Class PopulationManager


public class PopulationManager extends Object

Purpose: This class is used to populate example data into the database, it allows for circular references to be resolved.


  • Allow objects to be registered.
  • Allow objects to be looked up.
  • Store a globally accessible default instance.
  • Field Details

    • registeredObjects

      protected Hashtable registeredObjects
      Store the objects registered.
    • defaultManager

      protected static PopulationManager defaultManager
      Store the default instance.
  • Constructor Details

    • PopulationManager

      public PopulationManager()
  • Method Details

    • addAllObjectsForAbstractClass

      public void addAllObjectsForAbstractClass(Class objectsClass, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session, Vector allObjects)
      Add all of the objects of the class and all of its subclasses. The session is needed because there is no other way to find all subclasses.
    • addAllObjectsForAbstractClass

      public void addAllObjectsForAbstractClass(Class objectsClass, Session session, Vector allObjects)
      Add all of the objects of the class and all of its subclasses. The session is needed because there is no other way to find all subclasses.
    • addAllObjectsForClass

      public void addAllObjectsForClass(Class objectsClass, List allObjects)
      Add all of the objects of the class.
    • containsObject

      public boolean containsObject(Class objectsClass, String objectsName)
      Check if the object is registered given its name.
    • containsObject

      public boolean containsObject(Object objectToCheck, String objectsName)
      Check if the object is registered given its name.
    • getAllClasses

      public Vector getAllClasses()
      Return all of the objects registered.
    • getAllObjects

      public Vector getAllObjects()
      Return all of the objects registered.
    • getAllObjectsForAbstractClass

      public Vector getAllObjectsForAbstractClass(Class objectsClass)
      Return all of the objects of the class and all of its subclasses.
    • getAllObjectsForAbstractClass

      public Vector getAllObjectsForAbstractClass(Class objectsClass, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
      Return all of the objects of the class and all of its subclasses. The session is needed because there is no other way to find all subclasses.
    • getAllObjectsForClass

      public Vector getAllObjectsForClass(Class objectsClass)
      Return all of the objects of the class.
    • getDefaultManager

      public static PopulationManager getDefaultManager()
      Lazy initialize the default instance.
    • getObject

      public Object getObject(Class objectsClass, String objectsName)
      Return the object registered given its name.
    • getRegisteredObjects

      public Hashtable getRegisteredObjects()
      Return the registered objects.
    • registerObject

      public Object registerObject(Class javaClass, Object objectToRegister, String objectsName)
      Register the object given its name. The objects are represented as a hashtable of hashtables, lazy initialized on the class.
    • registerObject

      public Object registerObject(Object objectToRegister, String objectsName)
      Register the object given its name. The objects are represented as a hashtable of hashtables, lazy initialized on the class.
    • removeObject

      public void removeObject(Class classToRemove, String objectsName)
      Remove the object given its class and name.
    • removeObject

      public Object removeObject(Object objectToRemove, String objectsName)
      Remove the object given its name.
    • resetDefaultManager

      public static void resetDefaultManager()
      Reset the default instance.
    • setDefaultManager

      public static void setDefaultManager(PopulationManager theDefaultManager)
      Set the default instance.
    • setRegisteredObjects

      public void setRegisteredObjects(Hashtable registeredObjects)
      Set the registered objects.