Package org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.pagination

  • Interface Summary 
    Interface Description
    Classes which implement this interface provide methods that deal with the events that are generated when page selection, sort changed, total changed occurs in a page controller PageableController.
    When IPageLoader load paginated list, the method IPageLoader.loadPage(PageableController) returns a pagination structure (like PageResult, Spring Data Page etc...).
    Classes which implement this interface provide methods which load paginated list by using information about pagination (sort, page index etc) coming from the PageableController.
    IPageLoaderHandler<T extends PageableController>
    Handler used to do something before/after page loading process.
  • Class Summary 
    Class Description
    Classes which implement this interface are SWT Composite which must observe changed of a pagination controller to react and update the UI according the change of the pagination controller.
    AbstractPageControllerSelectionListener<T extends PageableController>
    Abstract class SelectionListener implementation for Widget which needs update pagination controller.
    AbstractPaginationWidget<W extends org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget>
    Abstract class SWT Composite which host a SWT Widget linked to a pagination controller to display data with pagination.
    Abstract class to sort a widget (table tree etc...) column by using the attached pagination controller of the SWT parent (table tree...).
    SelectionListener implementation used to load data with lazy mode : when an item (TableItem, TreeItem, etc) is selected and must load next page.
    The pagination controller is used to store information about pagination : the current page index: index of the selected page. the page size: number items to display per page. the total elements: the total elements of the paginated list. the current sort information: the property name and direction of the sort.
    This adapter class provides default implementations for the methods described by the IPageChangedListener interface.
    This class help you to configure a PageableController to manage paginated list data in a Viewer.
    Pagination Utilities.
    Resources helper used to messages resources from bundle and SWT Color .