: Papyrus for Robotics
Papyrus for Robotics logo

Development environment

Release v0.9

for Windows | for Linux | for MacOS


Nightly builds

for Windows | for Linux | for MacOS


Papyrus for Robotics is graphical editing tool for robotic applications that complies with the RobMoSys approach. It manages complexity of robotics development by supporting composition-oriented engineering of robotics systems and separating the task into multiple tiers executed by different roles.

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RobMoSys Compliant

Composable model-driven approach that is compliant with the RobMoSys standard modeling language and methodology.

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Safety Oriented

Enable safety analysis: trace failure propagation on system and component level, explore fault-trees and execute risk assessment.


Seamless Integration

Integrated with robotic platforms (e.g. ROS, Orocos) through flexible code generators and simulation tools such as Gazebo.