Class AbstractRangeVariableDeclarationStateObject

    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String AS_PROPERTY
        Notifies the visibility of the AS identifier has changed.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String IDENTIFICATION_VARIABLE_PROPERTY
        Notifies the identification variable property has changed.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractRangeVariableDeclarationStateObject

        public AbstractRangeVariableDeclarationStateObject​(AbstractIdentificationVariableDeclarationStateObject parent)
        Creates a new RangeVariableDeclarationStateObject.
        parent - The parent of this state object, which cannot be null
        java.lang.NullPointerException - The given parent cannot be null
      • AbstractRangeVariableDeclarationStateObject

        public AbstractRangeVariableDeclarationStateObject​(AbstractIdentificationVariableDeclarationStateObject parent,
                                                           java.lang.String root)
        Creates a new RangeVariableDeclarationStateObject.
        parent - The parent of this state object, which cannot be null
        java.lang.NullPointerException - The given parent cannot be null
      • AbstractRangeVariableDeclarationStateObject

        public AbstractRangeVariableDeclarationStateObject​(AbstractModifyClauseStateObject parent)
        Creates a new AbstractRangeVariableDeclarationStateObject.
        parent - The parent of this state object, which cannot be null
        java.lang.NullPointerException - The given parent cannot be null
    • Method Detail

      • addProblems

        protected void addProblems​(java.util.List<Problem> problems)
        Adds to the given list the problems that were found with the current state of this StateObject, which means there are validation issues.
        addProblems in class AbstractStateObject
        problems - The list to which the problems are added
      • buildRootStateObject

        protected abstract StateObject buildRootStateObject()
      • getIdentificationVariable

        public java.lang.String getIdentificationVariable()
        Returns the identification variable name that is ranging over the abstract schema type.
        The identification variable name
      • getRootPath

        public abstract java.lang.String getRootPath()
        Returns the "root" object for objects which may not be reachable by navigation.
        The "root" object
      • getRootStateObject

        public StateObject getRootStateObject()
        Returns the StateObject holding onto the abstract schema name.
        The StateObject, which is never null
      • hasAs

        public boolean hasAs()
        Determines whether the AS identifier is used or not.
        true if the AS identifier is part of the expression; false otherwise
      • hasIdentificationVariable

        public boolean hasIdentificationVariable()
        Determines whether an identification variable was defined.
        true if an identification variable is defined; false otherwise
      • isIdentificationVariableOptional

        public boolean isIdentificationVariableOptional()
        Determines whether the identification variable is optional or not. The only time it is optional is when this model is used in a modify clause (DELETE or UPDATE).
        true if an identification variable is not required; false if it is required
      • isIdentificationVariableVirtual

        public boolean isIdentificationVariableVirtual()
        Determines whether this identification variable is virtual, meaning it's not part of the query but is required for proper navigability.
        true if this identification variable was virtually created to fully qualify path expression; false if it was parsed
      • setAs

        public void setAs​(boolean as)
        Sets whether the AS identifier is used or not.
        as - true if the AS identifier is part of the expression; false otherwise
      • setExpression

        public void setExpression​(RangeVariableDeclaration expression)
        Keeps a reference of the parsed object object, which should only be* done when this object is instantiated during the conversion of a parsed JPQL query into StateObjects.
        expression - The parsed object representing a range variable declaration
      • setIdentificationVariable

        public void setIdentificationVariable​(java.lang.String identificationVariable)
        Sets the new identification variable that will range over the "root" object.
        identificationVariable - The new identification variable
      • setIdentificationVariableOptional

        protected void setIdentificationVariableOptional​(boolean identificationVariableOptional)
        Sets whether the identification variable is optional or not. The only time it is optional is when this model is used in a modify clause (DELETE or UPDATE).
        identificationVariableOptional - true if an identification variable is not required; false if it is required
      • setRootPath

        public abstract void setRootPath​(java.lang.String root)
        Sets the "root" object for objects which may not be reachable by navigation.
        root - The "root" object
      • toggleAs

        public void toggleAs()
        Toggles the usage of the AS identifier.
      • toTextInternal

        protected void toTextInternal​(java.lang.Appendable writer)
        Prints out a string representation of this StateObject, which should not be used to define a true string representation of a JPQL query but should be used for debugging purposes.
        Specified by:
        toTextInternal in class AbstractStateObject
        writer - The writer used to print out the string representation
        Throws: - This should never happens, it is only required because Appendable is used instead of any concrete class