9. Statements

For all statements, we define the following pseudo properties:


The function or method in which the statement is (indirectly) contained, this may be null.


The class in which the statement is (indirectly) contained, this may be null.

The expressions and statements are ordered, at first describing the constructs available in the 5th edition of ECMA-262 referred to as [ECMA11a] in the following. The grammar snippets already use newer constructs in some cases.

9.1. ECMAScript 5 Statements

N4JS supports the same statements as ECMAScript. Some of these statements are enhanced with annotations Annotations and type information.

Although some statements may return a value which can be used via certain constructs such as eval), no type is inferred for any statement. The compiler will always create a warning if a statement is used instead of an expression.

The following sections, therefore, do not define how to infer types for statement but how types and type annotations are used in these statements and the specific type constraints for a given statement.

All syntax definitions taken from [ECMA11a] are repeated here for convenience reasons and in order to define temporary variables for simplifying constraint definitions. If non-terminals are not defined here, the definition specified in [ECMA11a] is to be used.

9.1.1. Function or Field Accessor Bodies

Req. IDE-126: Dead Code (ver. 1)

For all statements in a function or field accessor (getter/setter) body, the following constraints must hold:

  1. Statements appearing directly after return, throw, break, or continue statements (in the same block) are considered to be dead code and a warning is issued in these cases.

9.1.2. Variable Statement


A var statement can declare the type of the variable with a type reference. This is described with the following grammar similar to [ECMA11a(p.S12.2, p.p.87)]:

VariableStatement <In, Yield>:
    varDeclsOrBindings+=VariableDeclarationOrBinding<In,Yield,false> (',' varDeclsOrBindings+=VariableDeclarationOrBinding<In,Yield,false>)* Semi

VariableDeclarationOrBinding <In, Yield, OptionalInit>:
    |   VariableDeclaration<In,Yield,true>

VariableBinding <In, Yield, OptionalInit>:
    => pattern=BindingPattern<Yield> (
            <OptionalInit> ('=' expression=AssignmentExpression<In,Yield>)?
        |   <!OptionalInit> '=' expression=AssignmentExpression<In,Yield>

VariableDeclaration <In, Yield, AllowType>:
    {VariableDeclaration} VariableDeclarationImpl<In,Yield,AllowType>;

fragment VariableDeclarationImpl <In, Yield, AllowType>*:
        <AllowType> =>(
            name=BindingIdentifier<Yield> ColonSepTypeRef?
        ) ('=' expression=AssignmentExpression<In,Yield>)?
    |   <!AllowType> =>(
        ) ('=' expression=AssignmentExpression<In,Yield>)?
Example 94. Variable Statement
var any: any;
// any.type := any

var anyNull = null;
// anyNull.type := any

var s: string;
// s.type := string

var init = "Hi";
// init.type := string

const MESSAGE = "Hello World";
// MESSAGE.type := string

From a model and type inference point of view, variable and constant statements and declarations are similar except that the pseudo property const is set to false for variables and true for constants. Also see exported variable statement (Export Statement) and constant statement and declaration (Const).

Req. IDE-127: Variable declaration (ver. 1)

For a given variable declaration d, the following constraints must hold:

  • The type of the initializer expression must conform to the declared type:


  • The initializer expression should not contain a reference to d except where the reference is contained in a class expression or function expression and the class is not immediately initialized or the function is not immediately invoked. In these cases, the code is executed later and the self-reference is not a problem.
    To clarify: should not means that only a warning will be produced.

// not ok (simple case)
var n = n + 1;

// ok (class expression not fully supported)
// var cls1 = class { static sfield1 = "hello"; field2 = cls1.sfield1; };

// not ok, immediately instantiated (class expression not fully supported)
// var cls2 = new class { field1 = "hello"; field2 = cls2.field1; };

// ok
var fun1 = function() : number { var x = fun1; return -42; };

// not ok, immediately invoked
var fun2 = function() : number { var x = fun2;  return -42; }();

The variable statement may contain array or object destructuring patterns, see Array and Object Destructuring for details.

Type Inference

The type of a variable is the type of its declaration:

The type of a variable declaration is either the declared type or the inferred type of the initializer expression:

9.1.3. If Statement

IfStatement <Yield>:
    'if' '(' expression=Expression<In=true,Yield> ')'
    (=> 'else' elseStmt=Statement<Yield>)?;

There are no specific constraints defined for the condition, the ECMAScript operation ToBoolean [ECMA11a(p.S9.2, p.p.43)] is used to convert any type to boolean.

Req. IDE-128: If Statement (ver. 1)

In N4JS, the expression of an if statement must not evaluate to void. If the expressions is a function call in particular, the called function must not be declared to return void.

9.1.4. Iteration Statements


The syntax already considers the for-of style described in for …​ of statement.

IterationStatement <Yield>:
    |   WhileStatement<Yield>
    |   ForStatement<Yield>

DoStatement <Yield>: 'do' statement=Statement<Yield> 'while' '(' expression=Expression<In=true,Yield> ')' => Semi?;
WhileStatement <Yield>: 'while' '(' expression=Expression<In=true,Yield> ')' statement=Statement<Yield>;

ForStatement <Yield>:
    {ForStatement} 'for' '('
        // this is not in the spec as far as I can tell, but there are tests that rely on this to be valid JS
            =>(initExpr=LetIdentifierRef forIn?='in' expression=Expression<In=true,Yield> ')')
        |   (   ->varStmtKeyword=VariableStatementKeyword
                        =>(varDeclsOrBindings+=BindingIdentifierAsVariableDeclaration<In=false,Yield> (forIn?='in' | forOf?='of') ->expression=AssignmentExpression<In=true,Yield>?)
                    |   varDeclsOrBindings+=VariableDeclarationOrBinding<In=false,Yield,OptionalInit=true>
                                (',' varDeclsOrBindings+=VariableDeclarationOrBinding<In=false,Yield,false>)* ';' expression=Expression<In=true,Yield>? ';' updateExpr=Expression<In=true,Yield>?
                            |   forIn?='in' expression=Expression<In=true,Yield>?
                            |   forOf?='of' expression=AssignmentExpression<In=true,Yield>?
            |   initExpr=Expression<In=false,Yield>
                        ';' expression=Expression<In=true,Yield>? ';' updateExpr=Expression<In=true,Yield>?
                    |   forIn?='in' expression=Expression<In=true,Yield>?
                    |   forOf?='of' expression=AssignmentExpression<In=true,Yield>?
            |   ';' expression=Expression<In=true,Yield>? ';' updateExpr=Expression<In=true,Yield>?
    ) statement=Statement<Yield>

ContinueStatement <Yield>: {ContinueStatement} 'continue' (label=[LabelledStatement|BindingIdentifier<Yield>])? Semi;
BreakStatement <Yield>: {BreakStatement} 'break' (label=[LabelledStatement|BindingIdentifier<Yield>])? Semi;

Since varDecls are VariableStatements as described in Variable Statement, the declared variables can be type annotated.

Using for-in is not recommended, instead _each should be used.

There are no specific constraints defined for the condition, the ECMAScript operation ToBoolean [ECMA11a(p.S9.2, p.p.43)] is used to convert any type to boolean.

Req. IDE-129: For-In-Statement Constraints (ver. 1)

For a given f the following conditions must hold:

  • The type of the expression must be conform to object:

  • Either a new loop variable must be declared or an rvalue must be provided as init expression:

  • The type of the loop variable must be a string (or a super type of string, i.e. any):


9.1.5. Return Statement


The returns statement is defined as in [ECMA11a(p.S12.9, p.p.93)] with

ReturnStatement <Yield>:
    'return' (expression=Expression<In=true,Yield>)? Semi;

Req. IDE-130: Return statement (ver. 1)

  1. Expected type of expression in a return statement must be a sub type of the return type of the enclosing function:

    Note that the expression may be evaluated to void.

  2. If enclosing function is declared to return void, then either

    • no return statement must be defined

    • return statement has no expression

    • type of expression of return statement is void

  3. If enclosing function is declared to to return a type different from void, then

    • all return statements must have a return expression

    • all control flows must either end with a return or throw statement

  4. Returns statements must be enclosed in a function. A return statement, for example, must not be a top-level statement.

9.1.6. With Statement


The with statement is not allowed in N4JS, thus an error is issued.

WithStatement <Yield>:
    'with' '(' expression=Expression<In=true,Yield> ')'

N4JS is based on strict mode and the with statement is not allowed in strict mode, cf. [ECMA11a(p.S12.10.1, p.p.94)].

Req. IDE-131: With Statement (ver. 1)

With statements are not allowed in N4JS or strict mode.

9.1.7. Switch Statement

SwitchStatement <Yield>:
    'switch' '(' expression=Expression<In=true,Yield> ')' '{'
    (cases+=CaseClause<Yield>)*)? '}'

CaseClause <Yield>: 'case' expression=Expression<In=true,Yield> ':' (statements+=Statement<Yield>)*;
DefaultClause <Yield>: {DefaultClause} 'default' ':' (statements+=Statement<Yield>)*;

Req. IDE-132: Switch Constraints (ver. 1)

For a given switch statement s, the following constraints must hold:

  • For all cases cs.cases, s.expr===c.expr must be valid according to the constraints defined in Equality Expression.

9.1.8. Throw, Try, and Catch Statements

ThrowStatement <Yield>:
    'throw' expression=Expression<In=true,Yield> Semi;

TryStatement <Yield>:
    'try' block=Block<Yield>
    ((catch=CatchBlock<Yield> finally=FinallyBlock<Yield>?) | finally=FinallyBlock<Yield>)

CatchBlock <Yield>: {CatchBlock} 'catch' '(' catchVariable=CatchVariable<Yield> ')' block=Block<Yield>;

CatchVariable <Yield>:
    |   name=BindingIdentifier<Yield>

FinallyBlock <Yield>: {FinallyBlock} 'finally' block=Block<Yield>;

There must be not type annotation for the catch variable, as this would lead to the wrong assumption that a type can be specified.

Type Inference

The type of the catch variable is always assumed to be any.


9.1.9. Debugger Statement

DebuggerStatement: {DebuggerStatement} 'debugger' Semi;


9.2. ECMAScript 6 Statements

N4JS export and import statements are similar to ES6 with some minor d ifferences which are elaborated on below.

9.2.2. Const

Additionally to the var statement, the const statement is supported. It allows for declaring variables which must be assigned to a value in the declaration and their value must not change. That is to say that constants are not allowed to be on the left-hand side of other assignments.

ConstStatement returns VariableStatement: 'const' varDecl+=ConstDeclaration ( ',' varDecl+=ConstDeclaration )* Semi;

ConstDeclaration returns VariableDeclaration: typeRef=TypeRef? name=IDENTIFIER const?='=' expression=AssignmentExpression;

A const variable statement is more or less a normal variable statement (see Variable Statement), except that all variables declared by that statement are not writable (cf. [Req-IDE-121]). This is similar to constant data fields (cf. Assignment Modifiers).

Req. IDE-133: Writability of const variables (ver. 1)

All variable declarations of a const variable statement constStmt are not writeable: vdeclconstStmt.varDecl:¬vdecl.writable

9.2.3. for …​ of statement

ES6 introduced a new form of for statement: for …​ of to iterate over the elements of an Iterable, cf. [_iterablen].


Req. IDE-134: for …​ of statement (ver. 1)

For a given f the following conditions must hold:

  1. The value provided after of in a for …​ of statement must be a subtype of Iterable<?>.

  2. Either a new loop variable must be declared or an rvalue must be provided as init expression:

  3. If a new variable v is declared before of and it has a declared type T, the value provided after must be a subtype of Iterable<?extendsT>. If v does not have a declared type, the type of v is inferred to the type of the first type argument of the actual type of the value provided after of.

  4. If a previously-declared variable is referenced before with a declared or inferred type of T, the value provided after of must be a subtype of Iterable<?extendsT>.

Iterable is structurally typed on definition-site so non-N4JS types can meet the above requirements by simply implementing the only method in interface Iterable (with a correct return type).
The first of the above constraints (the type required by the ’of’ part in a for …​ of loop is Iterable) was changed during the definition of ECMAScript 6. This is implemented differently in separate implementations and even in different versions of the same implementation (for instance in different versions of V8). Older implementations require an Iterator or accept both Iterator an or Iterable.

Requiring an Iterable and not accepting a plain Iterator seems to be the final decision (as of Dec. 2014). For reference, see abstract operations GetIterator in [ECMA15a(p.S7.4.2)] and "CheckIterable" [ECMA15a(p.S7.4.1)] and their application in "ForIn/OfExpressionEvaluation" [ECMA15a(p.S13.6.4.8)] and CheckIterable and their application in ForIn/OfExpressionEvaluation. See also a related blog post [53] that is kept up to date with changes to ECMAScript 6:

ECMAScript 6 has a new loop, for-of. That loop works with iterables. Before we can use it with createArrayIterator(), we need to turn the result into an iterable.

An array or object destructuring pattern may be used left of the of. This is used to destructure the elements of the Iterable on the right-hand side (not the Iterable itself). For detais, see Array and Object Destructuring.

9.2.4. Import Statement


The grammar of import declarations is defined as follows:


fragment ImportDeclarationImpl*:
    'import' (
        ImportClause importFrom?='from'
    )? module=[types::TModule|ModuleSpecifier] Semi

fragment ImportClause*:
        importSpecifiers+=DefaultImportSpecifier (',' ImportSpecifiersExceptDefault)?
    |   ImportSpecifiersExceptDefault

fragment ImportSpecifiersExceptDefault*:
    |   '{' (importSpecifiers+=NamedImportSpecifier (',' importSpecifiers+=NamedImportSpecifier)* ','?)? '}'

    |   importedElement=[types::TExportableElement|IdentifierName] 'as' alias=BindingIdentifier<Yield=false>


NamespaceImportSpecifier: {NamespaceImportSpecifier} '*' 'as' alias=BindingIdentifier<false> (declaredDynamic?='+')?;

ModuleSpecifier: STRING;

These are the properties of import declaration which can be specified by the user:


Arbitrary annotations, see Annotations and below for details.


The elements to be imported with their names.

Also see compilation as described in Modules, for semantics see Import Statement Semantics.

Example 95. Import
import A from "p/A"
import {C,D,E} from "p/E"
import * as F from "p/F"
import {A as G} from "p/G"
import {A as H, B as I} from "p/H"

Import statements are used to import identifiable elements from another module. Identifiable elements are

  • types (via their type declaration), in particular

    • classifiers (classes, interfaces)

    • functions

  • variables and constants.

The module to import from is identified by the string literal following keyword from. This string must be a valid

  • complete module specifier [54]:

        import {A} from "ProjectA/a/b/c/M"
  • plain module specifier:

        import {A} from "a/b/c/M"
  • or project name only, assuming the project defines a main module in its package.json file (using the mainModule package.json property, see mainModule):

        import {A} from "ProjectA"

For choosing the element to import, there are the exact same options as in ECMAScript6:

  • named imports select one or more elements by name, optionally introducing a local alias:

        import {C} from "M"
        import {D as MyD} from "M"
        import {E, F as MyF, G, H} from "M"
  • namespace imports select all elements of the remote module for import and define a namespace name; the imported elements are then accessed via the namespace name:

        import * as N from "M"
        var c: N.C = new N.C();
  • default imports select whatever element was exported by the remote module as the default (there can be at most one default export per module):

        import C from "M"
  • namespace imports provide access to the default export:

        import * as N from "M"
        var c: N.default = new N.default();

The following constraints are defined on a (non-dynamic) import statement i:

  • The imported module needs to be accessible from the current project.

  • The imported declarations need to be accessible from the current module.

For named imports, the following constraints must hold:

  • No declaration must be imported multiple times, even if aliases are used.

  • The names must be unique in the module. They must not conflict with each other or locally declared variables, types, or functions.

  • Declarations imported via named imports are accessible only via used name (or alias) and not via original name directly.

For wildcard imports, the following constraints must hold:

  • Only one namespace import can be used per (target) module, even if different namespace name is used.

  • The namespace name must be unique in the module. They must not conflict with each other or locally declared variables, types, or functions.

  • Declarations imported via namespace import are accessible via namespace only and not with original name directly.

For namespace imports, the following constraints must hold:

  • If the referenced module is a plain js file, a warning will be created to use the dynamic import instead.

For default imports, the following constraints must hold:

  • The referenced module must have a default export.

Cross-cutting constraints:

  • No declaration can be imported via named import and namespace import at the same time.

Example 96. Imports

Imports cannot be duplicated:

import * as A from 'A';
import * as A from 'A';//error, duplicated import statement

import B from 'B';
import B from 'B';//error, duplicated import statement

Given element cannot be imported multiple times:

import * as A1 from 'A';
import * as A2 from 'A';//error, elements from A already imported in A1

import B from 'B';
import B as B1 from 'B';//error, B/B is already imported as B

import C as C1 from 'C';
import C from 'C';//error, C/C is already imported as C1

import D as D1 from 'D';
import D as D2 from 'D';//error, D/D is already imported as D1

import * as NE from 'E';
import E from 'E';//error, E/E is already imported as NE.E

import F from 'F';
import * as NF from 'F';//error, F/F is already imported as F

Names used in imports must not not conflict with each other or local declarations:

import * as A from 'A1';
import * as A from 'A2';//A is already used as namespace for A1

import B from 'B1';
import B1 as B from 'B2';//B us already used as import B/B1

import C1 as C from 'C1';
import * as C from 'C2'; //C is already used as import C1/C1

import * as D from 'D1';
import D2 as D from 'D2';//D is already used as namespace for D1

import E from 'E';
var E: any; // conflict with named import E/E

import * as F from 'F';
var F: any; // conflict with namespace F

Using named imports, aliases and namespaces allows to refer to mulitple types of the same name such as A/A, B/A and C/A:

import A from 'A';// local name A referencess to A/A
import A as B from 'B';//local name B referencess to B/A
import * as C from 'C';//local name C.A referencess to C/A

If a declaration has been imported with an alias or namespace, it is not accessible via its original name:

import * as B from 'A1';
import A2 as C from 'A2';

var a1_bad: A1;//error, A1/A1 is not directly accessible with original name
var a1_correct: B.A1;// A1/A1 is accessible via namespace B
var a2_bad: A2;//error, A2/A2 is not directly accessible with original name
var a2_correct: C;// A2/A2 is accessible via alias C Dynamic Imports

N4JS extends the ES6 module import in order that modules without a n4jsd or n4js file (plain js modules) can be imported. This is done by adding + to the name of the named import. This form of compile-time import without type information is not to be confused with import calls as described in Import Calls, which are sometimes referred to as "dynamic import" as well.

Req. IDE-136: Dynamic Import (ver. 1)

Let i be an import statement i with a dynamic namespace specifier. The following constraints must hold:

  1. i.module must not reference an n4js file.

  2. If i.module references an n4jsd file, a warning is to be created.

  3. If the file referenced by i.module is not found, an error is created just as in the static case.

These constraints define the error level when using dynamic import: we receive no error for js, a warning for n4jsd, and an error for n4js files. The idea behind these distinct error levels is as follows:
If only a plain js file is available, using the dynamic import is the only way to access elements from the js module. This might be an unsafe way, but it allows the access and simplifies the first steps. An n4jsd file may then be made available either by the developer using the js module or by a third-party library. In this case, we do not want to break existing code. There is only a warning created in the case of an available n4jsd file and a js file still must be provided by the user. Having an n4js file is a completely different story; no n4jsd file is required, no js file is needed (since the transpiler creates one from the n4js file) and there is absolutely no reason to use the module dynamically. Immutabilaty of Imports

Req. IDE-137: Immutable Import (ver. 1)

Let i be a binding to an imported element. It is an error if

  • i occurs on the left-hand side as the assignment-target of an assignment expression (this also includes any level in a destructuring pattern on the left-hand side),

  • i as a direct argument of a postfix operator (i++/i--),

  • i as a direct argument of a delete operator,

  • i as a direct argument of the increment or decrement unary operator (i++/i--)

9.2.5. Export Statement

Cf. ES6 import [ECMA15a(p.15.2.3)]


Grammar of export declarations is defined as follows:


fragment ExportDeclarationImpl*:
    'export' (
        wildcardExport?='*' ExportFromClause Semi
    |   ExportClause ->ExportFromClause? Semi
    |   exportedElement=ExportableElement
    |   defaultExport?='default' (->exportedElement=ExportableElement | defaultExportedExpression=AssignmentExpression<In=true,Yield=false> Semi)

fragment ExportFromClause*:
    'from' reexportedFrom=[types::TModule|ModuleSpecifier]

fragment ExportClause*:
        (namedExports+=ExportSpecifier (',' namedExports+=ExportSpecifier)* ','?)?

    element=IdentifierRef<Yield=false> ('as' alias=IdentifierName)?

    | N4InterfaceDeclaration<Yield=false>
    | N4EnumDeclaration<Yield=false>
    | ExportedFunctionDeclaration<Yield=false>
    | ExportedVariableStatement

These are the properties of export declaration, which can be specified by the user:


The element to be exported, can be a declaration or a variable/const statement.

Example 97. Export
export public class A{}
export interface B{}
export function foo() {}
export var a;
export const c="Hello";

With regard to type inference, export statements are not handled at all. Only the exported element is inferred and the export keyword is ignored.

In order to use types defined in other compilation units, these types have to be explicitly imported with an import statement.

Imported namespaces cannot be exported.

Declared elements (types, variables, functions) are usually only visible outside the declaring module if the elements are exported and imported (by the using module, cf. Import Statement).

Some special components (runtime environment and libraries, cf. Runtime Environment and Runtime Libraries, may export elements globally. This is done by annotating the export (or the whole module) with @Global, see Global Definitions for details.

By adding default after the keyword export, the identifiable element can be exported as ’the default’. This can then be imported from other modules via default imports (see Import Statement).

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