Interface Transitionable

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface Transitionable
Object implementing this interface enables the TransitionManager to carry out transition effects either on it or on the object it's delegate for.

A "transitionable" widget is a widget that can provide a set of methods to a TransitionManager either through direct implementation of this interface or through delegation by providing a delegate object implementing this interface.

A "transitionable" widget is supposed to have a list of Control objects of at least one Control object. Each Control object has an index that's used to get and set the current viewed Control object using the getSelection() and setSelection(int) method. The index is also used to get the corresponding Control object using getControl(int) method.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void addSelectionListener​( listener)
    This method is called once by the TransitionManager's constructor to add a SelectionListener to the "transitionable" widget to start the transition effect whenever the widget is selected.
    org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite getComposite()
    returns the Composite at which the transition should be shown.
    org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control getControl​(int index)
    returns the Control object at index index
    double getDirection​(int toIndex, int fromIndex)
    should compare toIndex with fromIndex and return the required direction of the transition.
    int getSelection()
    returns the index of the current selected Control object
    void setSelection​(int index)
    sets the current selected Control object
  • Method Details

    • addSelectionListener

      void addSelectionListener​( listener)
      This method is called once by the TransitionManager's constructor to add a SelectionListener to the "transitionable" widget to start the transition effect whenever the widget is selected.
      listener - the SelectionListener instance provided by the TransitionManager
    • getControl

      org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control getControl​(int index)
      returns the Control object at index index
      index - the index of the Control object to return
      the Control object at the specified index
    • getComposite

      org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite getComposite()
      returns the Composite at which the transition should be shown. It could be considered the composite that contains all Control objects.
      the composite at which the transition should be shown
    • getSelection

      int getSelection()
      returns the index of the current selected Control object
      the index of the current selected Control object
    • setSelection

      void setSelection​(int index)
      sets the current selected Control object
      index - the index of the Control object to be set as the current selection
    • getDirection

      double getDirection​(int toIndex, int fromIndex)
      should compare toIndex with fromIndex and return the required direction of the transition.
      toIndex - index of the Control object to make transition to
      fromIndex - index of the Control object to make transition from
      the required direction