Module eclipselink

Class FunctionExpressionFactory

    • Constructor Detail

      • FunctionExpressionFactory

        public FunctionExpressionFactory​(String id,
                                         FunctionExpressionFactory.ParameterCount parameterCount,
                                         String parameterQueryBNFId,
                                         String... identifiers)
        Creates a new FunctionExpressionFactory.
        id - The unique identifier of this factory
        parameterCount - The number of parameters a FunctionExpression can have
        parameterQueryBNFId - The unique identifier of the JPQLQueryBNF that will be used to parse the arguments of the function expression
        identifiers - The JPQL identifiers handled by this factory
      • FunctionExpressionFactory

        public FunctionExpressionFactory​(String id,
                                         String... identifiers)
        Creates a new FunctionExpressionFactory.
        id - The unique identifier of this factory
        identifiers - The JPQL identifiers handled by this factory
    • Method Detail

      • setParameterQueryBNFId

        public void setParameterQueryBNFId​(String parameterQueryBNFId)
        Sets the BNF that will be used when parsing the function's arguments.
        parameterQueryBNFId - The unique identifier of the JPQLQueryBNF that will be used to parse the arguments of the function expression