new members, new projects
Press release

Momentum Builds as Eclipse Eco-System Grows

  • Consortium Grows to 30 Members in First Year
  • Three New Open Source Projects Form
  • Download Requests Top 3.1 million

December 16, 2002 - Today, the Eclipse Consortium announced that it has welcomed thirteen new supporting member companies and organizations and that it is launching four new open-source projects for tools and technology implementation: COBOL, Project Hyades for Automated Software Quality, the Eclipse Modeling Framework and the Koi Project. This adds to the momentum that Eclipse has seen with over 3.1 million download requests logged from over 125 countries in its first year. A worldwide "eco-system" of tools providers and consumers is forming around the Eclipse Platform, an open universal tools integration platform for multi-language, multi-platform and multi-vendor choice. Eclipse makes it easier for technology producers and consumers to create, integrate and use integrated software tools, saving developers time and money.

Eclipse is now supported by providers of a broad range of development technologies including specialists in modeling, code generation, metadata management, testing, embedded computing, enterprise middleware, collaboration, services, research and application systems vendors. The thirteen new member companies and organization that have joined the Eclipse Consortium since September include: AltoWeb, Catalyst Systems, Flashline, Hewlett Packard, ETRI (the Korean information technology research institute), MKS Software, Oracle, Parasoft, SAP, SlickEdit, Teamstudio, Timesys and OMG, the Object Management Group. They join members: Fujitsu, Hitachi, Ltd., Instantiations, Inc., MontaVista Software, Scapa Technologies Limited, Serena Software, Sybase, Telelogic, Trans-Enterprise Integration Corp. and founding members Borland, IBM, MERANT, QNX Software Systems, Rational Software, RedHat, SuSE, and TogetherSoft in providing ongoing support for Eclipse open-source projects.

Eclipse is structured in open-source projects supported by member companies and individuals that freely contribute support, technology and skill. The four new open-source projects are forming to extend the core Eclipse Platform with tools, frameworks and reusable technology for key development areas. These projects include:

  • Tools for developing in the COBOL Language, based upon a donation from Fujitsu
  • The Eclipse Modeling Framework - a model driven metadata management framework based upon OMG's Model Driven Architecture, with participation from IBM, Rational, and Togethersoft
  • Project Hyades, a new framework and reusable technology supporting deployment of Automated Software Quality (test and trace) tools led by IBM, Scapa Technologies, Telelogic and Parasoft
  • Koi Project - a new infrastructure supporting collaborative development activities between team members led by Instantiations, Inc.

A growing number of offerings "Powered by Eclipse Technology" are now available from member companies like Catalyst (OpenMake), Flashline (CMEE), IBM (WebSphere Studio), Instantiations (CodePro Studio), MERANT (PVCS), ParaSoft (Jtest), QNX Software Systems (Momentics), RATIONAL (XDE; ClearCase), Teamstudio (Analyzer for Java), Telelogic (Synergy) and others. Embarcadero, Genuitec, Interwoven, Junit, MacroMedia, MKS, Parasoft, Sitraka, StarBase, Versant, and Versata have introduced commercially available Eclipse based offerings.

Full details of the Eclipse Consortium, open-source community, The Eclipse Platform and royalty-free downloads are available at

About Eclipse
Eclipse is an open source eco-system of royalty-free technology and a universal platform for tools integration. Eclipse based tools give developers freedom of choice in a multi-language, multi-platform, multi-vendor supported environment. Eclipse delivers a plug-in based framework that makes it easier to create, integrate and use software tools, saving time and money. By collaborating and sharing core integration technology, tool producers can concentrate on their areas of expertise and the creation of new development technology. The Eclipse Platform is written in the Java(tm) language, and comes with extensive plug-in construction toolkits and examples. It has already been deployed on a range of development workstations including Linux®, QNX® and Windows® based systems. Full details of the Eclipse community and white papers documenting the design of the Eclipse Platform are available at
Media contacts
Barbara Stewart
Patterson and Associates

(1) Some components of Eclipse may be governed by license terms other than the CPL.

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