The scenario files you need for this tutorial are not included in the Eclipse MOSAIC zip file.

The Luxembourg SUMO Traffic (LuST) scenario is a traffic simulation scenario which aims to provide realistic traffic patterns of a common mid-size European city during an average day ( see this paper). This traffic simulation scenario for SUMO has been developed by Lara Codecá et al. and is publicly available via this GitHub repository.

Learning Objectives

The following tutorial shows, how the LuST scenario can be integrated into Eclipse MOSAIC in order to assess your own mobile application at large scale. After completing this tutorial you will be able to:

  • Integrate an external SUMO simulation scenario into Eclipse MOSAIC.

  • Simulate large amounts of traffic.

Also, you can use this scenario as a blueprint for integrating your own prepared SUMO scenarios into Eclipse MOSAIC.

Overview of the simulation site of the LuST scenario

The LuST scenario:

Execute the LuST scenario with Eclipse MOSAIC

You can find a prepared Eclipse MOSAIC scenario for the LuST scenario in the pre-installed scenario directory. However, to get this scenario working, you need to execute the following steps:

  1. In the subdirectory sumo of the LuST scenario directory, you can find several scripts which will help you to download the actual SUMO scenario from the official sources on GitHub. Depending on which operating system you use and which version control system client you have installed, you can use one of the provided batch or shell script files. If you do not have a git or svn client installed, you can also manually download and unzip the SUMO scenario from LuST Scenario. Please note that the SUMO scenario must be placed inside the sumo subdirectory of the scenario.

  2. To run

mosaic.bat -s LuST

Please note that the execution of this scenario might take a long time, due to the massive amount of vehicles simulated in this scenario. If you want to assess your mobility applications in combination with further simulators (e.g. cell), the simulation might slow down even more.

Finally, you can map your own applications onto vehicles using the prepared mapping_config.json. Please note that applications can only be mapped for each vehicle type (see limitations below). Furthermore, you can activate any communication simulator, such as cell or SNS, to integrate communication simulation into your assessment.

Current limitations

The integration of the LuST scenario is currently a work in progress and therefore not all features are available. The following limitations currently exist: