Install Eclipse Kanto

Run Eclipse Kanto on your edge device.

Before you begin

The containerd Debian package is required. You can install it manually or run:

curl -fsSL | sh

Install Eclipse Kanto

Choose the Eclipse Kanto Debian package for your target device architecture from the ones available at the project’s GitHub Releases page. Download and install it via executing the following (adjusted to your package name):

wget && \
sudo apt install ./kanto_0.1.0-M3_linux_x86_64.deb


It’s important to check if all the services provided by the Eclipse Kanto package are up and running successfully. You can quickly do that via executing:

systemctl status \
suite-connector.service \
container-management.service \
software-update.service \
file-upload.service \
file-backup.service \

All listed services must be in an active running state.

What’s next

Explore via Eclipse Hono

Last modified December 20, 2023