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DSA Compliance Disclosure

Last Updated: 6 February 2025

This page was created to ensure our adherence to the Digital Services Act (DSA). It includes information on our content management and moderation practices across our various online platforms.

Table of Contents

Semi-Annual Moderation Report

This table provides transparency regarding key statistics for our moderation practices across our online platforms from 1 July 2024 to 31 December 2024.

WebsiteTotal Actions TakenContent RemovedContent AlteredReason: SpamReason: Violation of ToUUser NotifiedAppeals ReceivedAppeals Upheld
Adoptium Marketplace00000000
Eclipse Bugzilla00000000
Eclipse Chat Service00000000
Eclipse Forums44040000
Eclipse GitHub22020000
Eclipse GitLab66060000
Eclipse Marketplace22020000
Eclipse Newsroom21110000
Jakarta Blogs00000000
Open VSX66006600
Eclipse Wiki00000000
Planet Eclipse00000000

Moderation Practices & Algorithm Information

The general moderation guidelines for the Eclipse Foundation’s web properties include removing content that:

  1. Is off-topic for the conversation or content
  2. Include third-party links with misleading labels
  3. Unsolicited advertisements
  4. AI-generated content or incomprehensible text
  5. Contains illegal material or exposes personal risk (e.g., residential address)
  6. Reveals secrets (e.g. passwords) or infringes on intellectual property
  7. Appears to manipulate posting requirements or limits
  8. Is believed to be spam or in violation of our policies
  9. The content was submitted in a language not supported by the platform. All our sites default to English unless the platform explicitly supports multiple languages. This is to ensure that the content is accessible to our global audience

These guidelines are designed to ensure that all content on Eclipse Foundation web properties respects user privacy, aligns with our policies and processes, including our Terms of Use, our Privacy Policy, and our Community Code of Conduct, and maintains the integrity and quality expected by our community.

To dispute a moderation decision, or to report any content that may violate our Terms of Use or the Digital Service Act (DSA), please contact

Adoptium Marketplace


The Adoptium Marketplace promotes high-quality, TCK certified and Eclipse AQAvit verified runtimes for use across the Java ecosystem.

For details on our publication guidelines, please visit our Adoptium® Marketplace Publisher Guide page and the Adoptium® Software Products Marketplace Policy page.

Eclipse Bugzilla


Eclipse Bugzilla is a bug-tracking and reporting platform for the Eclipse community. This platform allows users and developers to submit and discuss issues related to Eclipse projects.

Content moderation is done when users report content that does not adhere to Eclipse Foundation’s moderation guidelines. A foundation staff member will review and remove it if necessary.

Eclipse Chat Service


Eclipse Chat Service is a messaging platform for the Eclipse community, built on the Matrix protocol for secure, decentralized communication.

Content moderation is performed when users report content that does not adhere to the Eclipse Foundation’s moderation guidelines. A foundation staff member or project maintainer will review and remove content if necessary. Additionally, an automated moderation tool is used to detect and remove spam.

Eclipse Forums


The Eclipse Forums is an interactive platform where the Eclipse community can engage in discussions, seek help, share information, and collaborate on various topics related to Eclipse projects and technologies.

Content moderation is done when users report content that does not adhere to Eclipse Foundation’s moderation guidelines. A foundation staff member will review and remove it if necessary.

Eclipse GitHub


GitHub is a third-party platform used by the Eclipse Foundation to host and manage open-source projects. It allows users to submit issues, participate in discussions, and collaborate on code development.

Content moderation is performed when users report content that does not adhere to the Eclipse Foundation’s moderation guidelines. A foundation staff member or project maintainer will review and remove content if necessary.

Eclipse GitLab


GitLab is a DevOps platform for Git repository management, issue tracking, and CI/CD for open source projects. This is a self-managed instance of Gitlab maintained by the Eclipse Foundation.

Content moderation is done when users report content that does not adhere to Eclipse Foundation’s moderation guidelines. A foundation staff member will review and remove it if necessary.

Additionally, an automated spam detection system analyzes content and when triggered it automatically deletes the content and associated user account.

Eclipse Marketplace


The Eclipse Marketplace is a community-powered marketplace platform for promoting solutions and services related to Eclipse technologies.

Details on our moderation guidelines and content algorithm can be found on our Marketplace Client Content Inclusion Policy page.

Eclipse Newsroom


The Eclipse Newsroom is a platform that enables staff and members of the Eclipse community to submit news, events and resources such as, but not limited to case studies, white papers and market reports. These submissions are featured across various websites operated by the Eclipse Foundation

Each submission is reviewed by staff before publication to ensure it adheres to Eclipse Foundation’s moderation guidelines

Jakarta Blogs


Jakarta Blog is a website that aggregates blog posts from diverse contributors in the Jakarta EE community. It serves as a platform where individuals interested in cloud native Java innovation can share their insights, updates, and thoughts.

Before a new feed is added to Jakarta Blog, our staff will review the current content to ensure it follows both the Eclipse Foundation’s moderation guidelines and the Jakarta Blog guidelines.

Open VSX Registry


The Open VSX Registry is a vendor-neutral, open-source platform managed by the Eclipse Foundation for publishing and downloading VS Code extensions.

All publishers must sign the Eclipse Foundation Open VSX Publisher Agreement and ensure that their extensions are properly licensed.

Listings on the site are sorted by relevance by default, which is calculated based on user ratings, download counts, and the publishing date of the extension. Unverified extensions are assigned a lower relevance score, while those that are recently updated are given a higher score. This algorithm ensures that relevant extensions are prioritized for the end users.

Eclipse Wiki


The Eclipse Wiki is a collaborative content editing platform for the Eclipse community.

Content moderation is done when users report content that does not adhere to Eclipse Foundation’s moderation guidelines. A foundation staff member will review and remove it if necessary.

Planet Eclipse


Planet Eclipse is a website that aggregates and displays blog posts from various contributors within the Eclipse community. It serves as a platform where individuals interested in Eclipse technology can share their insights, updates, and thoughts.

Before a new feed is added to Planet Eclipse, our staff will review its existing content to ensure it follows both the Eclipse Foundation’s moderation guidelines and the Planet Eclipse guidelines.

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