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RAP 3.2 M5 - New and Noteworthy

Here's a list of the most noteworthy things in the RAP 3.2 M5 milestone build which is available for download since February 03, 2017.

Target Platform Changes

Replace Equinox DS with Apache Felix SCR (DS)

The Equinox project added the Apache Felix SCR bundle as a replacement for their old Equinox DS implementation. The RAP Equinox Target Feature has been updated to reflect this change. org.eclipse.equinox.ds has been replaced by org.apache.felix.scr, which required a change in the dependency chain from org.eclipse.equinox.util to org.eclipse.osgi.util.

Eclipse Jetty

The target platform includes Jetty 9.4.0 instead of Jetty 9.3.x. This is not just a change of the version number, but the session handling was completely rewritten by the Jetty team. Please test your applications carefully and report if you find any problems.

Minimum Requirements

org.eclipse.rap.jface indirectly requires Java 8

The underlying platform bundle org.eclipse.equinox.common now requires Java 8. The Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment (BREE) of "org.eclipse.rap.jface" bundle will be updated to JavaSE-1.8 in the next milestone too.


This list shows all bugs that have been fixed for this milestone build.

Previous Builds

The above features are just the ones that are new since the last milestone build. Summaries for earlier builds: