Interface IIDStore

All Superinterfaces:

public interface IIDStore
extends org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable

ID storage service interface. This interface defines access for storing and retrieving ID instances. It also allows creating ID instances from previously stored IIDEntrys.

Method Summary
 INamespaceEntry[] getNamespaceEntries()
          Get the INamespaceEntrys previously stored in this IIDStore.
 INamespaceEntry getNamespaceEntry(Namespace namespace)
          Get the given INamespaceEntry in this store.
 IIDEntry store(ID id)
          Get IIDEntry in this IDStore for a given ID.
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable

Method Detail


INamespaceEntry[] getNamespaceEntries()
Get the INamespaceEntrys previously stored in this IIDStore.

array of INamespaceEntrys that have been previously stored in this store. Will return empty array if no INamespaceEntries have been previously stored, and will return null if the underlying ISecurePreferences store cannot be accessed.

Each INamespaceEntry represents a distinct Namespace that has previously been stored in this store.


INamespaceEntry getNamespaceEntry(Namespace namespace)
Get the given INamespaceEntry in this store.

namespace - the Namespace to get. Must not be null.
the INamespaceEntry for the given Namespace. Will not return null. If entry was not present previously, it will be created.


IIDEntry store(ID id)
Get IIDEntry in this IDStore for a given ID. If an IIDEntry did not exist in this store previously, one is created. If it did exist in this store previously the existing one is returned.

id - the ID to get the IIDEntry for.
ISecurePreferences for the given ID. Will not return null. Will return an existing IIDEntry if ID is already present, and a new IIDEntry if not previously stored.