Contributing guide

Thanks for being interested in contributing to Eclipse JKube!

A picture of multiple concrete cubes aligned in a grid
A picture of multiple concrete cubes aligned in a grid

Want to contribute?

Great! We try to make it easy, and all contributions, even the smaller ones, are more than welcome.

This includes bug reports, fixes, documentation, examples... But first, please read this page.

All original contributions to Eclipse JKube are licensed under the Eclipse Public License - v2.0.

The first step before submitting any pull request is singing an Eclipse Contributor Agreement. To complete this step you'll need an Eclipse account.

Reporting an issue

Eclipse JKube uses GitHub to manage the issues. Please open an issue directly in GitHub.

If you believe you found a bug (It's very likely you did), please open an issue indicating a way to reproduce it, what you are seeing and what you are expecting to see.

If you want your issue to be resolved quickly, please include in your issue:

  • Operating System
  • Eclipse JKube version
  • Java version
  • Maven/Gradle version
  • Target cluster version (Kubernetes, OpenShift, Minikube, CRC, etc.)

Before you contribute

To contribute use GitHub pull requests from your own fork.

All commits must be signed-off by a user that has signed the Eclipse Contributor Agreement.

Code reviews

All reviews, including submissions by project members, need to be reviewed before being merged by the project official committers.

Tests and documentation are not optional

Don't forget to include unit tests in your pull requests along with documentation (Reference information, javadoc, etc.).

Project Setup

You can also use Gitpod to contribute without install anything on your computer. Click here to start a workspace.

IDE Config and Code Style

Code formatting is done by the Eclipse code formatter using the configuration files found in the ide-config directory.

Eclipse IDE Setup

Open the Preferences window, and then navigate to Java -> Code Style -> Formatter. Click Import and then select the eclipse-format.xml file in the ide-config directory.

Next navigate to Java -> Code Style -> Organize Imports. Click Import and select the eclipse.importorder file in the ide-config directory.

IntelliJ IDEA Setup

Open the Preferences window (or Settings depending on your edition), navigate to Plugins and install the Eclipse Code Formatter Plugin from the Marketplace.

Restart your IDE, open the Preferences (or Settings) window again and navigate to Other Settings -> Eclipse Code Formatter.

Select Use the Eclipse Code Formatter, then change the Eclipse Java Formatter Config File to point to the eclipse-format.xml file in the ide-config directory.

Make sure the Optimize Imports box is ticked, and select the eclipse.importorder file as the import order config file.

IntelliJ Eclipse Code Formatter Settings