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Graphical MQTT Client Tools

Here are the GUI tools currently available in Paho.

  • RCP application. Can run standalone or in the Eclipse IDE.
  • Eclipse plugin. Not all the features of the Java API are included.
  • Java Swing application (IA92 replacement). Not all the current features of the Java API are included

MQTT RCP Application

It has the following features:

  • Able to run the tool as a standalone RCP application or install it into existing Eclipse IDE as an Eclipse plugin.
  • Able to connect to multiple MQTT servers with multiple connections, and the connections are saved for later use.
  • Publish message, subscribe and unsubscribe multiple topics at one time.
  • Display history events: connect, disconnect, publish, subscribe, received messages and last received messages etc.
  • General options: keepAlive, connection timeout, username & password and persistence etc.
  • SSL settings: keystore and truststore.
  • High availability options: support multiple server URIs.
  • Last will and Testament options.
  • Relative bigger in size comparing to Swing based tool, around 25MB.
  • Able to run on Linux, Windows and Mac OS


MQTT Eclipse Plugin

The original Eclipse plugin.


Java Swing Application (IA92 replacement)

It has the following features:

  • Able to connect to a single MQTT Server.
  • Publish message, subscribe and unsubscribe
  • Display history events: connect, disconnect, publish, subscribe, received messages etc.
  • General options: keepAlive, connection timeout, and persistence etc.
  • Last will and Testament options.
  • Smaller in size, around 200KB.
  • Able to run on any platform where Java is supported.

Jar download.

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