15. UI Concepts

Parts of this chapter may be outdated.

15.1. User Interface Concepts

15.1.1. Eclipse UI Concepts

The following list gives an overview of Eclipse specific UI concepts and which classes are used for implementation. Label Provider

Also provides decorations for icons and text labels.


The representation of objects in the outline view or in search results.

Eclipse API
  • o.e.jface.viewers.ILabelProvider → without styes

  • o.e.jface.viewers.DelegatingStyledCellLabelProvider.IStyledLabelProvider → with styles Drawback: Depends on Image rather than ImageDescriptor (see below)

Xtext Specifics
  • Declarative API via reflective, polymorphic dispatching. org.eclipse.xtext.ui.label.AbstractLabelProvider

  • Allows to work with ImageDescriptors (non-ui-thread, can be composed), but cumbersome

  • DefaultLabelProvider will be used everywhere (outline etc.), returns the name (via reflection). You could bind specific label providers.

  • DescriptionLabelProvider provides labels for objects from the Xtext index used by open model element , find references – the later is already customized)

Best Practices

Labels are often use-case specific, so a single label provider is not always useful Therefore, in Xtext are different label providers for different use cases. Use cases are defined and enumerated (see DefaultUiModule.configure*Label*). + Often labels could be easier created where they are needed instead of using a label provider (even for things like OutlineView). (LabelProvider are maybe over-engineered). (Note: default label provider has dependencies to SWT, because it uses images, which are often not needed; also they are only called with an object and no further configuration). + Images: +

  • DeclarativeLabelProvider: text and image (String: path relative to icons folder; or: ImageDescriptor, or Image), put it into folder (needs to be called icons , otherwise bind another name)

  • better use AbstractLabelProvider and use EMF concepts (easier to debug and handle)

  • image format and size: sub-folders with 32, 12, 16, 24, etc. (look which sizes are needed); in about view maybe bigger; png (supports transparency) Markers

Markers are objects that may be associated with Workbench resources. There are many uses of markers in the Workbench…​ Markers are shown in a marker view (Tasks, Problems or Bookmark view) or on the marker bar in the editor area.

— Eclispe Help

Tasks, Problems, Bookmarks, Breakpoints, Trace information

Eclipse API

org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker and IResource.findMarkers +

  • Marker types registered via extension point (basically String). A marker is more or less a Map of String → String with some meta information, e.g. the resource location in WS, line numbers, type

  • Markers are very efficient (e.g., find markers of a certain type), cf Xtext Specifics

  • For validation, some new marker types are already registered.


(2.6) +

  • Todo-Markers are created during build, task list is populated by these markers.

  • org.eclipse.xtext.tasks.ITaskFinder (and default implementation is bound by default, can be replaced with custom implementation)

Best Practices

In Xtend, markers are used to trace from original file to generated file. They are hidden (and not displayed), so in general markers can be used for non-UI-problems as well (but only available in Eclipse of course) clean up markers: no general solution, often managed by some (single) life-cycle aware class (e.g., Builder) Commands, Toolbar and Menus

Organize Imports,

Eclipse API

use Commands + Handlers instead of Actions (or ActionDelegates etc.)

Xtext Specifics

uses commands and handlers

Best Practice

Use commands and handlers - handler usually only delegates to real thing (that is, retrieve parameters from context and call the real thing)
Register in pluginxml via ExecutableExtensionFactory to be able to use injection (also pre-generatd, e.g.:

            <handler class="org.eclipse.n4js.ui.N4JSExecutableExtensionFactory:org.eclipse.xtext.ui.editor.handler.ValidateActionHandler"

Undo: use TextEdit and MultiTextEdit (composed)
otherwise very low level Content Assist

Content assist allows you to provide context sensitive content completion upon user request. Popup windows (infopops) are used to propose possible text choices to complete a phrase. The user can select these choices for insertion in the text. Content assist also supports contextual infopops for providing the user with information that is related to the current position in the document.

— Eclipse Help

Always needs longer than anticipated.


complete name of function in function call, complete keywords

Eclipse API
  • IContentAssistant wraps the widget,

  • IContentProposalProvider computes the (array of) CompletionProposal (quite cumbersome!).

  • Many extension interfaces that provide valuable UI features.

Xtext Specifics
  • ConfigurableCompletionProposal implements the currently defined extension interfaces, provides getters to modify the proposal after the fact.

  • Context: The ContentAssistContext is provided by the framework according to the current cursor position in the document (cf. ContentAssisParser), semantic context (semantic element) computed with best match strategy (worst case you get the root element). Multiple contexts may be valid at the very same cursor position since the replace region may be different for different proposals.

  • Various abstracts above the JFace stuff are available in Xtext, some of the over the top , others quite handy.

Best Practices
  • List of follow elements can be supposed to be complete, no need to figure out them with regular expressions etc.

  • in rare cases it is necessary to manually scan the text context, e.g. to get the variable name based on the variable type. → we will provider a utility class for that using regex. NEVER search on the text with simple string methods.

  • In N4JSProposalProvider, override pre-generated methods (see AbstractN4JSProposalProvider) – do not overload (with concrete semantic element)

  • how to implement complete-methods:

    • inspect context, examine current semantic element provide elements from scope or hard coded proposal: see Proposals Quick Fixes
Users can select a problem marker and choose a Quick Fix from a popup containing the list of supplied fixes contributed for the marker.
— Eclipse Help

Add Import, Add Override Annotation

Eclipse API

Based on ICompletionProposal (powerful) +

  • QuickFixes are registered to marker (marker attribute: is fixable or not – this attribute is a guess only, there does not need to be a quick fix)

  • MarkerResolutionGenerator (can also be used to fix several markers at once)

Xtext Specifics

Based on ISematicModification (seemingly powerful but in fact weak) and IModification (less weak, but still very weak compared to ICompletionProposal) – only creates DocumentChanges. + Declarativ API that links to issue codes via annotations on 'fix' methods in AbstractDeclarativeQuickfixProvider.

Best Practices

ICompletionProposal vs. DocumentChanges, ICompletionProposal is much more powerful. IModifications can also provide semantic changes, but not really recommended +

  • Associated to isses via IssueCodes, @Fix similar to @Check API – only less powerful Xtext abstraction (no ICompletionProposal)

  • use issue data to provide hints for fix labels (which should be fast!) or solution strategies (but only strings) → do not compute the label for the fix from the model!

  • share code between checks and fixes → no built-in pattern, come up with utility methods (maybe define conventions)

  • maybe Sebastian can add a solution that more information is available via @Fix-approach

  • no order of quickfixes (sorted by name and priority, latter is not provided by default)

  • there can be several @Fix for a single issue code, or pass arbitrary number of resolution to the acceptor

  • for most cases simple Xtext quick fix api is good enough (e.g. all Xtend quick fixes use that) + → Xtext feature request: solve multiple markers at a time (possible to do that right now: bind custom XtextQuickAssistProcessor, override MarkerResolutionGenerator.getAdaptedResolutions(List<IssueResolution>) – return a WorkbenchMarkerResolution) Quick Assist
"Quick assists perform local code transformations. They are invoked on a selection or a single cursor in the Java editor and use the same shortcut as quick fixes (Ctrl+1), but quick assist are usually hidden when an error is around. To show them even with errors present on the same line, press Ctrl+1 a second time." (Eclipse Help)

like a quickfix without a problem


Add/remove inferred types

Eclipse API

Takes cursor position


no Xtext support, e.g. no default implementation (XtextQuickAssistProcessor is a quick fix provider, has nothing to do with QuickAssist) but: XtextQuickAssistProcessor, override canAssist, override computeQuickAssistProposals Clean Up Actions

Remove unused local vars, sort members

Eclipse API

None, JDT specific (see ICleanUp)

Xtext Specifics


Best Practice

Monkey sees - Monkey does (look at JDT), In the end a it’s a CompositeRefactoring, which is a CompletionProposal Save Actions

Similar to clean up actions but performed on save


Format on save, Organize imports on save

Eclipse API

None, JDT specific (see IPostSaveListener)

Xtext Specifics


Best Practice

XtextDocumentProvider.doSaveDocument (maybe better solutions in the future ;-) ) Auto Edit

Auto edit is about closing braces that just have been typed, adding indentation after a line break the code snippet if (true) so basically it should be unobtrusive typing aids.

By default, restore model structure when editing (guide the user to proper text formatting, help the parser). Should not be used for other purposes in order to not hinder the user’s flow of editing.


( → ( <cursor> )

Eclipse API


Xtext Specifics

org.eclipse.xtext.ui.editor.autoedit.AbstractEditStrategy, some utility methods + implements VerifyKeyListener. May use the ISourceViewer via implements ISourceViewerAware

Best Practices

Keep it as it is.

Fun example but not useful in practice cf. FantasticAutoEditStrategy Template Proposals

More sophisticated edit utils that are invoked by means of content assist.


sysout → System.out.println(<cursor> );

Eclipse API

Part of the completion proposal API, e.g. ICompletionProposal

Xtext Specifics

org.eclipse.xtext.ui.editor.contentassist.ITemplateProposalProvider, template contexts along the grammar rules by default, need to be stripped down to become usable.

Best Practice

ship some: create them manually in workbench, export them as XML, fix XML file (add IDs, in Xtext documentation), put XML file in folder templates in UI plugin where propose a certain proposal: customize XtextTemplateContextTypeRegistry (bind subclass, override register context types) – by default too many context types are registered placeholders inside templates specific to Xtext – RTFM Outline View / Quick Outline

Structural represenation of the file contents (usually with different filter and sorting strategies).


Outline View (but not Navigator nor package explorer), Quick Outline (in Xtext: same provider)

Eclipse API


Xtext Specifics

Lazy tree creation, syncing via EObject ranges, thread save access to the EObject from nodes. Declarative API to create the tree contents. org.eclipse.xtext.ui.editor.outline.impl.DefaultOutlineTreeProvider + allow actions on outline nodes (e.g., goto referenced file in import of outline)

Best Practice
  • Produced from semantic model, tree structure of outline nodes

    • show tree based on TypeModel, maybe filter out elements w/o SyntaxElements (with type model, this should be rather cheap!)

    • use icons and styled labels (first user impression!)

  • May run in the background (BackgroundOutlineTreeProvider)

  • done lazily

  • workflow: reconceiler: outline is a model listener

Helpful tools for icons in outline view: Navigator, Package Explorer, Project Explorer

three explorers , Navigator latest and most extensible one

Best Practices

use Navigator only! (RTFM, nothing specific to Xtext yet)

cf. http://projects.eclipse.org/projects/technology.handly read index and show it in the navigator Hyperlinking and Navigation

Linking (propose multiple linking targets, e.g. goto declaration or goto implementation when CTRL (or other modifier) + Left Mouse Click on method when receiver type is interface - show all available implementations)


Go to declaration, Go to implementation, Go to super

Eclipse API


Xtext Specifics

org.eclipse.xtext.ui.editor.hyperlinking.DefaultHyperlinkDetector, navigation to EObject URI most interesting: SIGNIFICANT cf. org.eclipse.xtext.resource.ILocationInFileProviderExtension.RegionDescription

Best Practice
  • subclass and bind IHyperlinkHelper (returns an array of possible links, first one is the default)

  • also see ILocationInFileProviderExtension (cf. navigation to syntax elements instead of types) Syntax and Semantic Coloring

Coloring based on the lexical tokens or based on the semantic tokens (the parsed model). The parser may treat certain lexical keywords as valid identifiers in some contexts. Some of those should not appear as keywords. Semantic coloring is usually more expensive to compute thus run in the background and with some delay


Numbers, String literals (lexical) Escape sequences in Strings, method calls, property read / write access (semantic)

Eclipse API

org.eclipse.jface.text.presentation.IPresentationDamager org.eclipse.jface.text.presentation.IPresentationRepairer org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.ITokenScanner + Scan for tokens and associate text attributes with tokens. Compute the region of the document that has to be recolored after a text change. Tokens may not overlap. + Also Eclipse provides Themes that are styled via CSS. Coloring can be adjusted to themes where the logical names are mapped to different default values.

Xtext Specifics
  • o.e.x.ui.editor.syntaxcoloring.ITextAttributeProvider - associate Antlr token names with coloring styles (logical names of text coloring)

  • o.e.x.ui.editor.syntaxcoloring.AbstractAntlrTokenToAttributeIdMapper- convert the antlr tokens to JFace ITokens with proper text applied

  • o.e.x.ui.editor.syntaxcoloring.IHighlightingConfiguration - register logical text colorings with default values, yields a preference page and the proper configuration for the text attribute provider

  • o.e.x.ui.editor.syntaxcoloring.ISemanticHighlightingCalculator - traverse the AST and associate arbitrary ranges of the text with.

  • logical coloring names (this is a key to a style stored in the preference store), if multiple styles are returned, styles will be merged if they overlap (and if possible); JFace constraints are implicitly fulfilled

Best Practice
  • subclass DefaultSemanticHighlightingCalculator and bind ISemanticHighlightingCalculator

    • traverse resource from left to right (usually order of semantic elements – small performance improvement)

  • provide new logical style: subclass DefaultHighlightingConfiguration and bind IHighlightingConfiguration; override configure (see overridden)

  • semantic coloring always wins

  • only a few decisions can me made in lexical coloring, override lexical:

    • subclass DefaultAntlrTokenToAttributeIdMapper bind TokenTypeToStringMapper

    • e.g., color jsdoc comments differently to multiline, regex

    • e.g. color tags inside jsdocs or regex inside, use semantic coloring

    • lexical: different kind of keywords (e.g., N4JS keywords vs. JS keywords)

  • change coloring (via toggle button), possible approach:

    • (inject singleton into highlighter, state of singleton is changed by toggle button, listen to that object in the editor, calculator cannot be triggered from outside due to UI-thread issues)

    • prefered: store state in preference store and get the information then from there in the hightligher, inject PreferencestoreAccess in Calculator Code Formatter

Auto-Format Source Code, Auto-Format code inserted by code-rewrite

Eclipse API

org.eclipse.jface.text.formatter.IContentFormatter - here is the document and some range - modify at will

Xtext Specifics

Declarative Formatting API (to be deprecated) - associate formatting rules with grammar elements New formatting API (mixture of declarative and imperative) - here is the model, do what you want (space before, linebreak after, indentation increase / decrease), the engine will merge your advices and apply them to the document

Best Practice

wait for 2.8 (maybe in 2.7.x) Wizards
Wizards are used to guide the user through a sequenced set of tasks. Your plug-in can contribute wizards at predefined extension points in the workbench. It can also create and launch its own wizards.
— Eclipse Help

New N4JS Class

Eclipse API
Xtext Specifics
  • Xtend based Wizards

  • also see Formular Editor for Embedded Xtext editor

Best Practices
  • use preferences (could be hidden, so use them even if not made configurable to the user)

  • use standard JFace wizard API, use Xtend template expressions for file templates Cheat Sheets

Composite cheat sheets provide guidance through complex problems by breaking the problem into a set of smaller tasks. Composite cheat sheets are registered using the the org.eclipse.ui.cheatsheets.cheatSheetContent extension point.

— Eclipse Help

(In Scala IDE: Work Sheets), often combined with Code Snippets


Create Hello World Application

Eclipse API
Xtext Specifics

None, probably the embedded editor could be used in a REPL (Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop) Context-sensitive Help

A focused set of help topics that is related to the current context can be shown to users on demand using context-sensitive help. This form of user assistance is delivered to users when a platform-specific trigger is activated (e.g. F1 key on Windows, Ctrl+F1 on GTK, Help key on Carbon). Until Eclipse 3.1, context-sensitive help was presented in infopop windows. Since 3.1, a new Help view is the preferred way to deliver context-sensitive information to the user.

— Eclipse Help

Help in Formular Editor, Help about syntax construct, API-Help

Eclipse API
Xtext Specifics

None Hovers

Hover allow to display additional information as soon as the cursor stays on a certain text region. Some hovers can be requested by shortcuts (e.g. F2) similar to sort of an online help.

Different kind of hovers may appear depending on the context, e.g. the error hover will have higher prio than the documentation hover. Different modifier keys may be assigned to request different hover kinds while hovering a region with the mouse. (didn’t a proper code pointer, though)


Hover over method shows JSDoc, Signatures or inferred types, error / problem details

Eclipse API

org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextHover + ITextHoverExtension* - compute hover based on the region that is hovered. Various indirections with IInformationControl and IInformationControlCreator with many extension interfaces

Xtext Specifics

org.eclipse.xtext.ui.editor.hover.IEObjectHover - compute hover based on EObjects

Best Practice

see XBase hover stuff Folding

Code folding allows to skip parts of the code that are mandatory semantically but usually do not provide added value for the reader, e.g. import sections


Import section folding, folding of arbitrary methods or comments

Eclipse API

Not much there, most of that stuff is implemented specific to JDT or ODE. Projections usually only work per line, that is, a subsection of a line cannot be folded, e.g. it’s not possible to show

var x = new Map<String, List<Pair<String, Number>>>()


var x = new Map<...>()

Line only limitation in SWT (a guess, didn’t work for Sebastian otherwise)

Xtext Specifics
  • org.eclipse.xtext.ui.editor.folding.DefaultFoldingRegionProvider - here is the resource, compute the folding

  • org.eclipse.xtext.ui.editor.folding.DefaultFoldingStructureProvider - bridge between editor and custom computation, preferences etc would be read from here

  • no preference page for folding provided by Xtext

Best Practice
  • maybe limit to blocks (subclass default, bind to interface)

  • probably provide your own folding preference page Customizable validation / severity

Some problems are more important to the user than others so they want to change the severity.


Deprecation could be an error, warning or ignored (e.g. in test projects)

Eclipse API


Xtext Specifics

IssueSeverityProvider (since 2.6), Monkey sees monkey does: see subclasses of IssueSeverityProvider (we already do that) Proposals

Created by Content Assist, Quick Fixes, Quick Assist.


  • simplest case: proposals are strings to be inserted

  • or displayed string is different from inserted one (e.g. FQN vs. simple)

  • ConfigurableCompletionProposal created via factory methods in AbstractN4JSProposalProvider (*create*Pro)

  • PrefixMatcher (by default CamelCase aware) – for filtering, it usually is not necessary to use it when computing the proposal (only if it expensive to compute proposals) – that is, prefix can be ignored when computing a proposal because the prefix matcher will filter out invalid proposals anyway

  • pass a filter (Guava preodicate) to filter out (semantically invalid) proposals, cf. lookupCrossReference(..) – for the things where there are proposals created by default

  • priority defined by an int – for sorting. Cf. ContentProposalPriorities → define default priorities (constant values) in N4JS, do not add some random integers!

  • modes: bind RepeatedContentAssistProcessor and enable modeaware in ProposalProvider (e.g. for private members which require a quickfix)

  • what could be done in the background: hover, lazy (not prepared) proposals (cf. JDT), Xtext 2.7.; different situations are processed in parallel

Several changes (e.g. automatic import):

  • ConfigurableCompletionProposal.setTextApplier

  • TextApplier: can open dialogs etc., TextApplier is the callback

  • usual case: add text at cursor position and somewhere else:

    • get document in TextApplier

    • for performance, but also: do not use semantic changes in content assist, because model is broken (you will get funny things) – use model (AST) to get offset, but then insert line breaks etc. → maybe create utility class for retrieving current formattings which are then used in the text edit → maybe provide tools for retrieving certain locations (e.g. import section, field section, etc.)

    • do not create model (AST) fragments (which are then serialized), instead directly provide text

    • use TextEdit and MultiTextEdit

    • set TextViewer redraw to false and to true after the text edits were applied

    • have proper TESTS to ensure that file is not broken after the changes

  • LinkedEditing:

    • Linked-Editing mode in ConfigurableCompletionProposal with one editing group only (basically: move the cursor somewhere after editing it, see setSimpleLinkedMode)

    • do it manually: cf. LinkedPositionGroup (see call hierarchy of constructor) – used for quick fixes or refactorings rather for content assist

15.1.2. Non-Eclipse UI Concepts

The following entries are not necessarily implemented yet. Overlays

An overlay is a small annotation similar to an hover, attached to a specific location in the editor and is moved with that location.


Show inferred types Goto (Inferred) Type

Navigate to an inferred type (or other invisible information) Postfix Completion

(IntelliJ) Replace code AFTER an expression

15.2. User Interface Resources

15.2.1. Icons

In parts, the N4JS IDE re-uses some of the icons that come with the Eclipse Platform as well as the Eclipse JDT development environment. However, in some cases we also provide our own icons to illustrate N4JS-specific concepts. Eclipse Platform Icons

When re-using the Eclipse Platform Icons, the icons are usually copied over to the icons/ folder of the org.eclipse.n4js.ui bundle. In this folder, the README.adoc file keeps book on the origin of all the collected icons (e.g. different Eclipse Projects). N4JS Specific Icons

In some cases, the icons the Eclipse eco-system provides do not suffice to sensibly express N4JS concepts. In these cases we provide our own icons. When designing those we try to imitate the general Eclipse artstyle in order for our icons to integrate well with the overall appearance of Eclipse.

For the creation of new icons, the eclipse-svg-icons repository (see https://github.com/Seung-Yoon/eclipse-svg-icons) has proven helpful. The repository contains raw SVG files which can be used to reproduce the bitmap icons that are contained in, for instance, the org.eclipse.platform.ui or org.eclipse.jdt.ui bundle. Based on that, common vector-graphics editing software may be used to further adapt color, form and style of existing icons (e.g. Inkscape https://inkscape.org/en/). High Resolution Icons

With the Neon release, Eclipse SWT introduced explicit support for high-DPI monitors (see https://www.eclipse.org/eclipse/news/4.6/platform.php#swt-autoscale). In order to provide a good user experience, we want to provide high-DPI support for as many of our icons as possible. For that, it suffices to simply provide an alternative resource with higher resolution by appending the prefix @2x to its name (e.g. class.png and class@2x.png). Code-wise, no adjustments are required. In case of copied Eclipse Platform Icons, most of the time a corresponding 2x-version can be obtained from the original source. In case of N4JS Specific Icons, we export all icons in the resolutions 16x16 and 32x32. For that, it is of particular importance to make sure that the scaling is done in accordance with the native resolution (cf. pixel perfect scaling, also see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Native_resolution).

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