Interface DistinctUserDefinedType

All Superinterfaces:
DataType, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EModelElement, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.ENamedElement, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject, org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier, SQLObject, UserDefinedType
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DistinctUserDefinedType
extends UserDefinedType

A representation of the model object 'Distinct User Defined Type'. 4.7 User-defined types A user-defined type is a schema object, identified by a . The definition of a userdefined type specifies a number of components, including in particular a list of attribute definitions. Although the attribute definitions are said to define the representation of the user-defined type, in fact they implicitly define certain functions (observers and mutators) that are part of the interface of the user-defined type; physical representations of user-defined type values are implementation-dependent. The representation of a user-defined type is expressed either as a single data type (some predefined data type, called the source type), in which case the user-defined type is said to be a distinct type, or as a list of attribute definitions, in which case it is said to be a structured type. A user-defined type is described by a user-defined type descriptor. A user-defined type descriptor contains: - The name of the user-defined type ( ). This is the type designator of that type, used in type precedence lists (see Subclause 9.5, "Type precedence list determination"). - An indication of whether the user-defined type is a structured type or a distinct type.

The following features are supported:

See Also:

Method Summary
 PredefinedDataType getPredefinedRepresentation()
          Returns the value of the 'Predefined Representation' reference.
 void setPredefinedRepresentation(PredefinedDataType value)
          Sets the value of the 'Predefined Representation' reference.
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.wst.rdb.internal.models.sql.datatypes.UserDefinedType
getOrdering, getSchema, setOrdering, setSchema
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.wst.rdb.internal.models.sql.datatypes.DataType
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.wst.rdb.internal.models.sql.schema.SQLObject
addEAnnotation, addEAnnotationDetail, getDependencies, getDescription, getEAnnotation, getEAnnotationDetail, getLabel, removeEAnnotationDetail, setAnnotationDetail, setDescription, setLabel
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.ecore.ENamedElement
getName, setName
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EModelElement
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject
eAllContents, eClass, eContainer, eContainingFeature, eContainmentFeature, eContents, eCrossReferences, eGet, eGet, eIsProxy, eIsSet, eResource, eSet, eUnset
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier
eAdapters, eDeliver, eNotify, eSetDeliver

Method Detail


public PredefinedDataType getPredefinedRepresentation()
Returns the value of the 'Predefined Representation' reference.

If the meaning of the 'Predefined Representation' reference isn't clear, there really should be more of a description here...

the value of the 'Predefined Representation' reference.
See Also:
setPredefinedRepresentation(PredefinedDataType), SQLDataTypesPackage.getDistinctUserDefinedType_PredefinedRepresentation()


public void setPredefinedRepresentation(PredefinedDataType value)
Sets the value of the 'Predefined Representation' reference.
value - the new value of the 'Predefined Representation' reference.
See Also: