End-to-end scenarios

There are a number of messaging patterns that identify common message flows that are used in messaging solutions. Use the messaging patterns to help identify your messaging needs, and then use the scenarios to get up and running quickly.

There are some basic, underlying tasks that are common to each scenario. The details for each task vary according to requirements. However, the following steps must be considered, understood, and completed to set up a messaging solution architecture.

  1. Understand your publish/subscribe, or point-to-point architecture.
  2. Understand the messaging behavior that you require.
  3. Write your applications.
  4. Set up your Eclipse Amlen infrastructure.
  5. Set up your security.
  6. Test your solution.
  7. Monitor your solution.
  8. Strengthen your security.

The following topics provide more detailed information about how to plan, and configure solutions for a number of different scenarios.