Configuring OMR

How to configure Eclipse OMR with custom options

Run the following command to see the full list of command-line options:

./configure --help

The minimum invocation of configure is as follows:

$ ./configure OMRGLUE=./example/glue`

To run configure using both SPEC presets and custom options, add the EXTRA_CONFIGURE_ARGS option to

Example: to disable optimizations, run configure like this:

make -f SPEC=linux_x86-64 OMRGLUE=./example/glue 'EXTRA_CONFIGURE_ARGS=--disable-optimized' clean all

Example: to disable building FV tests, run configure like this:

make -f SPEC=linux_x86-64 OMRGLUE=./example/glue 'EXTRA_CONFIGURE_ARGS=--disable-fvtest' clean all

Note that the clean target of deletes the header files and makefiles generated by configure. Invoking the clean all targets ensures that the header files and makefiles are regenerated using the custom options.

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