219153025015
Export-Package: com,
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
Bundle-Name: soakit-transform-pep
Bundle-Description: OpenSSO Policy Enforcement Point Transform
Build-Jdk: 1.5.0_13
Private-Package: com.gestalt.soakit.core,com.gestalt.soakit.transform.
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-SymbolicName: soakit-transform-pep;singleton:=true
Tool: Bnd-0.0.227
Bundle-ClassPath: .
Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: J2SE-1.5
Obviously I'm confused about something. Can someone please help?
Re: Help finding javax.ws and javax.xml components [message #116418 is a reply to message #116389] |
Fri, 22 August 2008 16:44 |
Eclipse User |
Originally posted by: bcox.virtualschool.edu
Did this get thru? Could someone please respond? Thanks!
Brad Cox wrote:
> I seem to be stuck on this problem and really need some help. This is my
> first OSGI project so I still have a tenuous grasp of the relationships
> between OSGI, Maven2, Eclipse, Maven plugins, MANIFEST.MF and the
> Eclipse PDE tools. The fundamental problem is this for one of my bundles:
> Direct constraints which are unresolved:
> Missing imported package javax.jws_0.0.0.
> Missing imported package javax.xml.bind_0.0.0.
> Missing imported package javax.xml.bind.annotation_0.0.0.
> Missing imported package javax.xml.ws_0.0.0.
> My application is a dataflow system with a half-dozen or so modules. One
> of these, PEP, is a policy enforcement point based on OpenSSO. To get
> started, I compiled the IdSvcsClient tutorial in Netbeans and copied the
> generated source code into Eclipse, then used the intructions at
> http://mohanrajk.wordpress.com/2006/12/03/maven-2-jax-ws-ri- and-tomcat-deploy-part-i/
> to create a local repository (local.com.sun...) with the dependencies.
> The problem is, these work at compile time (the project compiles
> correctly in eclipse and with mvn install) but the four bundles listed
> above aren't being found at startup time. Everything else loads fine
> except for my test module which (I think) fails because it depends on
> the PEP.
> Can someone please help?
> Here's more startup details. I'm launching this in Eclipse debugger for
> now:
> Configuration location:
> file:/SoftwareDevelopment/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.e clipse.pde.core/SOAKIT/
> Configuration file:
> file:/SoftwareDevelopment/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.e clipse.pde.core/SOAKIT/config.ini
> loaded
> Install location:
> file:/Applications/eclipse-3.5m1/
> Framework located:
> file:/Applications/eclipse-3.5m1/plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_3. 5.0.v20080804-1730.jar
> Framework classpath:
> file:/Applications/eclipse-3.5m1/plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_3. 5.0.v20080804-1730.jar
> Debug options:
> file:/SoftwareDevelopment/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.e clipse.pde.core/SOAKIT/.options
> loaded
> osgi> Time to load bundles: 100
> XSLT Activator: Starting to listen for service events.
> Core start()
> IDENT Activator: Starting to listen for service events.
> FILE Activator: Starting to listen for service events.
> HTTP Activator: Starting to listen for service events.
> LOG Activator: Starting to listen for service events.
> ss
> Framework is launched.
> id State Bundle
> 0 ACTIVE org.eclipse.osgi_3.5.0.v20080804-1730
> 12 ACTIVE javax.xml_1.3.4.v200806030440
> 22 ACTIVE javax.servlet_2.4.0.v200806031604
> 87 ACTIVE soakit-transform-xsl_1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
> 95 ACTIVE com.gestalt.soakit.core_1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
> 96 ACTIVE soakit-transform-identity_1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
> 97 INSTALLED com.gestalt.soakit.test_1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
> 98 ACTIVE soakit-port-file_1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
> 99 ACTIVE com.gestalt.soakit.port.http_1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
> 100 ACTIVE soakit-transform-log_1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
> 101 ACTIVE soakit_1.0.0
> 106 INSTALLED soakit-transform-pep_1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
> osgi> start 106
> org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The bundle could not be resolved.
> Reason: Missing Constraint: Import-Package: javax.jws; version="0.0.0"
> at
> org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleHost.startWor ker(BundleHost.java:303)
> at
> org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.star t(AbstractBundle.java:267)
> at
> org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.star t(AbstractBundle.java:259)
> at
> org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.FrameworkCommandPro vider._start(FrameworkCommandProvider.java:254)
> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
> at
> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAcce ssorImpl.java:39)
> at
> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMe thodAccessorImpl.java:25)
> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
> at
> org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.FrameworkCommandInt erpreter.execute(FrameworkCommandInterpreter.java:150)
> at
> org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.FrameworkConsole.do command(FrameworkConsole.java:302)
> at
> org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.FrameworkConsole.co nsole(FrameworkConsole.java:287)
> at
> org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.FrameworkConsole.ru n(FrameworkConsole.java:223)
> at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:613)
> osgi> diag 106
> initial@reference :file:../../SoftwareDevelopment/Projects/soakit/soakit-trans form/soakit-transform-pep/
> [106]
> Direct constraints which are unresolved:
> Missing imported package javax.jws_0.0.0.
> Missing imported package javax.xml.bind_0.0.0.
> Missing imported package javax.xml.bind.annotation_0.0.0.
> Missing imported package javax.xml.ws_0.0.0.
> Here's the PEP's POM (ask it you need its parent chain)
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <project>
> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
> <groupId>soakit</groupId>
> <artifactId>soakit-transform-pep</artifactId>
> <packaging>bundle</packaging>
> <name>soakit-transform-pep</name>
> <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
> <description>OpenSSO Policy Enforcement Point Transform</description>
> <parent>
> <artifactId>soakit-transform</artifactId>
> <groupId>soakit</groupId>
> <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
> </parent>
> <dependencies>
> <dependency>
> <groupId>local.sun.java.net</groupId>
> <artifactId>jaxws-ri</artifactId>
> <version>2.1-EA3-SNAPSHOT</version>
> <type>pom</type>
> </dependency>
> <dependency>
> <groupId>javax.jws</groupId>
> <artifactId>jsr181</artifactId>
> <version>1.0</version>
> </dependency>
> </dependencies>
> <build>
> <resources>
> <resource>
> <directory>src/main/resources</directory>
> </resource>
> <resource>
> <directory>.</directory>
> <includes>
> <include>plugin.xml</include>
> </includes>
> </resource>
> </resources>
> <plugins>
> <plugin>
> <groupId>org.apache.felix</groupId>
> <artifactId>maven-bundle-plugin</artifactId>
> <version>1.2.0</version>
> <extensions>true</extensions>
> <configuration>
> <manifestLocation>META-INF</manifestLocation>
> <instructions>
> <Bundle-Version>${pom.version}</Bundle-Version>
> <Bundle-SymbolicName>com.gestalt.soakit.transform.pep</Bundle-SymbolicName >
> <Export-Package>com.gestalt.soakit.transform.pep.*;version= "${pom.version}"</Export-Package>
> <Private-Package>com.gestalt.*</Private-Package>
> <Bundle-Activator>com.gestalt.soakit.transform.pep.Activator </Bundle-Activator>
> <Embed-Dependency>*;scope=compile|runtime;inline=false</Embed-Dependency >
> <Embed-Directory>target/dependency</Embed-Directory>
> </instructions>
> </configuration>
> </plugin>
> <plugin>
> <artifactId>maven-dependency-plugin</artifactId>
> <executions>
> <execution>
> <id>copy-dependencies</id>
> <phase>package</phase>
> <goals>
> <goal>copy-dependencies</goal>
> </goals>
> </execution>
> </executions>
> </plugin>
> </plugins>
> </build>
> </project>
> The jsr181 entry is guesswork. There seem to be several of these out
> there, one from BEA and another in the jaxws-ri collection. They're
> completely different inside.
> Here's META-INF/MANIFEST.MF as produced by eclipse PDE Tools/Organize
> Manifests (I really don't understand how this tool relates to editing
> the POM vs editing MANIFEST.MF, and why com.gestalt.soakit.transform.pdp
> keeps reappearing under Export-Package; this is a proxy for the PDP that
> should be private to the PEP right now. I specifically excluded that
> with <Private-Package>com.gestalt.*</Private-Package> above. I usually
> fix that by editing MANIFEST.MF by hand before running.
> Manifest-Version: 1.0
> Built-By: bradcox
> Created-By: Apache Maven Bundle Plugin
> Bundle-Activator: com.gestalt.soakit.transform.pep.Activator
> Import-Package: javax.jws,
> javax.xml.bind,
> javax.xml.bind.annotation,
> javax.xml.namespace,
> javax.xml.ws,
> org.osgi.framework;version="1.3"
> Bnd-LastModified: 1219153025015
> Export-Package: com,
> com.gestalt,
> com.gestalt.soakit;x-internal:=true,
> com.gestalt.soakit.transform;x-internal:=true,
> com.gestalt.soakit.transform.pdp;x-internal:=true,
> com.gestalt.soakit.transform.pep;version="1.0.0.SNAPSHOT";x-internal:=true;
> uses:="com.gestalt.soakit.transform.pdp,
> org.jdom.input,
> org.osgi.framework,
> org.jdom,
> javax.jws,
> com.gestalt.soakit.core"
> Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
> Bundle-Name: soakit-transform-pep
> Bundle-Description: OpenSSO Policy Enforcement Point Transform
> Build-Jdk: 1.5.0_13
> Private-Package: com.gestalt.soakit.core,com.gestalt.soakit.transform.
> pdp
> Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
> Bundle-SymbolicName: soakit-transform-pep;singleton:=true
> Tool: Bnd-0.0.227
> Bundle-ClassPath: .
> Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: J2SE-1.5
> Obviously I'm confused about something. Can someone please help?
Re: Help finding javax.ws and javax.xml components [message #116451 is a reply to message #116389] |
Sat, 23 August 2008 17:31 |
Eclipse User |
Originally posted by: bcox.virtualschool.edu
Thanks to everyone who responded (no one). I figured it out.
Brad Cox wrote:
> I seem to be stuck on this problem and really need some help. This is my
> first OSGI project so I still have a tenuous grasp of the relationships
> between OSGI, Maven2, Eclipse, Maven plugins, MANIFEST.MF and the
> Eclipse PDE tools. The fundamental problem is this for one of my bundles:
> Direct constraints which are unresolved:
> Missing imported package javax.jws_0.0.0.
> Missing imported package javax.xml.bind_0.0.0.
> Missing imported package javax.xml.bind.annotation_0.0.0.
> Missing imported package javax.xml.ws_0.0.0.
> My application is a dataflow system with a half-dozen or so modules. One
> of these, PEP, is a policy enforcement point based on OpenSSO. To get
> started, I compiled the IdSvcsClient tutorial in Netbeans and copied the
> generated source code into Eclipse, then used the intructions at
> http://mohanrajk.wordpress.com/2006/12/03/maven-2-jax-ws-ri- and-tomcat-deploy-part-i/
> to create a local repository (local.com.sun...) with the dependencies.
> The problem is, these work at compile time (the project compiles
> correctly in eclipse and with mvn install) but the four bundles listed
> above aren't being found at startup time. Everything else loads fine
> except for my test module which (I think) fails because it depends on
> the PEP.
> Can someone please help?
> Here's more startup details. I'm launching this in Eclipse debugger for
> now:
> Configuration location:
> file:/SoftwareDevelopment/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.e clipse.pde.core/SOAKIT/
> Configuration file:
> file:/SoftwareDevelopment/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.e clipse.pde.core/SOAKIT/config.ini
> loaded
> Install location:
> file:/Applications/eclipse-3.5m1/
> Framework located:
> file:/Applications/eclipse-3.5m1/plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_3. 5.0.v20080804-1730.jar
> Framework classpath:
> file:/Applications/eclipse-3.5m1/plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_3. 5.0.v20080804-1730.jar
> Debug options:
> file:/SoftwareDevelopment/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.e clipse.pde.core/SOAKIT/.options
> loaded
> osgi> Time to load bundles: 100
> XSLT Activator: Starting to listen for service events.
> Core start()
> IDENT Activator: Starting to listen for service events.
> FILE Activator: Starting to listen for service events.
> HTTP Activator: Starting to listen for service events.
> LOG Activator: Starting to listen for service events.
> ss
> Framework is launched.
> id State Bundle
> 0 ACTIVE org.eclipse.osgi_3.5.0.v20080804-1730
> 12 ACTIVE javax.xml_1.3.4.v200806030440
> 22 ACTIVE javax.servlet_2.4.0.v200806031604
> 87 ACTIVE soakit-transform-xsl_1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
> 95 ACTIVE com.gestalt.soakit.core_1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
> 96 ACTIVE soakit-transform-identity_1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
> 97 INSTALLED com.gestalt.soakit.test_1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
> 98 ACTIVE soakit-port-file_1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
> 99 ACTIVE com.gestalt.soakit.port.http_1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
> 100 ACTIVE soakit-transform-log_1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
> 101 ACTIVE soakit_1.0.0
> 106 INSTALLED soakit-transform-pep_1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
> osgi> start 106
> org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The bundle could not be resolved.
> Reason: Missing Constraint: Import-Package: javax.jws; version="0.0.0"
> at
> org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleHost.startWor ker(BundleHost.java:303)
> at
> org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.star t(AbstractBundle.java:267)
> at
> org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.star t(AbstractBundle.java:259)
> at
> org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.FrameworkCommandPro vider._start(FrameworkCommandProvider.java:254)
> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
> at
> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAcce ssorImpl.java:39)
> at
> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMe thodAccessorImpl.java:25)
> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
> at
> org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.FrameworkCommandInt erpreter.execute(FrameworkCommandInterpreter.java:150)
> at
> org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.FrameworkConsole.do command(FrameworkConsole.java:302)
> at
> org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.FrameworkConsole.co nsole(FrameworkConsole.java:287)
> at
> org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.FrameworkConsole.ru n(FrameworkConsole.java:223)
> at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:613)
> osgi> diag 106
> initial@reference :file:../../SoftwareDevelopment/Projects/soakit/soakit-trans form/soakit-transform-pep/
> [106]
> Direct constraints which are unresolved:
> Missing imported package javax.jws_0.0.0.
> Missing imported package javax.xml.bind_0.0.0.
> Missing imported package javax.xml.bind.annotation_0.0.0.
> Missing imported package javax.xml.ws_0.0.0.
> Here's the PEP's POM (ask it you need its parent chain)
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <project>
> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
> <groupId>soakit</groupId>
> <artifactId>soakit-transform-pep</artifactId>
> <packaging>bundle</packaging>
> <name>soakit-transform-pep</name>
> <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
> <description>OpenSSO Policy Enforcement Point Transform</description>
> <parent>
> <artifactId>soakit-transform</artifactId>
> <groupId>soakit</groupId>
> <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
> </parent>
> <dependencies>
> <dependency>
> <groupId>local.sun.java.net</groupId>
> <artifactId>jaxws-ri</artifactId>
> <version>2.1-EA3-SNAPSHOT</version>
> <type>pom</type>
> </dependency>
> <dependency>
> <groupId>javax.jws</groupId>
> <artifactId>jsr181</artifactId>
> <version>1.0</version>
> </dependency>
> </dependencies>
> <build>
> <resources>
> <resource>
> <directory>src/main/resources</directory>
> </resource>
> <resource>
> <directory>.</directory>
> <includes>
> <include>plugin.xml</include>
> </includes>
> </resource>
> </resources>
> <plugins>
> <plugin>
> <groupId>org.apache.felix</groupId>
> <artifactId>maven-bundle-plugin</artifactId>
> <version>1.2.0</version>
> <extensions>true</extensions>
> <configuration>
> <manifestLocation>META-INF</manifestLocation>
> <instructions>
> <Bundle-Version>${pom.version}</Bundle-Version>
> <Bundle-SymbolicName>com.gestalt.soakit.transform.pep</Bundle-SymbolicName >
> <Export-Package>com.gestalt.soakit.transform.pep.*;version= "${pom.version}"</Export-Package>
> <Private-Package>com.gestalt.*</Private-Package>
> <Bundle-Activator>com.gestalt.soakit.transform.pep.Activator </Bundle-Activator>
> <Embed-Dependency>*;scope=compile|runtime;inline=false</Embed-Dependency >
> <Embed-Directory>target/dependency</Embed-Directory>
> </instructions>
> </configuration>
> </plugin>
> <plugin>
> <artifactId>maven-dependency-plugin</artifactId>
> <executions>
> <execution>
> <id>copy-dependencies</id>
> <phase>package</phase>
> <goals>
> <goal>copy-dependencies</goal>
> </goals>
> </execution>
> </executions>
> </plugin>
> </plugins>
> </build>
> </project>
> The jsr181 entry is guesswork. There seem to be several of these out
> there, one from BEA and another in the jaxws-ri collection. They're
> completely different inside.
> Here's META-INF/MANIFEST.MF as produced by eclipse PDE Tools/Organize
> Manifests (I really don't understand how this tool relates to editing
> the POM vs editing MANIFEST.MF, and why com.gestalt.soakit.transform.pdp
> keeps reappearing under Export-Package; this is a proxy for the PDP that
> should be private to the PEP right now. I specifically excluded that
> with <Private-Package>com.gestalt.*</Private-Package> above. I usually
> fix that by editing MANIFEST.MF by hand before running.
> Manifest-Version: 1.0
> Built-By: bradcox
> Created-By: Apache Maven Bundle Plugin
> Bundle-Activator: com.gestalt.soakit.transform.pep.Activator
> Import-Package: javax.jws,
> javax.xml.bind,
> javax.xml.bind.annotation,
> javax.xml.namespace,
> javax.xml.ws,
> org.osgi.framework;version="1.3"
> Bnd-LastModified: 1219153025015
> Export-Package: com,
> com.gestalt,
> com.gestalt.soakit;x-internal:=true,
> com.gestalt.soakit.transform;x-internal:=true,
> com.gestalt.soakit.transform.pdp;x-internal:=true,
> com.gestalt.soakit.transform.pep;version="1.0.0.SNAPSHOT";x-internal:=true;
> uses:="com.gestalt.soakit.transform.pdp,
> org.jdom.input,
> org.osgi.framework,
> org.jdom,
> javax.jws,
> com.gestalt.soakit.core"
> Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
> Bundle-Name: soakit-transform-pep
> Bundle-Description: OpenSSO Policy Enforcement Point Transform
> Build-Jdk: 1.5.0_13
> Private-Package: com.gestalt.soakit.core,com.gestalt.soakit.transform.
> pdp
> Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
> Bundle-SymbolicName: soakit-transform-pep;singleton:=true
> Tool: Bnd-0.0.227
> Bundle-ClassPath: .
> Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: J2SE-1.5
> Obviously I'm confused about something. Can someone please help?
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